by Max Barry

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Overview- Federation of Jaedonstan

Джаедонстан Федерациясы
The Federation of Jaedonstan

Motto: Әрқашан Бостандық
Always Freedom



Population: 569.6 million
-Density:~50 (per square km)

Capital: Traxa
Largest City: Barastan

Official Language:

National Language:


- Vïzïor: Sadek Slosky
- Mïnïstr of Domestic Affairs: Dimas Nomosky
- Mïnïstr of Foreign Affairs: Aaron Gregorvich
- Mïnïstr of the Armed Forces and Defense: Nicholai Beevardy
The Senate of the Federation of New Jaedonstan

  • Republic of Jaedonstan (4000 BC - 500 AD)

  • Federation of Jaedonstan (500 AD - present)

Land Area: 762,951.72 sq miles (1,976,035.9 sq km)
Water Area: ~9,878 sq miles (~25,584 sq km)
Water %: 1.3

Highest Point: 7,010 meters (Mt. Creshnedov)
Lowest Point: 132 meters (Mendeleev Valley)

GDP (nominal) 32.3 trillion Libits
Gross Average Salary: 82,466 Libits

Human Development Index : 0.994

Currency: Libit

Time Zone: UTC+06:00

Drives on the: Right

Calling code: +7

The Federation of Jaedonstan (Jaedonstonian: Джаедонстан Федерациясы, Djaedonstan Federacïyası; Old Jaedonstonain: Федератсияи Ҷаедонистон, Federatsijai Çaedoniston), also known as the Federation and Jaedonstan, is a nation in eastern Verusia, bordering the USST, and spanning a large area to the east of Tulov. It shares a border in the east with the United Socialist States of Tulov, Meuria, East Natroval, and South Illia, in the north with Northern Illia, the Monarchical Capitalist Bassarian Federation, and the Grand Order of the Third Marshall, and in the south with [undecided].

The Federation is a world power in the Verusian continent. It dominates the eastern Verusian sphere, controlling trade and politics in the region. Focused on trade and commerce, the Federation has established itself as a major economic influence and the Libit is a strong currency around the world. Aerospace and information technology are two of the largest industries in the Federation, having highly advanced aerospace power and technology. Rich in raw materials, the Federation also is mostly self-sufficient, exporting more raw resources than most other nations in the area.

The Federation also has a powerful political and military presence in the area. Four states are identified as puppet states to the Federation, not to mention the incredible influence that the Federation exercises over several of the other nations. In addition, the powerful Federation military provides sure security from outside threats or internal strife.

Jaedonstan comes from the Jaedonstonian word for "home" or another interpretation could be "land" or "country". "Jaedon", meaning ownership or possession, "stan" meaning place. The demonym used is Jaedonstonian (of Jaedonstan).

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Formative Tribal Years (c. 6000-4000 BC)

The first Jaedonstonian societies formed in 6000 BC, but true organized tribes and civilizations did not appear until several centuries later.

An artists depiction of ancient Helfast
With the establishment of Helfast in the foothills of Mount Garvah, the first truly Jaedonstonian city was born. Helfast grew and conquered the surrounding cities so that by 5200 BC, the city had created the first kingdom in Jaedonstan, ruled by the Helfast line. For three hundred years, the city ruled supreme. However, the Winter Fell caused the city’s grandeur to dissipate. From 4900 BC to 4300 BC, the much smaller town of Helfast was the largest civilization in the region.

However, by the forty-third century, the city had become much more powerful, forming the Kingdom of Helfast. Rivaled by the kingdoms of Karet and Illiv, the kingdom grew in power and might. In 4145 BC, the three rival kingdoms were joined under the single banner of Helfast after a bitter and deadly war, creating the Kingdom of Karra. The death of King Haja in 4000 BC ended the kingdom, ushering in the age of the Republic.

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Formation of the early Republic and the Early Years (c. 4000-1000 BC)

After the death of King Haja, there was no heir to take his place. Instead of crowning another man king, his advisors and court formed a new council of government. This council became the new Barodarona (Brotherhood), made up of Barodaron (Brothers). These Barodaron ruled the kingdom as the king had, gathering together from each fief and city of the kingdom to create laws. Eventually, each city formed a similar setup, electing a single member to represent them within the national Barodarona. The early Republic of Jaedonstan, named so in 4004 BC, ruled under this system until the third century AD.

The First Meeting of the Barodarona

As the republic aged, the Barodarona began to delegate its absolute power to the individual cities. By the mid-1000s BC, the Barodarona had become a highly decentralized government, ruling a mostly autonomous set of cities. Many of the outermost cities refused to recognize the central government as their legitimate rulers. This sparked a war in 1008 BC between the central Barodarona and the outer cities. Lasting only a few months, the outlying cities were completely defeated, and the power of the central government was solidified under the 1004 Pillars.

The rebellion led to many cities forming pacts and agreements in the aftermath. Most pacts were based off mutual trade, but some were politically motivated, placing governments in control of both cities. Many of these last were formed during the economic crisis and famine of 804-803 BC and dissolved after. The central cities of the Republic were, at this time, declining in influence and power, which had begun to migrate to the outer, riverside cities. After the Great oFire in Helfast, the center of government changed to the city of Traxa, where it has stayed since 80 BC.

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Political and Religious Reformation (c. 90 BC-124 AD)

As cities began to form both political and economic unions, those that remained after 80 BC began to benefit from such unions. These cities, called Unionists, pushed for the national creation of these unions or districts. Many of the larger, more powerful cities, such as Traxa and Barastan, formed political unions with other major cities in 3 BC. These were unprecedented unions that incredibly boosted the national influence and power of these cities. By the first century AD, most cities had formed into these districts.

