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Quirhoshe Language

Consonant inventory: b d f g h j k l m n p s t v w z ð ŋ ǁ ɣ ɹ ɺ ʃ ʒ ʤ ʦ ʧ ʨ θ χ ꭧ 𝼅 𝼆
Click IPA symbols for audio

↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Palato-alveolar Retroflex Alveolo-palatal Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Stop b p d t g k
Affricate ʦ ʧ ʤ ꭧ ʨ
Fricative f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ ɣ χ h
Approximant ɹ j
Lateral fricative 𝼅 𝼆
Lateral approximant l
Lateral flap ɺ
Lateral click ǁ
Co-articulated phonemes

↓Manner/Place→ Labial-velar
Approximant w
Vowel inventory: a aɪ̯ aʊ̯ e eɪ̯ i iː o oʊ̯ u uː æ ø œ ɑ ɒ ɔɪ̯ ɔː ə ɛ ɜ ɜː ɤ ɨ ɪ ʊ ʌ

Diphthongs: aɪ̯ aʊ̯ eɪ̯ oʊ̯ ɔɪ̯ ?

Front Central Back
High i iː ɨ u uː
Near-high ɪ ʊ
High-mid ø e ɤ o
Mid ə
Low-mid œ ɛ ɜ ɜː ʌ ɔː
Near-low æ
Low a ɒ ɑ
Syllable structure: (C)V(C) ?
Stress pattern: Penultimate — stress is on the second last syllable ?
Spelling rules:
Pronunciation Spelling
ɛ e̊
ɑ å
ɒ o̊
ɜ ů
ɤ ó
ə á
ɔː aw
ʊ ú
ʌ uh
ɪ i̊
ɨ í
eɪ̯ ay
aʊ̯ ou
aɪ̯ ie
ɔɪ̯ oi
ɹ r
θ th
ʒ zh
ð dh
j y
ʃ sh
ŋ ng
ꭧ ṭṣ
ɺ r̊
ʤ j
ʧ ch
ʦ ts
ʨ chy
ɣ gh
χ kh
Main word order: Subject Verb Object (Prepositional phrase). “Mary opened the door with a key” turns into Mary opened the door with a key.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
Adposition: prepositions ?

Singular If starts with vowel: Prefix ŋ-
Else: Prefix ŋɜː-
ngůůso̊thhi /ŋɜːˈsɒθhi/
Plural If starts with vowel: Prefix ʨ-
Else: Prefix ʨɒ-
chyo̊so̊thhi /ʨɒˈsɒθhi/

Definite o̊ /ɒ/
Indefinite pug /pug/
a, some

Uses of definite article that differ from English:

Used to talk about countable nouns in general: English’s ‘I like cats’ would translate to ‘I like the cats’
Used with place names: ‘The London’
Uses of indefinite article that differ from English:

Not used for non-specific mass (uncountable) nouns: non-specific means ‘Would you like some (any) tea?’ whereas specific means ‘Some tea (a specific amount) fell off the truck’
1st singular be /be/
I, me, mine
2nd singular si /si/
you, yours
3rd singular masc thazh /θaʒ/
he, him, his, it (masc), its (masc)
3rd singular fem sín /sɨn/
she, her, hers, it (fem), its (fem)
1st plural ezh /eʒ/
we, us, ours
2nd plural ǁev /ǁev/
you all, yours (pl)
3rd plural muh /mʌ/
they, them, theirs

Possessive determiners
1st singular zhei̊p /ʒeɪ̯p/
2nd singular vei̊k /veɪ̯k/
3rd singular masc bång /bɑŋ/
3rd singular fem 𝼆ózh /𝼆ɤʒ/
1st plural no /no/
2nd plural ziigh /ziːɣ/
your (pl)
3rd plural jå /ʤɑ/

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Khůhmånyøian has a base-10 number system:

1 - ṭṣůů
2 - yúchy
3 - wuh
4 - zhe̊
5 - bóth
6 - 𝼅e
7 - no̊th
8 - buh
9 - pó
10 - iiǁ
100 - thaj
1000 - i̊

