(Revising) The Reformed Revolution of Panaderia
"Panaderia" or "Reformed Revolution of Panaderia" redirect(s) here.
The Reformed Revolution of Panaderia, or commonly known as Panaderia, is a socialist technocracy spanning Eurasia. Panaderia encompasses approximately 94% of Eurasia and 57% of Africa.
From 2055 - 2060 The United Socialist States of Panaderia was in decline, protests and small scale revolutions occurred and in response the government would begin many purges that would weaken the state. By 2060 Panaderia's economy had been in decline for 5 years, this economic turmoil caused the New Year Revolt. Panaderia would fall into a state of anarchy and the Reformed Revolution of Panaderia would come to power.
Panaderia is a highly developed AI-based planned economy, the nation has extremely limited trade with the outside world striving for total economic independence. The Panaderian economy has extremely advanced and productive technological, agricultural, and manufacturing sectors that are supported by advanced transportation infrastructure and abundant natural resource stockpiles.
The Panaderian government allows moderate freedoms for loyal citizens but foreigners and dissenters are suppressed. Panaderia takes a extremely belligerent stance in international politics.
Panaderia was named by the revolutionary leaders of the Până-Der-Liberté (Until-The-Freedom) internation organization, they were a organization of Arts users believing that the Arts were superior and the gifts from the gods. The first part of the name, Pana- , was taken from Inuit mythology as the belief that due to the dark nature of Arts that Arts users were gods who cared for souls in the underworld. The -deria part was taken as the meaning of physiological observation and that the Arts were and evolutionary sense that we had developed. As Panaderia is now a Atheist nation these meanings have been declared void and the nation declares the name to have been created by Itahnya Fehkira.
Până-Der-Liberté Rebels after seizing Berlin
Initial Founding
Panaderia was formed when the revolutionary Arts group Până-Der-Liberté sparked an uprising in Germany on April 23rd, 2027. Major clashes between German and revolutionaries forces occurred in Brandenburg, Sachsen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and parts of Sachsen-Anhalt but limited fighting occurred throughout the nation. German forces would pull back forming defensive lines around revolutionary controlled territory, during this stalemate negotiations the German government would attempt to negotiate with revolutionary leaders. Revolutionary leaders ignored these attempted and on April 26th, 2027 further uprisings would occur across continental Europe. European powers were caught off guard by the scale of the uprisings leading to significant losses. Germany would invoke the European Unions Crisis Response mechanism to coordinate a unified European response. On April 28th, 2027 after a emergency meeting in Washington D.C. the North American Treaty Organization would consider the uprisings in Europe as a valid trigger of Article 5 allowing American troops stationed in Europe to assist European forces. Soon after, on April 30th, 2027, in New York City a United Nations meeting would condemn the Până-Der-Liberté organization.
On May 12th, 2027, the revolutionary leaders of Până-Der-Liberté would reorganize declaring The United Socialist States of Panaderia (USSP). By this time revolutionary forces occupied large portions of Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Denmark, Hungary, and Ireland. The European forces and rapidly deployed American forces would soon reorganize a defense and the front lines stabilized. Smaller pockets of revolutionaries in European control would be stamped out during this time and Ireland would be reclaimed. A private meeting between USSP, American, and European leaders on September 7th, 2027 would establish an indefinite armistice and the planning of future meetings. By this time the USSP was the controller of large portions of Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and parts of Denmark, Austria, Hungary, Netherlands, and Lithuania. On September 25th, 2027, the European Union would hold a meeting in Brussels to discuss the future course of Europe and work toward the stabilization of the continent. This meeting would lead to discriminatory resolutions against Arts users along with the framework and enactment of European federalization marking the beginning of the European Union as a nation.
The armistice stopped official hostilities but many border skirmishes and smaller scale riots and uprisings would still occur. There would be significant increases in violence and discrimination against Arts users around the world, leading to Arts users fleeing and taking refugee in the USSP. After the armistice the USSP would begin formalizing into a centralized government which would be finalized with the ascendancy of the Glorious Leader. International reception to this was positive as the USSP had a cohesive government that could be negotiated with and it brought hope for European stabilization. The Glorious Leader was not a Arts user which improved international opinion as well and allowed much more receptive negotiations between the USSP, EU and United States. These negotiations would lead to the USSP's entrance to the United Nations along with a limited recognition of the USSP territory. These meetings would have some European Union members, especially those that had been occupied by the USSP feel that the United States was abandoning them, some even claimed that America had assisted USSP rebels.
