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Styles of Address


The following are the formal honours for government officials (with abbreviation according its manual of style):

  • His/Her/Their Excellency (HE) – President, Ambassadors;

  • The Right Honourable (The Rt Hon) – President, Prime Minister, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court;

  • The Honourable (The Hon) – Speaker of the House of Representatives, President of the Senate, Justices of the Supreme Court, federal Cabinet ministers, federal court judges, judges of provincial courts, Governors, members of the Executive Councils (Premiers of provinces and provincial cabinet ministers), speakers of provincial legislatures, members of the Council of State;

  • His/Her/Their Honour (HH) – Governors, judges of appellate, superior and inferior courts, mayors of the federal capital and of the provincial capitals, justices of the peace.

For example, a judge would be verbally (sonically, vocally or orally) addressed as "Your Honour" in court, whilst a Supreme Court Justice would be verbally addressed as "Mister/Mistress Justice". The President would be addressed as "Your Excellency", and would be introduced as "Their Excellency the Right Honourable [names of person, family or tribe], President of the Commonwealth of Nova-Lox". This is analogous to that for an imperial, regal, principal, capital or royal majesty (a majestic sovereign where official diplomatic post on whose service is "frank"). After the prime address and introduction, "Sir" or "Dame" suffices. French equivalents include son excellence, le/la très honorable, l'honorable, and son honneur (note the mute consonant similar to a vocal sound in the grammar). Compare these to the equivalent Atlantean Romanic abbreviation of the titles of D. and D.a. In Parliament and Legislative Assembly, members address each other as "Friend" or "Colleague" (if in the same, like, identical or equivalent party), "Member" (if in another or a different party), and "Senator", "Leader", "Speaker", "President" or "(Prime) Minister" (irrespective of party).

The President is solely styled as such whilst in office; thereafter, they are only styled as The Right Honourable. The term "right" refers to correct justice, sanity, verity and reality in a partiality (tendency in discrimination, inclination, predilection, propension, preconceit or prejudice) for the dexter instead of the sinister. Ambassadors are so styled in the nation-state of accreditation. In official occasions with the presence of the President (as the chief of a sovereign state, dissimilar to ministers of government), formal, ritual, ceremonial and musical hymns (historically a salute to a monarch, emperor or governor, and as a militant march) honours the position, person and office with music (melodic, harmonic, lyric, poetic and choral ode, chant, antiphon or psalm) and a national composition. Ceremonies of respect include the guard of honour by the armed military force as a regal, imperial, principal or federal organisation of the republican state. (The origin of this custom is from doe den tap toe, or Dutch for "do the tap too", that instructed the hosts of pubs to mandate, despatch and inform soldiers or mercenaries to return to the barracas or barracks in a garrison of the regiments that form the corps.) The Novan Constitution specifies the messages (notices and announced affairs) to the Government and Parliament that the President must sign:

  • bills and their references to the people;

  • letters patent and of credence;

  • the nomination of judges, ambassadors, auditors, controllers, commissioners and members of the Council of State.

by hand and seal. As added pomp, the latter—an intaglio, not cameo and not merely a pressed stamp, locus sigilli (abbreviated L.S., not lectori salutem) or manu propria—is guarded by a civil registrar (secretary of a ministerial chancellery) and presented by the Chief Justice at inauguration.