As the political reformation changed the landscape of the nation’s government, changes were taking place in the cultural and religious front. In the early first century, Christianity had been introduced into the nation, becoming more and more popular. Mass conversions and the prominent, short-lived persecution of the Christians made the faith spread like wildfire. By 70 AD, only three temples of the old religion remained. They were replaced by thousands of churches and cathedrals, many of which remain as national landmarks. Of the texts and relics of the Old Religion, few remained undestroyed, except for a few hidden crypts. Christianity helped aid in the spread of Unionism in the first century, leading to the focus of the cities on a central, unifying religion and government. By 124 AD, the final independent city joined the Helfast district, completing the Unionist dream.

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Formation of the Federation and Northern Expansion (500-596 AD)

As more political reform changed the landscape of the Republic, the Barodarona began to make changes and solidify the law of the nation. By 500 AD, the Barodarona had established a document, the Haft Rukn, which fundamentally changed the formation of the government. Limiting representation to adult males and changing how the Barodarona represented the people, the new form of government was transformed into a central federal state. Reflecting this change, the nation was renamed as the Federation of Jaedonstan, creating the longest continuous government in the world, to date.

This paved the way for the election of Karlen Yartk as Barodari Pirl, head of the federal government. His policies were of expansionism and colonization. Looking at the size of the Federation, he vowed to increase the size and power of the Federation by the end of his term. By the end of his first year, he had established a powerful standing army and was preparing to cross the Malak mountains.

After crossing the Malak mountains in 592 AD, Yartk pushed northward, towards unknown lands. Finding only a few smaller civilizations and remnants of early Republic colonies, Yartk pushed on, claiming the land for the Federation. Crossing the Garlint River, Yartk was confronted by the major Harraat Kingdom civilization. Immediately attacked, Yartk was pushed back across the Garlint, forcing him to retreat to the Malak mountains. After gaining reinforcements, Yartk crossed the Garlint River and engaging the Harraat in battle, finally defeating them in the spring of 593.

Continuing to explore north, the expedition claimed vast stretches of mostly uninhabited land. However, they returned to the Garlint River after Yartk became deadly ill with an unknown disease. While resting in the riverside town of Hellit, Yartk and his troops were attacked by partisans, and Yartk was killed by an assassin. Yartk died on March 24, 594 AD, ending the Expansion Wars.

The Death of Yartik, 1823

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The Golden Age (594-1120 AD)

The Expansion Wars left the Federation in a position of power and wealth. The Golden Age, the period that allowed the expansion northwards, was a period of great economic, philosophic, political, industrial, and exploratory fervor.

Early in the Golden Age, new inventions and metalworking techniques boosted Jaedonstonian trade with other nations, as well as their rise as a powerful influencer. The rule of Vincexaks in the 600s oversaw further expansion, trade, and philosophy. During the next four hundred years, thousands of advancements in technology and philosophy would cultivate the power and influence of the Federation on both regional and international stages.

During this time, also, the power and prestige of the Christian church grew. With the advent of a new law in 873, the church gained immense power and wealth. Seeing itself the holy bank of the government, the church began to establish itself as a force for good within the nation, establishing free schools, orphanages, and holy orders across the nation.

During this time, a short lapse of prosperity was caused by the Red Plague, which spread from Tulov in 861. To this day, it remains the largest plague to have hit Jaedonstan in recorded history. Over a million people died as a result. Many historians credit the Red Plauge with being a contributing factor to the age of colonization that followed.
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Exploration, Colonization, and Imperialism (601-638 AD, 1192-1582 AD)

After the Red Plague, the Federation was looking for places to expand and explore, especially overseas. No one had ever fully explored the region, and now the government began to fund expeditions to unknown reaches of the land. As explorers moved north and east on land routes, famous explorers such as Jarvanoff and Lrak explored regions such as the Pūlod Peninsula and the continent of Skandia. Jarvanoff’s discovery led to the eventual establishment of the New Helfast colony, which became Transcarracan Delia. However, Lrak’s discoveries in Skandia led to the establishment of the first successful Federation colony in the twelfth century. Both Jarvanoff and Lrak died on their missions, Lrak completely disappearing in the quest for mythical continents.

The establishment of colonial holdings did not truly begin until the late 1100s. Both the inability of the Federation to colonize Skandia and the utter failure of New Helfast kept colonists from making the journey. However, after a law passed by the Barodarona concerning colonial lands and holdings, colonists began to depart from the Federation towards Skandia, landing in the early fall of 1192. A harsh winter left the hardiest colonists alive and a flourishing community arose. Hundreds of new colonists arrived, creating new settlements across the Skandian coastline. By the early 13th century, a dozen new colonies sprung up, and the Barodarona passed a measure to make those colonies Federation land. However, the colonies were far more democratically leaning than the rest of the Federation and somewhat resented the Barodarona meddling in their affairs.

The colonies continued to grow until 1579, when a deadly famine swept the land. A major reduction in population occurred, especially in the inland cities. The seaboard remained, but the weakened agriculture and the departure of more explorers to the south weakened the strength of the Skandian colony. In addition, another misfortune befell the Skandian colony. Following the famine, tribes of natives began to attack and destroy small outpost towns in 1582. By the middle of the summer of that year, most of the cities of the Federation colony had been destroyed or evacuated. By the end of 1582, the Skandian experiment had failed and the colonists returned home.