On October 18th, 2028, the European Union, the United States, and the USSP would meet in Washington D.C. to sign a finalized peace treaty and the recognition of the USSP as a state. The USSP would pay reparations to both the US and EU for the damages along with giving US markets a prioritization in the USSP economy. Due to mounting pressure at home the US strong-armed the EU into rushing the negotiations further straining relations.
Third World War
The years following the treaty would see relative stability return to Europe and with only minor border confrontations and tense relations, escalation was often prevented by US intervention. This status quo would remain until March 28th 2032, in which numerous failed negotiation and rising European anti-Americanism led to the European Union withdrawing from NATO. The months following the EU's withdrawment would see tension flare with small scale border conflicts and skirmishes occurring. A UN security meeting to discuss these events would be called for May 27th, 2033 but on May 20th, 2033 European and USSP forces engaged in a skirmish on the outskirts of Luxembourg City which would end in a decisive USSP victory. However, a significantly sized European force would be stationed opposed to the USSP forces, this escalation would lead to the USSP to also begin building up a larger force. This event also led both nations refusing to discuss anything worthwhile at the UN security meeting. Both nations gradual buildup would continue until June 11th, 2033, when the USSP formally declared war on the EU claiming that European troops were violating USSP national borders, the USSP would launch pre-emptive strikes across the border signaling the beginning of the European War(June 11th, 2033 - December 12th, 2034). The United Kingdom, Russian Federation, and Serbia declared neutrality in the conflict while the United States would commit material support for the European Union. The USSP army successfully pushed the European army back significantly for the first months of the war capturing Stockholm and Tallinn in by August, and Paris by September. However, the USSP forces began to bog down as the massive front lines expanded and European resistance groups caused logistical damage. Due to their losses significant infighting began in the European Union, then on October 14th, 2034, the temporary European Parliament was bombed by and unknown group causing signficant damage to the trust and unity of the European Union with some members calling for de-federalization.
On December 2nd, 2034 a de-federalization measure was forced through parliament, the rushed nature of the measure led to significant power vacuums and confusion of order. USSP forces had dug in during the EU's collapse and the government claimed ownership of the lands they had seized during the dissolution of the European Union while urging for the new independent member states to negotiate for "Peace in Europe". They seized Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Lithuania, and parts of France, Sweden, Italy, and Romania. The Russian Federation would take advantage of this turmoil seizing control of Latvia and Estonia and launching a successful coup in Ukraine. Despite the USSP initial calls for peace the seizure of these lands along with the rushed dissolution of the European Union directly caused the collapse of France, Romania, Sweden, and Greece's governments while causing major unrest in other nations. The USSP would also use this period of instability to back pro-Arts and pro-USSP governments, illegally seizing more territory from Italy and Romania, and launching a full scale invasion of Serbia in what is known as the Continuation Wars (December 12th, 2034 - September 2nd, 2037). The USSP's relation with Russia and America rapidly declined during this times as the USSP suppressed and actively combated numerous pro-America and pro-Russian organizations and governments. Upon the end of the Continuation Wars the USSP and pro-USSP governments controlled approximately 78% of the former European Unions territory.
The USSP would move on to rapidly consolidate its hold on Europe, integrating many of the governments they aided in the Continuation Wars and rebuilding from the damages of almost a decade of conflict. The planning of the states new capitol Panaderencia City would begin, with the ground work being laid in Brussels. By the end of 2038 the USSP was stabilized and began rearming to complete the Glorious Leader's promise of "Reclaiming their rightful borders". The USSP would make a pre-emptive strike staging a successful coup on January 26th, 2039, against the pro-Russian Finnish government causing a Russian military response. Citing USSP aggression the United Kingdom would join against the USSP on February 1st, 2039 when the Royal Navy blockaded Ireland as British forces seize control of the island. The United Kingdom declared that any USSP ships in the English Channel be forced to surrender or be sunk. Originally considered the Second European War it would quickly devolve into the Third World War (January 1st, 2039 - August 5th, 2046). On May 4th, 2039, the American senate voted to officially declared war on the USSP in support of the United Kingdom. Shortly after on May 16th the People's Republic of China began a military blockade and bombardment of Taiwan, declaring support for the USSP on May 17th, 2039 after striking US and Japanese bases in the Pacific.
