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General, previously classified information about some of the projects of The Armed Forces of Skalliad

★ ★ ★ The Armed States of Skalliad ★ ★ ★

The information was declassified by Order #1915 of the 1st Acting President of The Armed States of Skalliad — Tina Armstrong. Most of the information remains Top Secret. The publicly available information will be updated every 10 years from the date of its initial disclosure, until the above order is revoked by the Government.

Traffic Light Protocol (TLP): White/Clear.

The Armed Forces of Skalliad

Projects not mentioned here are either still classified or their development has been discontinued. Most of the projects listed below are still in development, using the latest technology to improve them. All weapons are used in the most ethical manner possible, and exclusively against the governments and armed forces of enemy states, as well as against dangerous criminals.

For the sake of secrecy, this document presents images generated by a neural network depicting similar objects, rather than actual photographs of the objects. Due to this, the images may have inaccuracies.

Project 6 "Heat of the Sun": Plasma weapons:

Plasma weapons were developed in the early decades of Skalliad's existence, when only weapons that use powder and explosives were used by the soldiers of The Armed Forces. Contrary to popular misconception, plasma weapons do not fire plasma projectiles, but are merely an improved flamethrowers, because at the moment it is impossible to manipulate plasma on such an advanced level. Thus, plasma weapons exist only in the form of "plasmathrowers" of various sizes. These weapons are designed exclusively for close combat, because plasma quickly dissipates, but despite this, they are extremely useful for clearing enemy trenches and buildings, as well as for destroying enemy military equipment. They are available as handheld rifles, mobile armored units, and huge stationary systems.

Project 7 "The Last Song": Acoustic weapons:

Acoustic weapons can use infrasound, sound, and ultrasound to disperse large concentrations of living beings (at places of riots, during attacks by predatory animals, and in other cases) and to incapacitate or kill enemy living beings. It can be configured to hit multiple targets or single target. To maximize effectiveness, the acoustic weapons' operating parameters can be automatically or manually selected for each type of target. In some cases, acoustic weapons are capable of penetrating some of the hearing protection used by their targets. They are available as handheld rifles, mobile armored units, and huge stationary systems.

Project 13 "One Million Cuts": Mega-shrapnel:

Mega-shrapnel is a new stage of development after missiles and artillery shells with shrapnel, and is designed for mass destruction of enemy military equipment over a huge area. With much less efficiency, it can also be used for mass killing of enemy living beings. To deliver mega-shrapnel payload into the stratosphere, reusable space rockets and special military aircraft are used. Once the payload are deployed, they descend to the required altitude, gaining speed through gravity and built-in thrusters, and then fire up to one million projectiles directly at the target in a special way that ensures that they cover a large area. The projectiles are shaped to effectively penetrate most types of military armor, as well as inflict lethal damage to enemy living beings. They are made of a specially developed material that is heavy and durable as well as able to withstand high temperatures.

Project 20 "The Slingshot": Rocket railguns:

Rocket railguns are stationary weapons of colossal size that are located throughout Skalliad. They are able to rapidly rotate around their axis by 360 degrees, and change their angle, adjusting to the target that needs to be hit. Instead of metal projectiles, they use special hypersonic missiles with different payloads. However, they can still use metal projectiles if necessary. Rocket railguns not only allow the missiles to accelerate to even higher speeds to penetrate enemy anti-air and anti-missile defenses, but they themselves are part of the Skalliad's anti-air and anti-missile defense. Therefore, they can be used for both attack and defense. Missiles for rocket railguns are designed to be capable of withstanding tremendous overloads during their launch, because it is impossible to use ordinary missiles.

Project 22 "Sky Network": Swarms of autonomous drones:

Most drones, as well as autonomous aircraft in general are controlled by "Project 39 "The Allied Mastercomputer". Swarms of heavy combat drones provide security throughout the nation by helping to identify and neutralize/eliminate criminals, as well as they are used in warfare. They can very precisely shoot with different rifles, drop bombs and other items, see in the dark, recognize heat, shoot with tasers, and even see through walls, thanks to the newest technology. They also use the newest batteries that provide a few weeks of autonomous work, and when their charge is low (or when they need to get supplies or change weapons), the drones can automatically use the nearest recharging/resupplying stations that are placed on the roofs of many buildings and on the battlefield. There are also autonomous high-speed drones, which are the backbone of the anti-air and anti-missile defense, and which constantly remain in the air over cities, strategic facilities, and near the country's borders to immediately identify and destroy any missile, projectile, or aircraft that intrudes into Skalliad's airspace. This makes it possible to shoot down a tremendous number of enemy targets using only cheap drones, providing a defense against targeted, massive attacks on one or more targets within Skalliad.