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The First Democratic Reform (1601-1636 AD)

As the colonial refugees continued to pour back into the Federation, they reintegrated into the Federation, especially in the southern districts. With democratic ideologies from the colonies blending with the philosophies of the south, the Federation began to experience new political movements. By 1601, democratic movements began to take over southern districts. However democratic ideals were not supported by the majority of the Barodarona. Several propositions were admitted to the Barodarona, but none of them reached nearly enough votes. However, in the early days of 1601, the Aktobi district in the south became the first to pass any democratic step, the first of the Representation Accords. However, without universal suffrage, citizens of the Federation had a long way to go.

The second Representation Accords legislation was passed in 1607, allowing more people into the Barodarona, mostly from the upper class. This was revolutionary, allowing many rich former colonists into the Barodarona, breaking the endless cycle of family representation. This also opened the door for more democratic representation in the legislature, resulting in several legislative pieces being passed throughout the next three decades. In 1622, the biggest Representation Accord breakthrough at the time occurred. This allowed one of the representatives from each district to be selected by popular vote. This allowed the Barodarona to consider the masses satiated, which partly resulted in the lack of truly revolutionary legislature being passed throughout the next decade, eventually ending in the almost complete abandonment of the democratic platform on the national stage after 1636.

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The Second Democratic Reform (1698-1753 AD)

After the second major Representation Accord in 1622, little democratic advancement occurred until the late 17th century. Political ostracization of the elected members of the Barodarona and the suppression of the lower-class vote led to a series of riots beginning in 1698. These mass riots resulted in the Barodarona authorizing the use of military force to suppress the rioters. This plan failed and only increased the number and size of riots. Finally, in a special session, the Barodarona banned all protesting, rioting, and all other disruptive gatherings. This ban led to the terrible events at the Massacre of Hellin Wall and the Massacre of Black Monday. Both deadly riots caused dozens of deaths and political ramifications for decades.

After the March on Traxa and the repeal of the ban, more protests broke out in January of 1699, highlighting the unfair selection of Barodarona. Some protestors called for a reconstruction of the national law; called Reconstructionists, these political zealots were the original founders of the Republikaz party. Soon, orators and speakers built up a following around the Republikaz Party, and many flocked to their cause. Calling for a new government based on democracy, freedom, and capitalism, little traction was gained until the party’s biggest star, Lykos Krez, became a member of their party as a national Barodaron.

Suddenly, the Barondarona became a party-based system, relying on party politics to determine voting and policy. The Adal Party formed to counteract the Republikaz Party, both rapidly growing political parties within the nation. These two parties laid the foundation for the Senate’s rules of conduct today, spanning traditions of four hundred years.

The rule of K. R. Lovvin as Barodari Pirl saw the power of the Barondarona sized, with swift action being taken. Lovvin, removed from office, was the basis for the Anti-Autocratic Awards passed soon after his removal. In addition, the position was renamed to Pisari Kaloni, which meant older brother, signifying the federal leader’s duty to a higher power. These laws were also the basis for the modern check and balance system in place within the Federation, as the well as the doctrine of rule by the people.

Another uprising followed the removal of Lovvin, this time for far more radical democratic movements. This was the beginning of the end for the old Barondarona. Sensing that the desire within the people to have universal suffrage, fair elections, and the ability for all to become leaders was too strong to resist, the Barondarona passed the Complete Republikaz Integrated Republic Reform in 1753. This document established universal male suffrage and limited female suffrage, allowing all citizens to vote. November 11 is celebrated as Federation Day in remembrance of the Reform.

Only a year after the reform, the new Barodonara decided to draft a new constitution, one with set rules for the ruling of the nation and the rights of the citizens. This document, which became known as the Agreement, is the modern Constitution of the Federation of Jaedonstan today. The Barodaron became the Senator; the Barodonara became the Senate; the Barodari Pirl became Vizior.

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The Renaissance Era and Industrial Revolution (1769-1880 AD)

With the establishment of the Republikaz system, the outlook and lives of citizens began to change. Wealth began to flow as the Federation became an enormously powerful and rich nation. The people of the Federation, by the mid-18th century, had one of the highest standards of living in the world. In addition, rampant immigration and cultural merging led to the emergence of the Şeteldiks subculture. These traders and foreign immigrants brought new art, ideas, philosophies, and inventions, leading to the Renaissance Era of the Federation.

A sketch of the First Federation Exhibition interior
In the summer of 1769, a large number of firms and investors decided to have a national showcase that would feature new investments and art, allowing investors to gain new ideas and products. The First Federal Exhibition, held in the capital city of Traxa, was attended by nations from around the world, such as the Kingdom of Tulov, the Rürlüch Empire, the Mercantile State of Varnnaiya, and more. Investors and inventions alike were plentiful, giving the Federation a status as a cultural center of the world.

However, with the invention of the internal combustion engine using gasoline, a new age was born from the Renaissance. In 1800, the Industrial Revolution began with the invention of the gasoline engine and its application in the mill, loom, and other similar inventions. In addition, the new factory system pioneered by Tellen & Doughten revolutionized the production methods of hundreds of industries. Though capitalism had been a cornerstone of the Republikaz ideology, it was not realized fully until the advent of the Industrial Revolution.

Over the next few decades, there were several political battles that took place in the Senate. The newly formed parties, the Kapïtalïstik Partïy, the Senim Partïyası, and the Xalıqtıq Partïya, became the three most powerful parties within the senate. Following controversy over a critical piece of legislation in the 1840s, the three political parties became locked in a stalemate. Finally, after decades of fighting, laws passed in 1870 and 1872 essentially destroyed the power of the Xals Party, leaving the KP and the Senims in power. However, in 1879, the KP, Xals, and Senims were completely locked in political stalemate, leading to then-Vizior Kiuza Illovanic dissolving the Senate and calling for a new set of elections, with out political parties.