Khůhmånyøian - English Dictionary
Key: spelling /pronunciation/ part of speech. definition(s)

adj. adjective | adv. adverb | art. article | conj. conjunction | det. determiner | interj. interjection | n. noun | num. numeral | part. particle | prep. preposition | pron. pronoun | v. verb

á /ə/ prep. like
ækhúj /ˈæχʊʤ/ v. shine, seem
ai̊ghnæfna /aɪ̯ɣˈnæfna/ n. flesh
åp /ɑp/ n. matter (substance, material)
átzuh /ˈətzʌ/ v. flow, leak
ayvúd /ˈajvʊd/ v. polish, shine, glare, radiate
bai̊k zhíshɔi̊dh /baɪ̯k ˈʒɨʃɔɪ̯ð/ n. parsley
báve /ˈbəve/ v. fill
bei̊ch /beɪ̯ʧ/ v. employ
bin /bin/ n. tomb
bo /bo/ n. plague
bœṭṣ /bœꭧ/ n. neck, collar
bós /bɤs/ v. cut, snip, shave, tear, rip
bůb /bɜb/ n. rank (position)
buhpei̊ /ˈbʌpeɪ̯/ n. half
buu /buː/ v. pour, spill, flow
chányå /ˈʧənjɑ/ n. frog
chi̊d /ʧɪd/ n. eye, eyeball
cho /ʧo/ n. elbow
chœdhúgh /ˈʧœðʊɣ/ n. offer
chœmshá /ˈʧœmʃə/ n. drug, medicine
chœpo̊dh /ˈʧœpɒð/ n. discovery
chœshú /ˈʧœʃʊ/ n. return
chœyœ𝼅új /ʧœˈjœ𝼅ʊʤ/ n. choice
chœǁi /ˈʧœǁi/ n. hearing
chɔi̊ch /ʧɔɪ̯ʧ/ n. journey, trip, voyage
chuhch /ʧʌʧ/ n. fin (of fish)
chuu /ʧuː/ v. breathe
chyanlii /ˈʨanliː/ v. eat
chye̊ṭṣ /ʨɛꭧ/ adj. aroused (sexually)
chyi̊zhí /ˈʨɪʒɨ/ v. build, construct, erect, assemble, produce (manufacture)
chyu /ʨu/ n. hat
chyůvgámjá /ʨɜvˈgəmʤə/ v. shock, startle
deth /deθ/ n. laboratory
dhí /ðɨ/ v. torture
dhi̊ /ðɪ/ n. list, catalog
dhœchuhkhím /ðœˈʧʌχɨm/ n. tax, tariff
dhoú /ðoʊ̯/ n. condition (requirement, stipulation)
dhůg /ðɜg/ n. bank
dík /dɨk/ v. permit, enable
døzú /ˈdøzʊ/ adj. tired (needing rest)
důůp /dɜːp/ n. excuse
ei̊ /eɪ̯/ n. cup, mug
e̊ṭṣ /ɛꭧ/ n. speed, velocity
fai̊ṭṣ /faɪ̯ꭧ/ n. capacity
fí /fɨ/ prep. under, below
fœmawk /ˈfœmɔːk/ n. roof
fú /fʊ/ n. waist, midriff
fůr /fɜɹ/ v. pray
íd /ɨd/ v. dance
i𝼆 /i𝼆/ n. flavor
íto̊ /ˈɨtɒ/ adj. easy, simple, poor
jágh /ʤəɣ/ n. officer
je̊dnii /ˈʤɛdniː/ n. citadel
ji /ʤi/ n. wine
jí𝼅 /ʤɨ𝼅/ n. debt
jœ /ʤœ/ n. cheese
jo̊svæ /ˈʤɒsvæ/ v. defecate
juhs /ʤʌs/ n. tower
khe̊ /χɛ/ n. bench
khídh /χɨð/ v. stab, prick
khœats /ˈχœaʦ/ n. worker, employee
khœdhai̊v /ˈχœðaɪ̯v/ v. accompany