Project 24 "The Almighty Hand": Geophysical weapons:

Geophysical weapons use certain methods to manipulate natural processes, allowing us to control events that were previously considered random or uncontrollable. Therefore, it allows to create artificial natural disasters and severe weather that can cause the weakening or destruction of another country. There are many methods of using geophysical weapons, from creating severe weather conditions for enemy armed forces, or causing problems for the enemy's electronics and communications, to destroying entire cities. It also allows Skalliad to prevent natural disasters that could harm our country, or at least to know about them in advance with a high degree of accuracy, allowing us to prepare for their occurrence and minimize the damage that will be inflicted. This project utilizes special emitters in the form of pyramids of dark material scattered throughout Skalliad.

Project 30 "The Piercing Spear": Kinetic weapons:

Kinetic weapons are the primary, and most advanced type of weapon used by The Armed Forces of Skalliad. It uses cartridges with projectiles of different sizes, which depend on the size of the kinetic weapon. In addition, these projectiles can be shaped differently to suit different purposes. For example, one shape may be better at penetrating armor while another may have a longer range. These projectiles are made of the latest metal alloy, which allows them to withstand extremely high temperatures and not deform under high stress and strain. In turn, kinetic weapons accelerate them to extremely high speeds to hit the target. They are available as handheld rifles, mobile armored units, huge stationary systems, and as combat satellites.

Project 32 "The Bear Den": Autonomous shelters:

This project was created as a next step in protecting the people and Government of Skalliad in the event of war, pandemic, natural disaster, and other emergencies. It led to the development and then construction of tens of millions of modular, scalable, autonomous shelters. Because of this, there are now almost no buildings left in Skalliad that do not have quick access to an autonomous shelter, allowing the vast majority of Skalliad's population to survive various threats if necessary. The project also allowed Skalliad to gain tremendous experience in building underground autonomous facilities, train a large number of certified specialists, and create a developed highly specialized industry for this purpose, which greatly aided The Armed Forces of Skalliad, and eventually led to the construction of "The Great Skalliadian Shelter". It is located beneath the center of Skallia, the capital of Skalliad, and it is where members of the Government and maintenance staff permanently work and sometimes live. It was built to protect the entire Government of Skalliad from any kind of threat, and it is the most secure, deepest, and largest structure in the country. Its dimensions are 5 x 5 x 2 kilometers or 3.1 x 3.1 x 1.24 miles (length, width and height). In case of an emergency, it can accommodate significant part of the city's population.

Project 39 "The Allied Mastercomputer": Military Artificial Intelligence (MAI):

Military Artificial Intelligence (MAI) is the most advanced Artificial Intelligence in the world, and one of only three successful cases of the use of AI to command and control the armed forces. Over the past 100 years, there have been dozens of other such attempts, but almost all of them have resulted in a huge number of casualties following the hacking of such AIs or after they went out of control. After that, most nations abandoned their use, or attempted to correct their mistakes. However, in the case of Skalliad, thanks to numerous security measures, the use of the best specialists, and learning from others' mistakes, MAI has become an example that the use of AI can be safe and reliable. Right now, MAI is in full control of a colossal number of autonomous systems, including autonomous drones, turrets, aircraft, and combat satellites. MAI also assists humans in the use and maintenance of military vehicles and weapons, as well as partially controls the combat exosuits from "Project 72 "The Unstoppable Titan" and assists soldiers using augmented reality and voice hints.

MAI uses a decentralized network of classified data centers located in various parts of Skalliad deep underground. In the event of MAI being hacked or getting out of control, there are multiple ways to disable it, all of which are unknown to it, and which are made in such a way that it cannot prevent their use. If the MAI is disabled, The Armed Forces of Skalliad will not lose hints, nor will they lose the ability to use autonomous systems, but their effectiveness will be greatly reduced as they will switch to using their local, isolated AI. Additionally, all parts of the MAI utilize secure homomorphic encryption to prevent it from being hacked, and it also has a system for autonomously identifying and fixing vulnerabilities.