The United Nations security council had a emergency meeting on May 22nd, 2039, where an proposal for troop withdrawment and peaceful negotiations was quickly vetoed. The use of nuclear weapons was discussed in great length and the security council members came to the agreement that any nuclear strike required nations to alert any possible civilian targets 24 hours before the strike would be launched. This agreement would be upheld when on June 14th, 2039, China sent a nuclear warning to Taipei City and delivered the next day. This lead the Japanese directly intervening in the war and the beginning of Indian mobilization. In Europe the USSP moved rapidly into Russia due to Russia's inability to counter the Arts, the USSP would also begin attempting to break the British blockade by bombing ships in and around the United Kingdom. After the USSP seizure of Moscow, Russia demanded the USSP to retreat within 24 hours or Russia would fire their entire nuclear arsenal in retaliation, USSP forces bunkered down across the front and on July 22nd, 2040 ~3000 Russian missiles were launched to targets across Europe. None of these missiles would complete their objective as USSP Arts users were able to disable or destroy all missiles, this led to a unannounced joint USSP-Chinese retaliation strike on known Russian silos of which 14 out of 20 were successful. Russia's government would collapse on August 28th, 2040, allowing the USSP to seize large amounts of western land while China seized the resource rich east.
On October 13th, 2040 India would declare war on China leading to Pakistan joining against India. China would fire a nuclear strike without warning against India leading to a full scale nuclear exchange between India, Pakistan, and China. This would cause the total collapse of Asian stability as a small scale nuclear winter began in Asia, and USSP forces would begin moving into safe Asian territory under the pretense of humanitarian aid. During this time the United States would join together with Canada, Greenland, Iceland, and Mexico reforming into the United States of North America. USSP forces would land in the United Kingdom and Ireland on November 16th, 2040, however the dug in British and American forces and the USSP's lack of a large scale navy would lead to little gains. Due to the effects of the war and the destruction caused by the nuclear exchange in Asia a worldwide war a food and water crisis began in 2041, the crisis would lead to a collapse of the British authority allowing the USSP to seize control of the isles by December 9th, 2042.
The United States of North America and the USSP would stay in war, however no direct conflict would happen between the two nations as both nations were attempting to solve the issues at home and neither nation had the capacity to maintain large scale offensive operations across the Atlantic. On August 1st, 2046, the president of North America reached out to the Glorious Leader to end the war citing American willingness for co-operation as long as the USSP did not interfere in North or South America. The request would be accepted on August 5th, 2046, unofficially ending the war and beginning negotiations.
Reconstruction & The Great Recession
The time after the Third World War was extremely harsh, due to the USSP's massive expansion and the destruction of the war the government was stretched extremely thin and reforms began immediately. The United Nations declared a humanitarian crisis and estimated ~1 billion would be displaced across Eurasia and ~250 million would die. During this period the USSP exploited the Arts using healing Arts to repair the environment by cleaning radiation from the land, and moving into Asia. Due to the USSP's freedom of the use of Art's usage a massive boom to the use of the Arts in business occurred helping the nation rapidly recover from the destruction of the war, recovering to pre-war European Union GDP in 2048. Despite the USSP alignment as a communist nation it had massive private investments from North American businesses and despite the massive economic boom were still extremely dependent on North America. The Glorious Leader tried many times to push foreign business out of the USSP however due to pushback from the people and business owners he was forced to back down.
While the United States of North America had a large amount of injustice and hate against Arts users it was willing to co-operate with them until on January 5th, 2055, the North American president was assassinated by a radical Arts user. This caused a massive anti-arts movement to grow, and is considered the direct reason for Midou Eleonora a radical anti-arts president to be elected the next year. The new upcoming president along with as massive increase in anti-arts sentiment caused many North American businesses to pull out of the USSP leading to Great Recession. The USSP's nation currency, the Bullet, dropped from 1.8B = 1$ to 135B = 1$ over a month which caused unprecedented unemployment, homelessness, and poverty. The government initially nationalized North American businesses however this backfired amplifying the damage and causing worried investors to pull out, in an attempt to recover the economy there was an attempt to re-privatize the businesses this however lead to them either sitting unbought or quickly going out of business. During the crisis the USSP would also end up defaulting on its debt further damaging the economy. This lead to an economic freefall and after 4 months the Bullets exchange rate was 153,200B = 1$ and unemployment had reached 67.3%.