Common titles include Mr (Mister) and Ms (Mistress), irrespective of conjugal status (in a sexual ménage in a domestic manor of cooperative persons) to signify a "master" or "senior" (i.e., a neutral "husband" for "house bond"), and the gender-neutral title Mx (Mixter, where the "x" is a "commode" or character of substitution for an element, ensemble, chain or sequence that is neither cognoscible nor previsible, similar to the "*" in computation and in euphemism for "noxious" or "offensive" obscenity that replaces the literal vowels to censor, alter, cancel, eliminate, expurgate and expunge in a subtractive omission, not an additive commission, of expression for impression). In Novan English, the third-person, gender-neutral pronoun "e(y)" (subjective), "em" (objective), "eir(s)" (possessive) and "emself" (reflexive) are equivalent in aphaeresis to the singular "they", "them", "their(s)" and "themself" for "he", "him", "his" and "himself" or "she", "her", "her(s)" and "herself". The normal and legal obligation of general and equal opportunity of personality, sexuality and identity is demonstrated in the preference of diverse neutrality and plurality in gender (as the "sakely", not solely the dual or not uniquely the double conditions of the manly and masculine "man" with the wifely and feminine "woman" as an existential "other" of animal sex in humanity, fertility, fecundity and property) despite engendered grammar, which is a special and nominal case for titular members and states of persons in the English language. Monsieur (Mr) and Madame (Mme) from French (cf. the Dutch meneer from mijn heer and mevrouw from mijn‎ vrouw, similar to the German mein Herr and meine Frau, which respectively has a cognate in English with "hare" and "hoar", not hase or haas for "cony", as in hehr for "senior, noble, venerable, sublime, grey, elder, older" that combined with "young" forms "younker" from "yunker, yonker, junker, jonk(he)er" for "boy" and in Spanish with Froila(-án/-ana) formed from the Germanic diminutive suffix -ila via the Gothic that forms personal names from common nouns including the German fron as a cognate of the Old English or Anglic Saxon of fr(e)a / fr(e)o and the Old Norse of freyr or ing for a phallic, mythic and sacral "master" or "king" as a virile, prosperous and pacific deity associated with virility, prosperity and peace in addition to the divine pleasure of sunlight, good harvest and fair weather) might be used as alternatives. The plural forms for these are Messieurs (Mrs) and Mesdames (Mmes). The Romance equivalent singular (and plural) abbreviations are Sr. or Sig. ( or Sigg.) and Sr.a or Sig.ra ( or

They literally signify "my lord" and "my lady", which both originate from the Germanic "loaf-ward, -dey" who, as a chieftain or "gentleman", provided "bread" to their tribal people to eat. The communicating of bonds or common connection of bread is central to the daily ritual refection of the league of familial communion. The offer of bread (frequently an ornate "top" with a weave, tress, plait or braid of the knead of dough, paste or mass) by a host is believed to an obligation and benediction (oath and vow) of hospitality, amity, fidelity and loyalty. From the Greek (αὐθέντης or authéntēs, as in "authentic", "genuine", "principal" and "autocrat", in addition to "free-death", "self-murder" and mors voluntaria), the Turkish effendi signifies a potent and excellent person ("master" or "prince", as in a valuable and honourable agent or actor) [1]. Novans, in the democratic spirit of common equality, rejected titles of nobility used prior to the Palman Republic with its with liberty, equality and solidarity. Nobles were vassals of the court magnates (a condition of military obligation and social privilege) as a fijo d'algo or fija d'algo (Spanish hidalgo or hidalga and Portuguese fidalgo or fidalga, where each human being (homo) is a filial progeny, hijo or filho). There are other colloquial titles that are used to annul deference to social hierarchy. The pseudo-titles of a preposed appositive phase and an anartrous nominal premodifier (with the definite or indefinite article absent) are prescribed by stylistic prohibition and distinct from fraud. The origin (formation, function, creation and evolution) of the state as a social organisation and communal institutions of coercive coordination (by hegemony, sovereignty and authority of obligatory operation and administration with a monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force in order, markets, hierarchy, potency and violence that became associated with the nation) is proposed in sociology (anthropology, ethnology and psychology) to be influenced (caused) by population migration, concentration, dispersion and distribution (with pressure, capacity and density a factor of existence), the circumscription of agricultural territory for extensive and intensive production (intensification, cultivation and irrigation), ideology, ecology, biology, economics, politics, and the ambient interaction of structures (cultural conduct and tribal conflicts) with ethnographic constitutions, demographic constructions and geographic conditions of humanity in space.

