by Max Barry

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Largest Pizza Delivery Sector: 8,914thMost Extensive Civil Rights: 26,848thHighest Drug Use: 28,367th
The Commonwealth of
Civil Rights Lovefest
Better A Sandwitch Than A...
Governor / Earl of Sandwich
Civil Rights
Political Freedom

Overview Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards


Population744 million


The Commonwealth of Sandwitch is a huge, socially progressive nation, renowned for its irreverence towards religion and absence of drug laws. The democratic population of 744 million Sandwitchians hold their civil and political rights very dear, although the wealthy and those in business tend to be viewed with suspicion.

The medium-sized, liberal government juggles the competing demands of Education, Welfare, and Public Transport. The average income tax rate is 19.5%, but much higher for the wealthy.

The sizeable but inefficient Sandwitchian economy, worth 28.3 trillion rocks a year, is led by the Pizza Delivery industry, with significant contributions from Information Technology, Uranium Mining, and Furniture Restoration. State-owned companies are common. Average income is 38,102 rocks, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 2.6 times as much as the poorest.

Postmen have been arrested in job lots for selling junk mail as home insulation, polite commuters on the Sandwitch City Metro always let hurried workers off the train first, conspiracy theorists allege Sandwitch City's new subway map resembles Satanic symbols, and the Sandwitch Automotive Racing Series draws millions of spectators annually while those near the tracks complain about the noise. Crime is relatively low. Sandwitch's national animal is the horse, which can occasionally be seen sifting through garbage in the nation's cities.

Sandwitch is ranked 227,464th in the world and 1st in Sandwich for Lowest Crime Rates, with 57.49 law-abiding acts per hour.

Largest Pizza Delivery Sector: 8,914thTop
Most Extensive Civil Rights: 26,848thHighest Drug Use: 28,367thMost Rebellious Youth: 29,544th

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:

  • : Sandwitch's influence in Sandwich rose from "Hegemony" to "Hermit".
  • : Sandwitch's influence in Sandwich fell from "Hermit" to "Hegemony".
  • : Following new legislation in Sandwitch, the Sandwitch Automotive Racing Series draws millions of spectators annually while those near the tracks complain about the noise.
  • : Sandwitch created a custom banner.
  • : Sandwitch created a custom banner.
  • : Sandwitch created a custom banner.
  • : Following new legislation in Sandwitch, conspiracy theorists allege Sandwitch City's new subway map resembles Satanic symbols.
  • : Following new legislation in Sandwitch, polite commuters on the Sandwitch City Metro always let hurried workers off the train first.
  • : Following new legislation in Sandwitch, postmen have been arrested in job lots for selling junk mail as home insulation.
  • : Sandwitch agreed to construct embassies between Sandwich and Pecan Sandies.