In an attempt to combat the growing unrest and in hopes to invigorate the economy on July 16th, 2056 the USSP began a campaign of invasions in the Middle East known as the Recession Wars (July 16th, 2056 - October 29th, 2059). Initially these campaigns worked leading to slight economic resurgence and distracting the people by uniting the nation against a common enemy but as the fronts began to slow and the USSP began to be pushed back unrest and economic decline would quickly return. Unrest boiled over when on December 2nd, 2058 the military was deployed in 7 major USSP cities firing upon unarmed protestors leading to riots across the nation. The USSP would then begin joint negotiations with many nations in an attempt to end the Recession Wars, these negotiations started off poorly with USSP diplomats sending exorbitant demands. The riots in the USSP increasingly intensified and lead to a nation-wide curfew to be emplaced and eventually most major cities were locked down. Throughout 2059 the riots began to die down and cities would begin lifting their lockdowns however military presence was high and state surveillance was extremely intrusive. Due to the increasing lack of stability on October 29th, 2059, the USSP also agreed to a peace deal with the Middle Eastern nations to pay 1.2 billion in reparations leading to significant economic backlash.
The New Year Revolution
Despite the continued attempts at stabilization throughout 2060 the public despised the government and growing unrest and the power-hungriness of the military was causing tension and distrust between military and government institutions. This began to show the weaknesses in the military and the government and a large gathering of revolutionary leaders on the December 31st, 2060 had no governmental or military response allowing for the leaders to coordinate to The New Year Revolution. The New Year Revolution began on January 1st, 2061 and encompassed the entire Megalopolis of Panaderencia and the revolutionaries were able to quickly secure the massive city. The situation continued to deteriorate and revolts began to spring up all across the USSP causing the nation to collapse into total anarchy, total collapse happened when the military split off from the government and the death of the Glorious Leader. Multiple nations seized USSP land during this time which lead to an increase in nationalism along with a drive for increased militarism.
On January 6th 2061 - 12:00, the Megalopolis of Panaderencia lead by The First Speaker declared independence from the USSP under the title of The Self Governing Megalopolis of Panaderencia. In the USSP from late 2061 to early 2062 the Socialist Democratic Workers Party (SDWP) began to stabilize the nation but was backed significantly by foreign powers leading to Itahnya Fehkira's clique to launch multiple raids destroying their command structure and slipping the nation back to anarchy. On December 25th 2064 - 13:00 Itahnya Fehkira announced the formation of the People's Revolutionary Party (PRP) an alliance of powerful Arts users and socialist factions, this faction began rapidly seizing control of the nation. Finally on January 1st 2065 - 13:00 the People's Revolutionary Party finalized its creation and was recognized by most as the legitimate government of the old USSP, however the nation would not be recognized or declared stable until 6 months later. The new government immediately declared that the United Socialist States of Panaderia would be known as the Reformed Revolution of Panaderia (RRP) and negotiation with The Self Governing Megalopolis of Panaderencia had begun.
The Reformed Revolution and Modern Panaderia
Shortly after the stabilization of the RRP militarization began, supported massively due constant fighting that had occured along with the new government pushing hyper nationalistic and militaristic propaganda. Early 2065 the RRP became the largest military on the planet and the RPP would soon after begin the reclamation of lands lost during the anarchic period, during this time the development of the new capitol city, Izubelrine, began. All old USSP lands would be secured by July 2065 and in an attempt to legitimize her government Itahnya Fehkira would declare a re-invasion of the Middle East began and the modernized RRP army quickly gained control. The RPP's rapid remilitarization was seen as a major threat to the recently federalized United States of Africa, who quickly began close collaboration with North America in preparation for war. This war came before Africa could reach any meaningful agreement with the US and on March 17th, 2066 RRP forces landed in key ports across the Mediterranean and seized the Suez Canal. The conflict would be short coming to a close with a US threat to join the war on Africa's side The treaty would be formed on November 29th, 2066, recongizing RRP's annexation of a large portion of Northern Africa under the agreement that the RRP would not perform any hostile actions toward the United States of Africa or any of its members for 25 years. The rapid remilitarization and aggression of the RRP triggered the United States of North America to begin increased collaboration other nations in the America's, reviving a new Monroe Doctrine with the creation of the Midou Alliance in which Africa would be an observer of.
From 2066 - 2072 the RRP under the leadership of Itahnya Fehkira was focused entirely internally, they followed a path of economic Autarky, had extremely limited communication, stopped all legal forms of emigration and immigration, and while present at U.N. council meetings had abstained from 48 out of 52 votes. The RRP rapidly advanced technologically and began looking towards complete colonization and terraforming of other planets, this was supported with the rapid increase in the potential found in the Arts. This stance lead to a space race between the RRP, United States of North America, and United States of Africa with North America and Africa following the RRP in creating small scale colonies on the Moon while the RRP rapidly expanded their lunar colonies along with establishing new colonies on Mars and Venus. As of 2074 RRP has begun to open up to international relations using Panaderencian connections, this started with a proposal for a modernized international space station to be build between the 3 powers. Critically this allows the increasingly frequent skirmishes happening in space to be resolved easier. The RRP has also expanded to their colonies to Mercury, Phobos, Deimos, Europa, Io, Dione, and has begun large scale mining in the asteroid belt. The RRP is ~73% complete a space elevator and has begun major terraforming operations on Mars and Venus.