The Political Renaissance of 1879 destroyed the established political system of the Federation, leaving the playing field open. Though Illovanic’s decree was immediately overturned by the next elected Vizior, the political system never recovered, leading to the rise of former fringe parties like the Traxal Party, the Helfast Traditional Party, and the Barastan People’s Party. The KP, the Xals, and the Senims faded into history, overshadowed by the District Party System.

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The Manifest Conquest (1896-1910 AD)

Beginning to take an interest in affecting the political sphere around them, the Federation began an aggressive foreign affairs campaign to place itself as an overlord to its weaker neighbors. In the nation of Illia and the Kingdom of Bassaria, the Federation found likeminded economic partners who quickly struck trade and commerce deals with the Federation. However, the Grand Order of the Third Marshall refused to interact with many of the Federation’s offers and overtures. This, coupled with the open raiding of Federation trade ships and closure of borders, provoked the Federation to declare the First Federo-Marshall War.

The war began on June 3, 1896. It was the first war the Federation had participated in since the defeat of the Federation colonies in the 17th century. The declaration of war upon the Grand Order sparked celebrations across the nation, with thousands of people turning out in the streets to cheer on soldiers who were going off to war or to celebrate parades in honor of the war.

The Charge of the First Cavalry by Jukallin (1899)
The Federation, unprepared for the new military tactics deployed by the outnumbered Corellians to defeat the much larger Federation force. The power of the trench in tactical warfare debuted in the First Federo-Marshall War, causing the Federation to lose thousands of men and fail to penetrate the Corellian lines. The first year of the war saw overwhelming defeat for the Federation forces. However, the development of long-range heavy artillery and the adoption of new techniques by the Federation command, the spring of 1897 turned the tide of the war. As Corellian troops were forced to retreat en-masse from trench positions, they were backed up and snagged on their own defensive checkpoints, making capture and defeat by the Federation quicker and easier. Soon, a large part of the Corellian army was forced to retreat in late spring, pulling all troops back to defensive positions just inside the border.

The retreat in May of 1897 caused panic in the Grand Order and riots began to break out in the bigger cities. By June 1897, the Grand Order was in complete disarray. Mass mutinies plagued the army and thousands of civilians had begun to starve. In August 1897, the Federation had marched nearly up to the capital city. The First Marshall of the Grand Order, Donik Lilitz, began surrender negotiations with the Federation in late June of 1897, but before the negotiations were completed, the Marshall was forced to abdicate the throne and retreat into exile. The new leader, Jalo Varneer, immediately surrendered unconditionally to the Federation.

The treaty forced upon the Grand Order completely decimated both the economy and military of the Grand Order. Their military was completely disbanded, and they were forced to surrender all naval forces they possessed. Trade was also placed under the control of the Federation. The Correllian government essentially became a puppet of the Federation and the Vizior had almost absolute authority in their politics.

Another neighboring nation, the Kingdom of Bassaria had begun to rise in power and fame. In 1878, it had conquered its northernmost neighbor, Costal Iloor, and was looking more and more like it was going to invade Illia. After its political annexation of the small republic of Quilla in 1893, the Bassarians began to build up for an invasion of Illia. In 1902, Illia had become a protectorate of the Federation, but the Bassarians invaded regardless of the political and military ramifications. They declared war on August 3, 1903.

The Federation declared war on the Bassarians and began an invasion on August 7, 1903. The Bassarians attempted to halt the progress of the Federation. However, the Bassarians had relied on trench systems to defend their front lines, a tactic which the Federation was now well trained to overcome. The Federation Northern Navy blockaded and destroyed many ports and naval bases along the northern seaboard. This left Bassaria completely helpless and resourceless, forcing their army to surrender on January 3, 1904.

After the Federation of the Bassarians, the Senate sent a group of politicians, known as the Council of the Twenty, to completely redesign the Bassarian political landscape. Establishing a new system, the power of the state remained in the hands of the monarch, but he was elected by representatives of corporations within the nation instead of by the citizens. This has resulted in the rapid growth and immense wealth of the Monarchial Capitalist Bassarian Federation, as well as its political stability.

By 1910, the Federation had a firm control of their surrounding neighbors. They had taken control of the Grand Order of the First Marshall, the Kingdom of Bassaria, and the Kingdom of Illia and had grown rich and powerful on the tribute and tariffs of their subject nations.

The Black Depression (1911-1920 AD)

However, the increase in inflation from the new conquests and tributary states weakened the Federation economy and, in February 1911, the Federation economy collapsed. By May, six thousand firms, investment companies, factories, banks, and other various corporations had completely collapsed, and many others were on the verge of fiscal disaster. The Senate, unable to slow the landslide of economic disaster, began to pass radical economic reforms that subsidized over half of the nation’s vital economies.

Unemployment lines in Barastan
By the end of 1911, the economy had deflated to only a marginal percent of its original size. The worth of the Libit had skyrocketed as a result of the disappearance of all bond and loan currency. Cash became the only accessible and useable form of wealth. With hundreds of thousands of citizens out of work and millions on the verge of losing their jobs, the government began to pass a series of temporary reforms collectively known as the Black Bills. These bills used government funding to pay poor and jobless citizens for work. The Federation, hoping to create working opportunities, supported factories that created home and exportable goods.

Finally, after nine years of depression, the Black Depression ended with the government repealing the last economic crisis order. At the end of the depression in 1920, nearly sixty billion Libits had been lost, which is almost five hundred billion Libits today.

