by Max Barry

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The State of
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System of Government

State of Saint Neots

Political system

The State of Saint Neots is a unitary parliamentary republic. The central government holds dominant authority, with the regions and local districts possessing limited devolved powers. The government is divided into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. The executive branch is led by the prime minister, who serves as the head of government, while the president serves as the ceremonial head of state. The Parliament of Saint Neots is the unicameral legislative body and is responsible for lawmaking and scrutinising the executive. The judicial branch is led by the Supreme Court, which ensures the legality and constitutionality of all governmental decisions. The regions, each with an elected devolved regional council, possess devolved powers. Local districts, governed by local councils, manage municipal matters at the closest, most relatable, and knowledgeable level to the people on a localised level away from the broad governance of the country.

Parliament of Saint Neots

The Parliament of Saint Neots is the unicameral legislature of the Republic of Saint Neots. It is the body that presides over the country legislatively and oversees the executive branch of government. It is presided over by the elected speaker of the Parliament of Saint Neots. It has 132 members known as members of Parliament. MPs directly represent the people of one of the twelve regions. MPs are elected once every five years in general elections through open-list party list proportional representation. MPs are led by floor leaders and whips but are not often suspended for defying party whips. MPs can change their political group affiliation. Following a general election or the vacancy of office, MPs nominate the prime minister to the president of Saint Neots. In the first two attempts to nominate a prime minister, a majority of votes is required by a candidate to become the nominee. On the third attempt, only a plurality is required. Parliament can be dissolved by the president on the binding advice of the prime minister.

President of Saint Neots

The president of Saint Neots serves as the head of state and is elected once every seven years by the citizens of Saint Neots through instant-runoff voting, ensuring broad public support for their role as the country’s unifying figure. The president’s role is primarily symbolic, representing the unity and continuity of the state. Once the Parliament of Saint Neots nominates a prime minister, the president appoints them to form a government. The president also appoints cabinet ministers on the advice of the prime minister. Other constitutional duties include signing legislation into law and representing the nation at some events. The president provides political stability, referees politics, and is a stabilizing figure for the country outside of politics. Parliament can be dissolved by the president on the advice of the prime minister to trigger a snap election.

Prime minister of Saint Neots

The prime minister of Saint Neots is the head of government and the chief executive of the state. Nominated by the Parliament of Saint Neots and appointed by the president, the prime minister is typically the leader of the largest party or coalition. The prime minister is responsible for forming the cabinet, directing government policy matters, managing national affairs, and usually representing Saint Neots internationally. As the head of the executive branch, the prime minister oversees the implementation of Parliament’s legislative agenda, coordinates the work of ministers, and ensures that government decisions reflect the will of the people. The prime minister’s leadership depends on retaining the confidence of Parliament, as a vote of no confidence can result in their resignation or the dissolution of Parliament for a general election by the president on the advice of the prime minister or cabinet.

Cabinet of Saint Neots

The cabinet of Saint Neots is the principal executive organ of the government, tasked with advising the prime minister and implementing government policies. The cabinet is composed of ministers appointed by the president on the advice of the prime minister. These ministers oversee specific areas of governance such as finance, education, health, defence, and foreign affairs. While ministers are often MPs, it is not a strict requirement. The cabinet is collectively accountable to the Parliament of Saint Neots and works within the framework of parliamentary democracy to ensure the laws passed by Parliament are enforced. The cabinet operates under the leadership of the prime minister and is essential in shaping and enacting policy and agenda.

Twelve regions

The State of Saint Neots is divided into twelve regions. Each region is governed by a regional council, which is elected once every three years in regional elections. The regional councils have devolved powers, allowing them to legislate on specific matters such as regional education, healthcare, transportation, and local infrastructure. These councils work within the framework of national law but handle public policy and services that are tailored to the needs of their own individual regions.

Local districts

The State of Saint Neots is divided into 82 local districts. Local districts serve as the primary units of local governance and are governed by local councils, which manage municipal services such as housing, waste management, local transportation, and community development. Local councils hold elections every two years, and local councillors represent the interests of their communities. The districts are the closest level of governance to the people, ensuring that national and regional policies are implemented at a localised level.