Panaderia's Earth territory is approximately 78,053,419 km˛ in total size, and ~22% of it is water. Panaderia borders the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic oceans and contains the entire Mediterranean. Despite Panaderia's massive size it can be divided between 3 regions, the Euro region, the Asian Region, and the Afro-Arabian region.
The Euro region is the urban capital of the nation with hundreds of geography altering projects being completed to assist in expanding the ever growing cities. These cities have groundbreaking public infrastructure to assist citizens to getting to the massive office districts. Heavy industry is rare in these cities normally being located in the older cities and is normally completed automated. There frequently multiple military bases, airports, and ports locate in these cities to assist with the nations conscription and constant training. The Euro regions geography is unnaturally and irreversibly changed due to alterations to grow the cities and to expand the ever growing infrastructural needs
The Asian region is a strange region, with the area being turned to an irradiated wasteland during the Third World War, despite the use of Arts to reclaim the land there are still large swaths of uninhabitable land and a overall lack of biodiversity in the region. These factors have lead the Asian region to be industrial and scientific heartland of Panaderia. Many scientific communities reside in the Asian region due to the limited population living in the area and the lack of restrictions on tests. The Asian region also has massive industrial cities, these cities are entirely automated having only small amounts of management and technicians to maintain them. The Asian region is also home to most of Panaderia's energy production, with large solar, wind, hydroelectric, nuclear, fusion, and Reactive Arts Aura Generators (RAAG).
Last is the Afro-Arabian region, the most recently integrated region in Panaderia, and also the least developed. Since the acquisition of the Afro-Arabian region massive environmental altering projects have began in an attempt to create a breadbasket region. As of modern day these alterations have been massively successful developing large amounts of the Afro-Arabian region into arable land. These alterations have allowed for "mega-farms" to be built spanning incredible amounts of land further leading to the push for a total automation of farming.
Panaderia has approximately 9 billion people as of 2075, Panaderia is the most populous in solar system followed by the United States of Africa in second and the United States of North America in third. Panaderia has a population density of 298.64 people per square miles or 115.30 per square kilometers and an average citizens has an average lifespan of 95 years.
Panaderia's national language is Ancient and is the only recognized language in Panaderia, however only approximately 91% of the population speaks Ancient due to the recent conquest and the large border with the United States of Africa. The second most spoken language is Arabic followed by many different African languages.
Largest Cities
Rank | Name | Population |
1 | Izubelrine | 72,830,000 |
2 | Beijing-Tianjin | 68,520,000 |
3 | Paris | 57,440,000 |
4 | Meaauckthrap | 56,830,000 |
5 | Tokyo | 50,230,000 |
6 | Rome | 47,780,000 |
7 | Stockholm | 44,550,000 |
8 | Brest | 41,780,000 |
9 | Itahnyia (Moon Colony) | 41,090,000 |
10 | Hamburg | 38,980,000 |
Panaderia is classified as a single party dictatorship, and is often compared to the Soviet Union. The highest seat of power is the Leader of the People, the position is voted on by the people upon the death of the current Leader of the People. The Leader of the People is supported by a cabinet. Despite reforms, Panaderia's legacy of war and instability has caused most leaders to have military connections and favor the military.
The currently Leader of the People, Itahnya Fehkira, has developed Panaderia into her view of Technocratic Socialism. She has pushed for rapid developments in technology, specifically pushing for the rapid advancement of automation. Fehkira's cabinet has been staffed with experts in their given fields allowing for a hyper-efficient central government, she has also removed the militaries influence in the government. Despite making many moves against the military at the start of her rule, Fehkira not only modernized but also approved numerous expansions of the armed forces leading to her being considered a extremely militaristic and nationalist leader.
The economy of Panaderia is classified as a command economy using a decentralized planned economy. Due to Panaderia's massive size the central government maintains ownership over almost all business but economic plans are developed by the district governments. Despite the planned economic model the Panaderian economy is extremely diverse and Panaderia is well known for its advanced technological, agricultural, manufacturing, automation, and energy industries. Due to Panaderia's beliefs that automation is that way of the worker many manual labor are either partially, entirely automated, or run by artificial citizens.