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The Break (1919-1926 AD)

The Black Depression in the 1920s affected all neighboring nations that were influenced by the Federation. The Bassarian Federation and Illia both collapsed in the same manner, having economies directly linked with the Federation’s. The Bassairan king, King Litvelt, died during the depression, creating a severe power vacuum. There were no fully independent corporations to elect a king, so the Senate was forced select a successor. The Grand Order of the First Marshall was hit hardest by the depression, suffering from a disastrous series of rebellions, riots, and strikes, ending with a revolution in 1919.

The revolution was in the inciting event to the collection of rebellions again the Federation known as the Break. The Break began with the Grand Order of the First Marshall being overthrown by the People’s Order of Corelli. This Sïndïkatolog regime declared independence from the Federation of Jaedonstan. Illia also revoked its protectorate status and broke away from the Federation. However, this caused an internal conflict where the Federation-supporting south fought to stay with the Federation and the north fought to separate. In early 1920, the Illians officially split from the Federation and then immediately split into two nations: the southern Protectorate of South Illia and the northern Independent State of Illia. This split is known among the Illians as the Great Betrayal and the nations are still at odds.

In 1923, the Federation began preparations to reunite their rebellious tributaries. On March 31, 1923, the Federation declared war on the People’s Order of Corelli, beginning the Second Federo-Marshall War. The Corellian forces put up a fierce defense of several border towns, mainly Gradzvona and Zelenigrad.

Three years of an uneasy ceasefire followed. The Correlli had established strong border defenses and the Federation was dealing with a residual economic crisis from the Black Depression. However, by 1925, the Federation was again ready to continue the war. The Federation had begun the production and use of military airplanes. These planes were considered novelties of military technology, being mostly only used for scouting and minor bombing raids. Another powerful new military technology introduction was the water-cooled machine gun, something that would change the course of warfare.

In May of 1925, the Federation ended the ceasefire with a skirmish outside Prelepgrad, one of the nation’s cultural capitals. This skirmish quickly escalated into a full battle, the Federation forces continuing to pour in. Eventually, the battle ended after two days of heavy fighting within the city and the Corellian troops were forced to retreat. Continuing to attack the Corellian front lines, however, the Federation could not overcome the Corellian defenses. The fighting continued sporadically until November of 1925. On November 5, 1925, the Independent State of Illia declared war upon the Protectorate of South Illia. This immediately drew the Federation into a two-front war. After three months of fighting, the Federation signed a peace treaty with the People’s Order of Corelli, in which the Federation kept all the land they already possessed, and the Corelli ceased all hostilities. This allowed the Federation to focus on the Illian crisis and establish a puppet government under the Grand Order of the Second Marshall.

The Federation turned against the northern Illians, thundering through South Illia and completely halting the northern progress. As the northerners encountered the Federation troops, they began to retreat in fear. Eventually, the Illian government was forced to surrender only after a short war of five months. This war was nicknamed the Single Battle, for the single official battle fought between the Federation and northern Illians. After the surrender of the northern Illians and their annexation back into South Illia, the Federation returned to the front lines of the People’s Order of Corelli. However, a massive rebellion sprung up within Corelli, made up of the scared, urban mob and Federation supporters. The People’s Order attempted to suppress the rioters, but they had been swiftly armed by the Federation and many soldiers defected to the side of the people. The rebellion lasted for two months before the government of the People’s Order was forced to concede defeat and surrender to the rebel leaders.

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The Exploding Thirties (1926-1941 AD)

Thousands of new immigrants flooded the Federation as new opportunities opened. The Federation grew rich, powerful, and respected, becoming ingrained in global economics as a trade hub and influencer. Through its puppets and other colonial holdings, it controlled a large amount of rare or expensive products and goods, using their power as a trade hub to influence the price of those products. Eventually, the Federation came at odds with a few nations near their sphere of influence, most notably the Republic of Transcarracan Delia.

The Republic of Transcarracan Delia sprouted from an ancient Jaedonstonain colony settlement from the early days of exploration. It claims the ancient remains as New Helfast as its first true city, but most historians cite the city of Xаётиав (Xajotiav, New Life) has the first real city in Delian history. The Delians became a trade power in the latter part of the nineteenth century. As the trade tariffs increased in the Federation, the Delians became the logical next trade choice in the region, especially because of their unique position in the area. However, as the Federation continued to fail during the depression, the Delians lost many their investors and trade firms, most of which had been based in the Federation itself.

This loss of revenue placed the Delians at an economic disadvantage until the late 1920s. After the recovery of the Federation and the Break, the Delians regained their status as a main trade partner of the Federation. As the Federation gained power and wealth, the Delians remained mainly sidelined, though maintaining steady economic growth and development. Their increase in wealth and power was nothing near the amount of the Federation and the two former trade peers grew economically hostile. The Trade War of 1933 only further cemented that negative relationship.

After the Trade War of 1933, the Federation continued to expand and prosper outside of its immediate sphere. In late 1941, the Federation became the controllers of a small group of islands off the west coast of Terraria in the middle of the Paridan Ocean. These islands, named the Ullavin Islands after the explorer who found them, were claimed by the nearby Holy See of Ghrevenon. However, the Federation continued to occupy the islands, despite the Holy See’s claims. This led to the later conflicts in the late 1990s.

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The Riots (1949-1955 AD)

The Riots began in late 1949 over the passage of a law in Illia called the Separation Act. Tension had been building since the Break and was beginning to come to a head; the passage of the Separation Act of 1949 in November sparked a series of escalating protests in the capital of Illia and the former capital of the northern Illia. In March of 1950, a riot in the former capital of northern Illia resulted in the death of sixteen Illian civilians and two police officers. After this, the entire northern part of the nation was placed under martial law and the internal border would be placed on lockdown.

