by Max Barry

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Most Income Equality: 29,383rd
The Sultanate of
Corrupt Dictatorship
By The People For The People
Civil Rights
Political Freedom

Overview Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards

Ran Colifrirds

Population2.29 billion


The Sultanate of Ran Colifrirds is a massive, safe nation, renowned for its stringent health and safety legislation. The cynical population of 2.29 billion Ran Colifrirdsians are ruled with an iron fist by the dictatorship government, which ensures that no-one outside the party gets too rich. In their personal lives, however, citizens are relatively unoppressed; it remains to be seen whether this is because the government genuinely cares about its people, or if it hasn't gotten around to stamping out civil rights yet.

The medium-sized, socially-minded government juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defense, and Healthcare. The average income tax rate is 34.1%, but much higher for the wealthy.

The sizeable but sluggish Ran Colifrirdsian economy, worth 44.9 trillion guilders a year, is quite specialized and led by the Tourism industry, with major contributions from Beef-Based Agriculture, Soda Sales, and Information Technology. Black market activity is notable. State-owned companies are common. Average income is 19,611 guilders, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

Crime is totally unknown, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Ran Colifrirds's national animal is the kangaroo.

Ran Colifrirds is ranked 258,934th in the world and 50th in Colonia Apollonis for Largest Trout Fishing Sector, scoring -4 on the Nemo Depletion Efficiency Index.

Most Income Equality: 29,383rd

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