Panaderia follows the economic principles of Autarky, owning foreign goods is illegal and only Panaderian made goods are sold. This policy started back when the nation was still lead by the Glorious Leader as he wanted to begin to reduce Panaderian dependence on the United States of North America however the principle was official put into place after Itahnya Fehkira's rise to power. As Panaderia is also a command economy there is no foreign businesses and collaborating with a foreign business is punished harshly.
Panaderia has also begun rapid expansion into space, with colonies on the Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Phobos, Deimos, Europa, Io, and Dione rapidly growing into economic hubs, this has been further developed with the large scale mining operations beginning in the asteroid belt. This has also birthed the rapid expansion of spaceship building bringing economic booms to cities on Earth.
Due to Panaderia spanning multiple continents it has established the Central Infrastructural Committee to manage the massive infrastructural upkeeps, demands, and expansions. The Central Infrastructural Committee has created and expanded upon extremely cheap but well maintained railways, bus lines, carpool apps, public airlines and highways. The Central Infrastructural Committee is also overseeing the creation of the Space Elevator and has begun planning for improved transportation between Panaderia's galactic colonies. The Central Infrastructural Committee has also been conducting tests on using the Arts for rapid long distance transportation of materials and personel.
The Arts
The Arts are a form a magical energy a user gains when fusing with a spirit, depending on the type of spirit and its power the person develop features of the spirit. Examples of this are Fehkin's animalistic ears and tail and Johpiel's wings. The spirits also enable the user to gain the ability to form magic using their desire, this process of developing a affinity for specific branch's of the Arts can take from days to months and some individuals gain a large affinity for multiple branches. Once a user has complete their development they will notice the changing of their physical structure if the spirit is powerful enough, this process can be excruciatingly painful as these will form very quickly leaving little time for the rest of the body to adjust. Once both of these process have completed a user will be able channel the arts. Arts have been currently only reported in females. The Arts also have many different forms of mutations which can been further explored here.
Due to Panaderia's empowering stance on Arts users it has developed many uses and technologies based on and around the Arts. The Arts have continued expanding into the everyday lives of Panaderians throughout the years with developments in both the civilian and military sectors.
The Civilian Sector
In the civilian sector Arts users are in high demand, some jobs can be completed with extreme efficiency and speed if performed by an Arts users. Some of the fields that Arts users are frequently working at are as follows, medical, industrial and construction. The medical field has been completely dominated by Arts users due to them being able to healing almost any ailment or injury in a matter of minutes. In the construction and industrial field Arts users are used for their Arts power for transportation of materials on site, temperature controlled welding, and many other things.
The Military Sector
The government prioritizes sending Arts users to the military sector which is also expanded due to Panaderia's conscription. Arts users are always sent to the Arts branch of the military were they are distributed to the other branches as necessary. The Panaderian Army has limited use of Arts users, normally using them for defensive or special operations. The Panaderian Air Force prioritizes the usage of Arts users due to their ability to withstand higher g-force and attack with Arts while flying. The Panaderian Navy has almost no Arts users and has little demand for them, when they are needed it is usually for special operations.
Major Art Technologies
Panaderia has developed many technologies based around and depending on the Arts
Technology | Description |
Reactive Arts Aura Generator (RAAG) | The Reactive Arts Aura Generator (RAAG) is a completely clean and renewable power source, RAAG's produce from 1 - 5 terawatts a day. RAAG's are powered by Arts users using a specialized Art to generate power, as of current day this Art is classified. |
Reactive Shielding | Reactive Shielding is an enhancement of defensive Arts, the major difference being that Reactive Shielding harnesses the power of the attack to either fire back or enhance the user Arts. |
Specialized Arts Healing | The Specialized Arts Healing allows for any individual to gain healing arts for a limited time utilizing Artificial Spirits. The Specialized Arts Healing is connected directly the the desired healer acting as a secondary vessel for the spirit and allowing the healer to channel the Art. |
Materialization | Materialization is a Art in which the user can create matter in limited capacity, however the user of the Art has to understand how the material is formed to perform the Art. It is possible to combine elements that would normally have no feasible way of forming using this Art. |
Enhancement | Enhancement is a development of Materialization, however instead of directly creating the material the user increases the quality, condition, or sometimes rearrange the material. |
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NationStates Wiki Generator
Was a big help