The Mistopahorb city center after the Mistopahorb Riot, May 24, 1950

The Mistopahorb Riot, a massive riot in old capital city of Mistopahorb in response to the Separation Act, was followed by severe martial repercussions in the north. However, this only incited more rioting, though the riots and protests were smaller and much less violent. The area continued to be under martial law for two years, before the Illian government lifted the restriction. However, many years of rioting and protests followed, culminating in the triple bombing of the Illian capital and the crackdown on the organized rebels in 1955. This halted most of the riots, protests, and violence until the 1980s.

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The Nuclear Program and the Aeronautics Boom (1953-1967 AD)

During the late 1940s, a new scientific area of study had begun to develop in the Federation: nuclear science. It had been theorized in the early part of the 20th century that atoms could be split or fused to create massive amounts of energy via steam. Dr. Nikko Hellev began to study nuclear theory during 1948, experimenting with the properties of radioactive substances. Eventually, he gathered a team of scientists, including physicist Dr. Ollan Vevelt and engineer Dr. Trav Illov, to begin in-depth research into nuclear science and its applications.

In 1953, Hellev and his team discovered the ability to create steam power with radioactive fuel in the form of uranium and plutonium. Further application of this research eventually led to the construction of the first nuclear reactor in the Federation in 1955. In 1954, when the reactor was still being researched, two members of the research team, Dr. Kive Zova and Ullian Verrik, began to research a possible weaponized version of nuclear power.

Zova and Verrik began to do calculations and prototypes using conventional explosives instead of nuclear fuel. The government began to fund the research done by Zova and Verrik, a project which became known as the Ядролық Бомба (Yadrolıq Bomba) Project. In 1957, a nuclear reactor built by Zova and Verrik had produced enough radioactive fuel to have enough for a test nuclear device. On January 3, 1958, the first nuclear weapon was tested on in the western plains of the Federation detonated.

After the test, the Federation began to invest in the nuclear program, placing Zova and Verrik in charge of the program. Testing continued through the 1990s, even after Zova and Verrik retired in 1972. The nuclear program was eventually merged with the Army Rocket Corps to create the Army Rocket and Nuclear Division.

Another massive technological advancement of the time was the Aerospace Boom from 1959-1967. Since the introduction of the airplane in the early 20th century, the Federation had been exploring and experimenting with new technologies throughout the decades, introducing more powerful aircraft, fighters, bombers, and transport planes. The invention of the first Federation helicopter in 1950 introduced an entirely new field for both civilian and military aeronautical technology. The invention of the jet in 1949 also opened a new faster and more efficient way of travel.

The Aeronautics Boom continued to grow the Federation’s economy, influence, and trade power. Innovations in technology led to more innovations and applications. By 1962, the Federation-born Taval Illip became the first man to break the sound barrier in his KK Model Dıbıstıq 44, engineered by a joint military and civilian effort. Eagor Yezek, a Jaedonstonian, orbited the globe twice before falling back to the surface in 1965. Plans were made to create a space station in orbit of Vinea and place a man on ____ by the end of the decade. In 1965, the first Federation commercial satellite was put into orbit, providing both military intelligence and communication abilities to the Federation. In 1967, the end of the Aeronautical Boom was hailed by the completion of an orbital space station: Космічна Cтанція Федерації (Kosmichna Stantsiya Federatsiyi, Federation Space Station, KSF).

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The Divorce (1981-1984 AD)

After the Riots in the 1950s, the Illian government had been attempting to suppress the violence and appease the rioters. However, they only managed to stall the riots and protests, and were largely unable to disperse or dissuade the base operation of the dissenters. This led to continual ritos in Illia throughout the 1960s and 70s. Finally, during the 1980s, the Illian Сепаратисти (Separatysty, separatists), as they were named, finally began to actively terrorize Illia.

On February 3, 1983, a bomb went off in the northern city of Dzhordzhtaun. Detonated next to a large police armory, the bomb caused an ignition of the explosives kept in the armory, lighting fires in many buildings nearby as well as killing seventeen victims immediately. This attack caused the Illian government to proclaim a state of national emergency over the entire nation and placed it under martial law. This only increased the problem and caught the attention of the Federation government. The Federation warned against this action, stating that it would be better to deal politically with the Separatysty instead of using force. However, the Illian government disregarded the Federation’s warning and continued to enforce martial law.

In 1984, another huge attack was committed against a group of soldiers patrolling the streets of Mistopahorb, a city near the heart of the Separatysty movement. The Mistopahorb Battle was the first of several battles throughout 1984 and 1985, many of which resulted in high Illian and bystander casualties. Thousands of partisan leaders, members, and supporters were arrested, tried, and, in many cases, executed by the Illian government.

On August 3, 1986, an attack on Zalizo Prison by the Separatystys ended with the release of hundreds of partisan inmates and leaders. This attack was immediately followed throughout the month of August by a series of bombings ravaged the southern half of Illia. Two hundred and four people died as direct results of the bombings, the largest number of civilian casualties during the Divorce and the Riots. Finally, on October 28, the Illian government called for a parlay with the Separatystys. However, the Illian government rejected the terms offered, which would have made northern Illia an independent state. However, eventual terms were met.

Thus, the Dependent State of Northern Illia was born. The south renamed itself into the Protectorate of South Illia.

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The Third Federo-Marshall War (1984-1985 AD)

The Third Federo-Marshall War began on the eve of December 3, 1984, after a declaration of independence and war against the Federation by the Grand Order. The war began with the invasion of a border city, Şekara. The invasion, though completely unexpected by the Federation, was quickly responded to by the Federation Air Force and several local militia divisions that attempted to stall the Corellians.