Project 53 "The Shadow Lord": Invisible exosuit:

The latest advances in materials science, engineering, optics and electronics have allowed us to create a fairly thin exosuit that can make its owner 99% invisible for as long as there is enough charge in the built-in batteries, which can be recharged also from the owner's heat and movements. It also provides freedom of movement, makes no noise, temporarily supplies the owner with oxygen in water and vacuum, and conceals the owner for thermal imaging devices. Finally, "Project 39 "The Allied Mastercomputer" provides enhanced information about the invisible exosuit, its owner, and the surrounding environment through the use of augmented reality. The invisible exosuit is used exclusively by elite Special Forces and Armed Forces units, agents of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and certain persons who are under government protection.

Project 54 "The Blood System": Mega-subway:

Mega-subway is at first glance only a civilian project, which makes it surprising that it was developed and built by The Armed Forces of Skalliad. However, as it is often the case, military projects can be useful for both military and civilians at the same time. The same is true for this project. It is a multi-level subway of colossal scale, spanning the entire territory of Skalliad in Europe (51st State of Ukraine). The Mega-subway is built at a very deep depth to protect it from attacks by strategic weapons and bunker buster missiles, it is completely airtight through the use of the very advanced materials, and in the event of a leak, it has a double pumping system to pump out the water. It is also built on anti-seismic mechanisms to protect the Mega-subway from strong earthquakes and the damage they can cause, as well as it is fully protected from biological and chemical weapons, in cases where they would be used both outside and inside.

Additionally, the Mega-subway is connected to many underground mobilization centers, Military Storages, civilian autonomous shelters, and the Great Skalliad Shelter from "Project 32 "The Bear Den", which made this Mega-subway project possible. It is used to transport members of the Government, civilians, soldiers, military equipment and cargo across the country, and is divided into two parallel branches, civilian and government, which in turn are divided into short-haul and long-haul branches. Security in the Mega-subway is maintained by soldiers, as well as autonomous drones and turrets controlled by "Project 39 "The Allied Mastercomputer". It is also responsible for coordinating the transportation of soldiers, military equipment and military cargo, therefore speeding them up a bit. The Mega-subway is capable of transporting many billions of people, far more than the current population of Skalliad, and its capabilities can be expanded even further if necessary. It uses high-speed maglevs in vacuum tubes as trains.

Project 55 "Pandora's Box": Fuel-less drive:

This project is the most technologically advanced and complicated project that Skalliad has ever had, has, and probably will have in the near future. Its execution was made possible due to the very difficult military operation in the Universe of a very advanced nation spanning several galaxies, conducted at a time when it was engaged in a full-scale galactic war against an equal opponent. The survivors of the military operation are unanimous in calling it a "Suicide Mission". Despite the loss of a huge number of soldiers and a large amount of military equipment, we managed to capture the debris of a spaceship with intact drives, which fell to the planet, and then at the cost of great efforts were delivered to the nearest Monolith and then to Skalliad. In addition, valuable scientific information was obtained, which later helped our scientists in their research. This information, as well as reverse engineering, allowed us to make significant advances in materials science, engineering, physics, electronics, and other sciences. But most importantly, we have learned how to recreate similar drives that operate in both planetary atmospheres and the vacuum of space, using only electricity. Research is still ongoing, as our copies of such engines have only 10% of the efficiency of their original versions, despite the fact that the principles of their operation are the same. Nevertheless, this is already enough to fulfill all our goals.

Project 56 "The Gift from Beyond": Advanced batteries:

A project made possible by "Project 55 "Pandora's Box". As a result of a scientific breakthrough due to this project, scientists were able to develop batteries that were 11 times more powerful and safer than the batteries that existed at the time. This had a significant impact on the economy and all areas of life, as batteries are used in the vast majority of devices, machinery, vehicles, equipment and other things.

