by Max Barry

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Rhanukhan Orbital Defence Force

Until recently Rhanukhani scientists dismissed UFOs as all having some obvious natural explanation. The government adopted this as its official stance even though the various provincial airfleets typically encouraged any rumours to provide cover for experimental aircraft tests. The opinion of the citizenry was as rich and varied as you'd expect in any free-thinking nation and the media outlets were biased according to their target audiences. This all changed a few years ago...

Having been the victim of a massive alien invasion in 2008, Rhanukhan now takes UFOs very seriously indeed.

The Rhanukhan Orbital Defence Force (Rhanukhan Ughitsraluri Pasdatsutvankhumpi), originally a relatively small affair dedicated to tracking and destroying foreign spy satellites, was massively upgraded. Personnel numbers were increased tenfold and even more prominently, the government seized the OrbiTech Defence Network - a privately-owned network of some 4,000 armed satellites set up secretly by business mogul, Constantine Malachite (he had passed them off as a media communications network) who had appeared suspiciously well prepared for the arrival of the Symyano warfleet. There is evidence that Constantine was an advance infiltrator for the Symyano who had betrayed his masters, but with Malachite and most of his top-level staff disappearing in spectacular fashion immediately after the defeat of the Symyano (see files on "The Lehpuhrta Incident" for more info) and no official comment from his successors at Malachite Evolving Enterprises it is no longer possible to confirm or deny any speculation. Rhanukhan OrbiTech (still a division of MEE) continues to supply the RODF with all its defence satellites to this day.

It also came about that not all the Symyano wished to return home with their defeated warfleet and a large number remain in Rhanukhan as full citizens and an interesting ethnic minority (indeed, some of them work for the RODF - their military background and knowledge of interstellar vessels making them extremely useful)... this constant presence means it is now naturally impossible for the Rhanukhani scientific community to deny the existence of intelligent alien life.

The RODF tracks numerous unidentified flying objects daily and occasionally has reason to shoot one down but none so far have proven to be visiting alien spacecraft.

Human and Symyan officers of the Rhanukhan Orbital Defence Force.