Two weeks into the war, the Federation had mobilized a massive army of over twenty thousand. However, the Corellians had already made massive gains on the Federation’s northern border. Attacks across the front caused the Corellian defenses to crumble in a matter of days. The beginning of February saw the entire front line of the Corellians pushed back forty miles into their own territory. The Federation people and government wanted the entire Corellian nation to pay for their unsolicited and, as they saw it, rebellious attack. Starikralj, the capital, was now plagued with political strife as the war grew ever closer to them. In July, three hundred citizens started a riot in the city over the war and the lack of food and necessities within the city.

After the July riot, the Federation made a strong push towards Starikralj to end the war. The last major battle of the war was fought outside of Starikralj on June 26, 1985. The Battle and Siege of Starikarlj lasted from June 26 to June 31. Both sides fought ferociously, but the battle was decided by the defeat of Corellian general Havvi Romiffa and his main force of six thousand urban defenders. The city was captured, and the Grand Order of the Second Marshall surrendered on June 3, 1985, officially ending the Third Federo-Marshall War after just seven months of fighting.

The Federation established a new government under the Grand Order of the Third Marshall. The Vizior, Horace Uzet, appointed Gaiiv Feltin as the Third Marshall. Feltin is the current reigning Marshall, being the longest serving political appointee of a Vizior still alive.

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The Ghrevenese Holy War (1998 AD)

The Federation flourished in peace for most of the 1990s, growing both technologically and economically into an even more powerful nation. The establishment of embassies between the Federation and the USST led to a firm peaceful interaction with a powerful neighboring nation. This was marked as the start of the political golden age of the Federation and its rise to powerhouse status. However, another conflict rose on the horizon for the Federation.

Having claimed the lands to the northwest of the Holy See of Ghrevenon, the Federation began to extract the natural resources in those lands. The Holy See became outraged by this, saying the Federation was desecrating holy ground. In 1997, the Federation began to mine on the Montem Dei (the Mountain of God), where the Ghrevenese believed that God had ruled on Earth before the Fall. The Holy See spent much time in prayer, fasting, and studying before finally concluding that the Holy Scripture allowed for the destruction of heretic nations, should they desecrate the name of God. Thus, on February 13, 1998, the Holy See issued an official declaration of war against the Federation and seized the “Holy Lands” or Sanctus Terras. The Ghrevenese seized both larger islands and most of the smaller ones and set up a naval blockade to keep the Federation out.

The Federation quickly dispatched a naval task force to break up the blockade, which they did easily. However, the attempts to land upon the northernmost island proved futile, as the Ghrevenese had both mined the waters and the shoreline. However, the Federation Air Force paradropped in several divisions of troops that quickly established a large enough beachhead to land a larger force. Three days of intense firefighting followed, ending when the Federation Air Force managed to break the Ghrevenese with carpet bombing. Three weeks later, the Ghrevenese were forced to abandon the northern main island and retreat fully to the south.

The Federation quickly crossed the straight between the two islands. Meeting the Ghrevenese in the only field battle of the war, the Federation decimated the Ghreveneon forces. The rest of the enemy either surrendered or fled. Within another month, the islands were in complete Federation control. On May 3, 1998, the Holy See sued for peace. The Federation forced the Holy See to pay a small amount of war reparations and resumed control of the Sanctus Terras.

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Recent History

After the Ghrevenese Holy War, a period of relative peace has followed. Throughout the early 2000s, the technological advancements of the 20th century continued to produce more and more advanced technology. Space, aeronautical, and information technology has exponentially grown. The development of the jet in the mid-20th century has established a golden age of air travel. Advancements in computer technology and robotics has created a high standard of living, higher than most neighboring nations. Advancements in military and security technology have increased the safety, as well as recent breakthroughs in medical technology and techniques.

Modern politics have remained mainly the same over the past few decades. The formation of several new political parties and their rises to power have yet to come to a full fruition. International relations have become more frequent in recent days, as the Federation continues to move away from political and economic protectionism and isolationism. In 201The Federation was involved in the Thirteenth-Krasnodarian War, joining the side of the defending Tulovians. During the war, several Federation divisions were sent to the front lines, acting mainly in support roles. In 2016, the Federation officially declared war on the Empire of Renaria. The Federation joined in the post-war peace conferences with the Renarians, extracting a heavy price for their crimes against humanity. However, peace only led to a current cold war and arms race between Renaria and the UZR, in which the Federation participates. Recent relations between the Federation and the two nations have become strained, especially in the light of the recent Natroval conflict, stirred up by religious oppression, political maneuvering, and international political investment.

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The Federation is a diverse nation full of cultural and topographical differences. In the northeast, the Malak Mountains splits in the nation almost in half, topped by the Garlint River. To the south of the Malaks, the Three Rivers converge around Traxa. From the west, the Malak River runs towards the south, where Baran River meets with the Helfa River from the east. To the east of the Baran River, hilly lands stretch to the sea. The Aral Sea separates these hills in half. To the west of Traxa stretches massive plains and grasslands and to the north, the rural communities huddle around the hills and plains surrounding the Twin Rivers. From the mountains, the river Buoz flows all the way to the sea. The Bouz is met by the Ullon River flowing from the Tulovian border and merging with the Bouz, emptying into the sea. To the north of where these rivers meet, a massive forested area flows northwards to the border, meeting with the hills on the border to the Grand Order of the Third Marshall.

