by Max Barry

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Riksdag of Ruotsaland (2018-2022)

The Riksdag, also known as the Eduskunta, is the parliamentary body of the Republic of Ruotsaland, decided roughly every 4 years by the citizens in a proportionally represented system.

The election consists of competing for 201 seats in the chamber:
138 of the seats are based on the municipalities within Ruotsaland, and are elected on a basis of the largest share of votes within their municipality
63 of the seats are given based on the 9 regions (for 7 representatives each), and are elected upon the percentage of votes within that region

Current Chamber:

Socialdemokraterna- 62
• Arbete Och Frihet- 20
• Eestilandi Erakond- 6
• Alternativa- 19

Confidence and Supply:
• Kommunisterna- 8

Liberala Partiet- 48
• Branschpartiet- 14
• Ruotsademokraterna- 16
• Nya Borgerliga- 6

• Blod Och Järn- 2


The Riksdag, also known as the Eduskunta, is the parliamentary body of the Republic of Ruotsaland, decided roughly every 4 years by the citizens in a proportionally represented system.
The election consists of competing for 201 seats in the chamber:
• 138 of the seats are based on the municipalities within Ruotsaland, and are elected on a basis of the largest share of votes within their municipality
• 63 of the seats are given based on the 9 regions (for 7 representatives each), and are elected upon the percentage of votes within that region

Current Chamber:

Socialdemokraterna- 52 (- 10)
• Arbete Och Frihet- 20 (+/- 0)
• Eestilandi Erakond- 7 (+ 1)
• Alternativa- 17 (- 2)
• Kommunisterna- 12 (+ 4)

Liberala Partiet- 60 (+ 12)
• Branschpartiet- 8 (- 6)
• Ruotsademokraterna- 14 (- 2)
• Nya Borgerliga- 6 (+/- 0)
• Blod Och Järn- 5 (+ 3)


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The Republic of Ruotsaland