Project 57 "Flying Fortress": Hybrid support aircraft carrier:

With the completion of "Project 55 "Pandora's Box" and "Project 56 "The Gift from Beyond", The Armed Forces of Skalliad have achieved the opportunity to make The Air Force completely independent of land-based military bases, the only places where it is possible to repair/resupply/recharge military equipment, as well as provide rest for soldiers. This goal has been achieved through the development of hybrid flying aircraft carriers capable of both sailing and flying. The size of the first version of hybrid aircraft carriers already entering service is 500 meters long, 200 meters wide, and 100 meters high. They are used as airborne command posts, mobile military bases, resting places for soldiers, transport vehicles, repair/resupply/recharge centers, and as flagships of Air Force fleets. Hybrid aircraft carriers carry one hundred convertiplanes and one hundred fighters each. They are equipped with eight engines, ten compact fusion reactors, huge batteries, powerful hybrid anti-air and anti-missile defenses, two large railguns, various strategic weapons and conventional missiles. The crew size of each hybrid aircraft carrier is 5000 soldiers. A hybrid aircraft carriers has no deck in the usual sense. Instead, it is located inside the ships, covered by armor, which can be accessed through automatic airlocks. Ultimately, hybrid aircraft carriers allow The Armed Forces of Skalliad to increase the range of military operations, conduct them more confidently in unknown or enemy Universes, and greatly enhance support for ground forces.

Project 58 "Ancient Warriors": Battle archosaurs:

Skalliadians are known to love animals and weapons. Therefore, thanks to advances in genetic engineering, Skalliadian scientists were able to revive many archosaurs, particularly many species from groups such as dinosaurs and pterosaurs, using ancient DNA, which in some cases was significantly reconstructed. The Armed Forces of Skalliad use archosaurs in warfare, sending them to clear enemy territory, as well as using them as "live drones" and cargo transports. Most archosaurs are equipped with armor that covers most of their body, as well as automatic weapons controlled by "Project 39 "The Allied Mastercomputer". Archosaurs are controlled through the use of special implants implanted in their brains, which send weak electrical impulses in a special way, that allow to set the direction of movement or flight of the archosaurs, prevent them from attacking the soldiers of The Armed Forces of Skalliad and allies, as well as make them more aggressive in battle. According to numerous studies, this method of control does not hurt archosaurs, nor does it affect their psyche. A small number of archosaurs also live peacefully in zoos located across Skalliad.

Project 60 "The Forbidden Fruit": Perfect soldiers:

Thanks to Skalliad's advancements in psychiatry, psychology, medicine, pharmaceuticals, engineering, materials science, genetics and biology in general, we have been able to develop and run a program that allows us to breed and raise perfect soldiers. Despite the fact that this project is considered unethical and inhumane by some people, it allows the Government of Skalliad to handle many highly specialized tasks that require as little chance of error as possible and that cannot be performed by automated systems. The project was originally created for The Armed Forces of Skalliad, but more recently the Government of Skalliad has also begun to use it on a limited basis for peaceful, civilian tasks. The main argument that the project is ethical and humane is the fact that it is based on the legitimate and common practice when parents raise their children for a specific purpose, using special parenting, which in this case is used for the good of all citizens of Skalliad as opposed to dubious personal gain.

This project is implemented in the most ethical way possible, without involving other people in the process, as automatic incubators are used to breed perfect soldiers. For this purpose, large quantities of genetic material were taken from two citizens of Skalliad, female and male, selected from several tens of thousands of volunteers, which was then significantly modified. This particular genetic material is what has been used to create perfect soldiers for many decades by now. The standard of perfect soldiers requires a height of two meters or more, excellent health, high physical characteristics, absence of any fears, feelings and emotions, physical absence of pain thanks to DNA modification, and finally, high mental characteristics.

Throughout their lives, perfect soldiers are constantly studying and taking tests, which develops them both physically and mentally, and which also allows the Government of Skalliad to correct or prevent inappropriate or dangerous behavior in time. Because of this, all adult perfect soldiers are excellent soldiers and doctors, they have a vast knowledge of the world, are able to survive in almost any environment, are stronger, more agile, and healthier than most citizens of Skalliad, and most importantly, they have an excellent understanding of ethics. Regarding the latter, the Government of Skalliad takes significant efforts to ensure that perfect soldiers do not commit crimes because of their unique characteristics, and that they do not consider themselves to be better or worse than ordinary people, and vice versa. Every perfect soldier always has the opportunity to leave a guaranteed lifetime government job and start living an ordinary life, receiving a large monthly welfare payment, or to exercise the right for free voluntary euthanasia. In the first case, this is possible only after undergoing a procedure to restore the ability to feel pain.