The nation has diverse weather and temperature experience. In the north, the weather is mostly calm and cool. During the winter, the temperature can drop as low as -30°C(-22°F) on average but can reach temperatures of 21°C (70°F) during the summer, on average. Mid-Jaedonstan averages about -12°C (10°F) during the winter and 26°C (80°F) during the summer. Middle Jaedonstan experiences weather changes from the mountains and rivers. Rain is common during the winter and spring, but the summers are dry. The south experiences a similar temperature to middle Jaedonstan, but their weather is far more drastic. Stormy springs, humid summers, dark autumns, and blustery winters are common, with fog being a constant reminder of the sea.

The highest peak in the Federation is Mt. Creshnedov

Mt. Chreshnedov
at 7,010 meters above sea level. This mountain is a popular cultural icon, appearing on the Federation 20 libit bill. The lowest point is at Mendeleev Valley, clocking in 132 meters below sea level. The hottest recorded temperature in the Federation was recorded in this valley in the east, averaging 49°C (120°F).

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The Federation of Jaedonstan is culturally ambiguous. The Jaedonstonian culture assimilates most other cultures that encounter the Federation and are absorbed into the community. 98% of citizens in the 2020 census identify as Jaedonstonian and speak Jaedonstonain as a primary or secondary language. The other 2% of citizens are recent immigrants or cultural absentees.

The population of the Federation is roughly 569.6 million citizens and roughly 300,000 non-citizen residents. Jaedonstonian culture can be found in various places such as Illia, Bissaria, Corellia, Flandars, Delia, and even Ghrevenon. It has spread to two other continents through colonization and exploration, though it has changed to pseudo-Jaedonstonian culture.

The religion in the Federation has been Orthodox Christian since the early days of the republic. It has remained an integral part of the Jaedonstonian culture since. The separation of church and state is a fundamental belief of the Federation; however, the Orthodox Church remains a powerful cultural and social force. 78% of Federation citizens identify as Orthodox Christian; most others are of mixed religions or divisions of the Orthodox church.

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The federal government consists of the Federation Senate and all associated bodies and committees. The Senate appoints the Vizior, the head of both state and government. The Vizior is also the commander in chief of the armed forces and acts as the president of the Senate. He also has many foreign positions that he uses to represent the Federation’s political interests in the surrounding nations. The Vizior is in charge of all foreign affairs and can influence many domestic affairs through his cabinet of ministers, appointed by him.

Senators are elected every six years via universal suffrage. Each district appoints five candidates to the position of Senator. The voting process is preferential or tier voting, having been so since the mid-20th century. The Senate is the federal legislature and judicial branch. It has the authority to make laws and acts on behalf of the Federation, but not all laws are able to be enforced in the districts. The Senate empowers the Vizior to handle all foreign affairs but remains in control of most internal affairs, officially. Practically, however, the Vizior’s cabinet controls much of the day to day internal affairs. The Senate, like the Vizior, has influence in many of the surrounding nations under Federation control. The Senate is permitted to initiate amendments to the Constitution, but district Senates are the main voting power on amendments.


The Federation has a strong, capitalist-based economic system, focusing heavily on local production, international trade, natural resources, and technology. The Federation has strong ties to many international markets, as well has being a main contributor in several. The Federation has a strong emphasis on the sale of technology and natural resources, holding several trade deals with neighboring nations and looking to expand into others.

The Federation is a highly industrialized nation, having large industrial centers in Barastan and several other costal cities. In addition, the western plains of the Federation are rich and fertile, giving farmers the opportunity to grow a variety of crops. The mountains to the east provide the Federation with access to minerals, metals, oil, and other natural resources. The Federation also reaps economic benefits from the surrounding puppet and tributary states it currently holds. The Federation uses the Libit (Ł) as a currency, each Libit backed by .112 grams of gold, making it one of the highest gold standards in the world.

The Federation is a rich country, with most Jaedonstonians making an average of Ł28,000 a year. Most Federation employees work in factories and manufactories, but the rise of automation has seen a rising trend in skilled and intellectual employment, especially in the younger generations.


The Jaedonstonain culture is ancient and unique. Little has changed in the past few thousand years, beyond the adaptation to new technology and cross-cultural interaction. The Jaedonstonian culture focuses heavily on the community, with significant focus on national pride and service coming close behind. Most Jaedonstonians would describe themselves as very patriotic and a servant of their country.

Jaedonstonian food focuses mainly on the staple products of the country: wheat, fruits, and root plants. The traditional Jaedonstonian dish will often have wheat bread, root plants mixed in a stew with beef or pork, and a dessert of fruit. Traditional Jaedonstonian garb, for males, consists of a barkez (linen shirt), jarzo (trousers), and a leather kalek (vest). For women, the outfit changes to a long wool or linen köylek (dress), a female version of the leather kalek, and a bonnet or head-cloth made of colored linen called a şarf. In addition, traditionally, Senators will wear a cloth cloak that covers a single shoulder and attaches on the other side. Generally, this is not worn with a business suit, but more traditional and fitting Senatorial clothing.


The New Jaedonstan Armed Forces is comprised of five branches: Army, Navy, Air Force, Shore Guard, and Special Operations Branch. Each branch has one general on the Board of Generals, and one of these is the Chief General, chosen by the commander-in-chief. The army is based in Ruvin in the Traxal District, the navy in Port Grez in the Ezcot District, the air force in East Falnin in the Baraks District, the shore guard in Port Grez with the navy, and the special operations branch is based in Televal, in the Baraks District. The army has several different divisions, ranging from the Engineer Corps to the Army Air Corps to the Artillery Corps. The Navy, Air Force, Shore Guard, and Special Operations Branch have no separated divisions. The Air Force is the largest of the branches, closely followed by the Navy. All branches commonly work in tandem to accomplish a goal. The Vizior acts as commander-in-chief.

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