khœkhɔi̊ /ˈχœχɔɪ̯/ n. owner
khœni̊chy /ˈχœnɪʨ/ n. tourist
khœum /ˈχœum/ n. politician
kho̊s /χɒs/ n. button (pushbutton), knob
khuh /χʌ/ n. breast
lá /lə/ adj. possible, plausible
le̊𝼆íng /ˈlɛ𝼆ɨŋ/ n. holiday, vacation
lochy /loʨ/ n. research
lu /lu/ v. value
𝼅å /𝼅ɑ/ v. burn, cook (heat food)
𝼅e̊ng /𝼅ɛŋ/ n. humor
𝼅i̊p /𝼅ɪp/ adv. exactly
𝼅ød /𝼅ød/ n. fiction
𝼅ú /𝼅ʊ/ adv. when
𝼅uǁ /𝼅uǁ/ prep. before
𝼆ed /𝼆ed/ n. brother
𝼆ó /𝼆ɤ/ v. might
𝼆ůch /𝼆ɜʧ/ n. slope, slant
mæ /mæ/ n. angle
måp /mɑp/ n. floor, ground, bottom (lowest part)
máwzíǁ /ˈməwzɨǁ/ v. deserve
me̊ts jeǁ /mɛʦ ʤeǁ/ n. mood
miiv /miːv/ adj. pink
mo̊ /mɒ/ interj. goodbye
mo̊g /mɒg/ n. clay, brick
mo̊nkú /ˈmɒnkʊ/ n. monster
mú /mʊ/ v. keep (store), store
muhkh /mʌχ/ n. horizon
muu /muː/ v. catch, arrest, notice, intercept
muǁ /muǁ/ v. put (place), assign
nai̊ /naɪ̯/ v. be (age)
ne /ne/ v. hope
ne̊r /nɛɹ/ n. cage, crate
ngálåpo̊𝼅 /ŋəˈlɑpɒ𝼅/ adj. careful
nge̊lkigh /ˈŋɛlkiɣ/ prep. about, concerning, regarding
ngimú /ˈŋimʊ/ adj. natural
ngœku /ˈŋœku/ n. toy
nguhk /ŋʌk/ v. respect, admire
ni̊ /nɪ/ n. harbor
nis /nis/ v. borrow
nœ /nœ/ n. reservation
nók /nɤk/ adv. therefore, thus
nøzh /nøʒ/ n. hotel
nůchyi̊zhí /nɜˈʨɪʒɨ/ n. product (item made)
nuhv /nʌv/ n. trial
núth /nʊθ/ adj. perfect
ó /ɤ/ n. age
œbíf /ˈœbɨf/ n. subtlety
œdœ /ˈœdœ/ n. youth
œmøng /ˈœmøŋ/ n. moisture
œmthík /ˈœmθɨk/ v. provide, cater
œthœs /ˈœθœs/ n. anger
œzá /ˈœzə/ n. beauty
ongsú /ˈoŋsʊ/ n. egg
oúk /oʊ̯k/ n. bar (pub)
pæ /pæ/ v. show, demonstrate, present
pam /pam/ adj. big, great (very large), massive, enormous, loud
pe /pe/ v. seem, appear
pe̊zh /pɛʒ/ v. increase, expand
pír /pɨɹ/ n. sun
pó𝼆 /pɤ𝼆/ n. accent (of language)
pug /pug/ art. a, some
púkóshyo /pʊˈkɤʃjo/ adj. excellent, fantastic, wonderful, fabulous, terrific, superb
rach /ɹaʧ/ v. starve
ránúg /ˈɹənʊg/ v. spend
r̊e /ɺe/ n. office
r̊idye /ˈɺidje/ n. water, liquid, mirror
r̊o̊ /ɺɒ/ n. rail
ro̊fú /ˈɹɒfʊ/ n. experiment
r̊óno̊n /ˈɺɤnɒn/ n. cat
røts /ɹøʦ/ v. drift
r̊údh /ɺʊð/ n. heaven, paradise
sá /sə/ n. verse
sei̊ /seɪ̯/ n. place, location