Project 63 "A New Life Form": Synthetics:

A new stage of development after androids controlled by Artificial Intelligence that are not maximally similar to humans. Synthetics have a more smart Artificial Intelligence, almost completely indistinguishable from humans, capable of having their own personalities, memory and self-awareness, as well as ability to analyze any information and learn. Internally, they consist of advanced components that in many ways mimic the internal structure of humans, but externally, synthetics are completely indistinguishable from humans, both visually and tactilely, thanks to advanced synthetic materials. According to a recent study involving 25000 people, 96.4% of the subjects considered that a synthetic is human after visually inspecting them and interacting with them for an extended period of time. Therefore, this allows The Armed Forces of Skalliad to use synthetics as spies and soldiers, for particularly dangerous missions, who are also able to self-destruct if necessary. However, synthetics have also been used in peaceful activities by the Government of Skalliad, various companies and individuals. They have the constitutional status of full citizens of Skalliad, if they have undergone state registration after their creation and initial launch.

Project 66 "Leviathan": The first combat spacecraft:

Thanks to "Project 57 "Flying Fortress" we were able to test everything necessary for this project, which made it possible to start and complete it, opening the way for Skalliad to populate the entire Solar System and probably nearby star systems. The first spaceship was named "SKS "Hero", in memory of the Skalliadians who volunteered to sacrifice themselves, without whom "Project 55 "Pandora's Box" and all subsequent related projects would not have been possible. However, Skalliad has no such plans at the moment, because other large-scale tasks and problems need to be solved first. At the moment, SKS Hero is used to transport cargo within Earth and between Earth and the Moon, as well as for defense of Skalliad and the whole Earth. The size of the spacecraft is 1 kilometer long, 500 meters wide, and 250 meters high. The crew size is 5000 people. It is equipped with ten engines, three large fusion reactors, huge batteries, powerful hybrid anti-air/space and anti-missile defenses, four large railguns, and four neutron beams. SKS Hero can autonomously stay in space for two years. The production of several more such combat spaceships is potentially possible, but it is not needed at the moment.

Project 70 "Sunbeam": Laser weapons:

Not long ago, due to some reasons, the development of laser weapons was almost nonexistent, unlike kinetic weapons, acoustic weapons, and plasma weapons. They were only used in anti-air and anti-missile defense systems. However, recently, through reverse engineering, we researched laser rifles and laser combat satellites received from our ally and were able to modify them using our technology and knowledge. All of this has led to the creation of this project of laser weapons. They are available as handheld rifles, mobile armored units, huge stationary systems, and as combat satellites.

Project 72 "The Unstoppable Titan": Combat exosuits:

At the moment, medicine in Skalliad can cure most health problems. In this regard, the most important thing for The Armed Forces of Skalliad is to prevent the death of soldiers, which is irreversible. For this purpose, the "X-01" heavy modular combat exosuits were developed, which surpassed all previous such projects (currently classified) in almost all characteristics. This project is one of the most complicated projects of The Armed Forces of Skalliad, as combat exosuits consist of a whole complex of many different systems, which had to be placed in a fairly small space, while maintaining high repairability and usability.

Combat exosuits allow soldiers to run faster, jump from great heights, and lift enormous amounts of weight, but their primary purpose is to protect soldiers from a large number of threats. By using the latest materials and their various combinations, combat exosuits offer a high degree of protection against bullets, projectiles, explosions, impacts, and other such threats. They also protect against radiation, as well as any chemical, biological, acoustic and blinding weapons. There is a bio-toilet inside the combat exosuits, which can be automatically emptied at recharge/resupply stations or somewhere else. There are also high-capacity batteries that provide a few weeks of autonomous work, and there are supplies of ammunition and/or grenades, as well as oxygen, medical supplies, water, and liquid food. All of the above can be quickly replenished at recharge/resupply stations.

The combat exosuit systems are controlled by "Project 39 "The Allied Mastercomputer", which constantly monitors all physical and mental indicators of the soldiers, reacting in time to their deterioration. If necessary, the soldiers are automatically administered the necessary medication, or the exosuits automatically evacuate them to a safe place if they are no longer able to operate them by themselves. Thanks to augmented reality and an advanced communication system, soldiers receive a lot of useful information to help them fight, move around, receive and give orders, communicate with other soldiers, and monitor the condition of the combat exosuit. All weapons can be mounted on the arms of the combat exosuit. In order to confidently operate the combat exosuit, soldiers undergo a month-long training program. At the moment, the X-01 combat exosuits are provided to all active soldiers of The Armed Forces of Skalliad, and their reserves are gradually being replenished, as this project has only recently been completed.

★ ★ ★ The Armed States of Skalliad ★ ★ ★