shæng /ʃæŋ/ prep. down
shaúpúj /ˈʃaʊ̯pʊʤ/ n. trunk (large box)
shíg /ʃɨg/ v. pull, yank, tug
sho̊ /ʃɒ/ n. louse
sho̊k /ʃɒk/ n. nest, den
shuh /ʃʌ/ n. hammer
shuu /ʃuː/ n. siege
sii khotsha /siː ˈχotʃa/ n. fingerprint
sœ /sœ/ n. pile, heap, mound
so̊thhi /ˈsɒθhi/ n. dog
soúdhø /ˈsoʊ̯ðø/ n. sin
suu /suː/ v. argue, debate, negotiate
suugh /suːɣ/ adj. fat, big, obese
tå pei̊ /tɑ peɪ̯/ n. wool
te̊ /tɛ/ n. gender
thå /θɑ/ v. work (function), work (have desired result)
thi̊ /θɪ/ adj. boring
thó /θɤ/ v. try (strive), struggle
tho̊ngø /ˈθɒŋø/ v. fall, drop, collapse, dive, stumble
thuhlkáai̊v /θʌlˈkəaɪ̯v/ v. grow
tii /tiː/ n. tear
tø /tø/ v. like
tóne̊ /ˈtɤnɛ/ n. gold
ṭṣæ𝼆 /ꭧæ𝼆/ v. dig
ṭṣe̊ /ꭧɛ/ n. knife, blade
ṭṣíchůyi̊ /ꭧɨˈʧɜjɪ/ adv. tomorrow
ṭṣœkai̊ /ˈꭧœkaɪ̯/ n. armor
ṭṣozh /ꭧoʒ/ n. dinner
ṭṣuhzh /ꭧʌʒ/ v. jump, leap
tůd ṭṣohœ /tɜd ˈꭧohœ/ n. rainbow
tuhhdo̊dh /ˈtʌhdɒð/ n. show (performance), ceremony
tuhshœghmí /tʌˈʃœɣmɨ/ adj. sad
tuhvo /ˈtʌvo/ adj. bloody
túts /tʊʦ/ pron. one
úg /ʊg/ adj. clean
uhle /ˈʌle/ n. police
úk /ʊk/ n. cream, milk
ůp /ɜp/ n. buttocks
uug /uːg/ v. marry
uur /uːɹ/ n. helmet
vai̊ /vaɪ̯/ v. direct, conduct
vo /vo/ n. blood, race, ethnicity
vøgh /vøɣ/ adj. fun
vuh /vʌ/ n. shame, stigma
wáuhthlus /wəˈʌθlus/ adj. gray
we̊ús /ˈwɛʊs/ adj. cheap
wød /wød/ n. security
wú /wʊ/ v. turn, wind, twist
yai̊ /jaɪ̯/ n. record (written account)
yaú /jaʊ̯/ n. month
yeg /jeg/ n. earth, planet
yib /jib/ adj. confident
yínghíǁ /ˈjɨŋhɨǁ/ v. chase
yi̊r̊ 𝼅iigde̊øch /jɪɺ 𝼅iːgˈdɛøʧ/ n. wildlife
yø /jø/ n. blade, razor
yøm /jøm/ n. skill
yů /jɜ/ n. balcony, porch
yuu /juː/ n. man
zai̊ /zaɪ̯/ prep. through
ze̊g /zɛg/ adj. silly
zhås /ʒɑs/ n. stem
zhe̊nai̊v /ˈʒɛnaɪ̯v/ v. abuse
zhíj /ʒɨʤ/ n. trousers, pants
zhódh /ʒɤð/ v. get, obtain
zhøf /ʒøf/ n. member
zhoǁ /ʒoǁ/ v. cure
zhuhǁ /ʒʌǁ/ adj. safe
zhúwpenrí /ʒʊwˈpenɹɨ/ v. control
zimzœ /ˈzimzœ/ n. plane
zø /zø/ n. project
zoǁ /zoǁ/ n. century
zůṭṣ /zɜꭧ/ n. clock
ǁe /ǁe/ adv. somewhat, fairly, pretty
ǁó /ǁɤ/ prep. by (agent performing an action), by (author or creator)
ǁů /ǁɜ/ n. letter (of an alphabet)