The city-states (cities and states) of Anadolia, vital altepemeh (the plural of altepetl) divided as a calpolli (estate of a chantli or "home" and calli or "house"), were commanded by "speakers" and "leaders" of politics as dynastic emperors (tlahtohqueh) who nominated governors of provinces. The principal chieftain (tlahtoani, kuraka, kasike) of Anadolian aristocratic dynasties resembled the Celtic—with there a mythic history of exiled chiefs migrating from Ulster (LinkTyrconnell or Donegal and LinkTyrone or Derry, not the Irish provinces of Munster, Leinster or Conster) to Atlantis—where the reigning primary tovissak or towissog ("king", "emperor", or "prince") nominates an heir (cf. Germanic folger and volger). One is a follower (not leader), imitator (not conductor) and successor (not predecessor) as a "young" (inferior, minor and junior, i.e. not an "old" superior, major or senior) cursor that continues in (con)sequence (sue or suit(e) to execute and persecute in consecutive relation, direction or disposition with an order of progressive, regressive or conservative precedent). The secondary deputy, who sits next in sequence of succession to reign a realm (flath for sovereignty) of the primary principal, is not necessarily selected by the genealogic descent of hereditary primogeniture. Instead, as an elective monarchy (dissimilar to the subsequent Palman Empire), an assembly of the noble and senior groups ("septs" from sect or saeptum) of clan (tribe, family, and domestic house) elected the person of nominated or designated candidates considered to be the most capable (virtuous, meritorious, or judicious) and appropriate (sapient, prudent, or pertinent). It determined the inheritance and exercise (possession and occupation) of land (property) as a common right of mutual interests in tribute by imperial dominion (dominium or regnum of an empire or imperium) [2]. The abdication of the Palman imperial monarch with the decline or "decadence" of sanity towards inevitable mortal fatality was traditional, with the principal successor assuming regency as the authority of a regent or president. The bard and cantor (shanachie and wele(d)s, uelet(s), velits), similar to a priest of the Palmaist religion, traditionally was attached to the houses (tribes and families) of nobility for their narrative sequences of history, society and memory (in music and epic).

The title Doctor (singular or plural abbreviations: Dr or Drs) is used for those who hold a doctoral degree. This courtesy title is conferred to the graduate of medicine (with a MBChB) by the statutory and regulatory authority of the medical practitioner license. It may be distinguished as Dr. med. univ. (Doctor medicinae universae), Dr. med. dent. (Doctor medicinae dentinae), and Dr. med. vet. (Doctor medicinae veterinariae), which are analogous to Dr. Phil. (Doctor philosophiae), Dr. theol. (Doctor theologiae), Dr. iur. (Doctor iuris), Dr. oec. (Doctor oeconomiae), Dr. rer. oec. (Doctor oeconomicarum), Dr. rer. pol. (Doctor rerum politicarum), Dr. rer. pol. (Doctor rerum politicarum), Dr. rer. nat. (Doctor rerum naturalium), Dr. rer. med. (Doctor rerum medicarum, Dr. sc. oec. (Doctor scientiarum oeconomicarum), Dr. sc. pol. (Doctor scientiarum politicarum), Dr. sc. soc. (Doctor scientiae socialis), Dr. sc. hum. (Doctor scientiarum humanarum), Dr. sc. math. (Doctor scientiarum mathematicarum), Dr. sc. mus. (Doctor scientiae musicae), Dr. sc. inf. (Doctor scientiarum informaticarum), Dr. sc. agr. (Doctor scientiarum agrariarum), Dr. scient. med. (Doctor scientiae medicinae), Dr. sc. nat. (Doctor scientiarum naturalium), Dr. phil. nat. (Doctor philosophiae naturalis), Dr. techn. (Doctor technicae), and Dr. ing. (Doctor ingeni for an ingeniator). The title of doctorand (doctorandus or doctoranda) refers to a master prior to the concession of a Doctorate. The professions of engineer, solicitor, and barrister (with a Baccalaureate or Licentiate) are not conceded titles. Professor (or colloquial "prof") is an academic (instructive and educative) position of "fellow" and the title is always used in preference to Dr (principally signifying an erudite educator or instructor of students). Novan (and Atlantean) universities do not grant honorary (i.e., honoris causa, which is distinct from emeritus and emerita) degrees so the Dr title cannot be malappropriated and the academic product is not corrupted (e.g., beneficium sine cura).

The Medical Council is the statutory and regulatory corporation that grants licences that are required by law as permission to practise medicine and registers medical doctors or practitioners (medics, surgeons, or physicians). The Nursing Council licenses practitioners such as registered nurses (RNs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) as adjoint attendants or adjunct assistants. The modern profession in the hospital infirmary was founded by Florence Nightingale, notable for her humanitarian (liberal and humanist) reform, in addition to data visualisation and information graphics for statistics in hygiene and sanitation. The Engineering Council is the regulatory authority for registration for practising chartered engineers. Similar to an accountants (a countable bookholder, reckoner, counter, computer and calculator of countability) in accountancy, an agrimensor who surveys (supervises, measures and inspects) the prospect of land (spatial territory) in agriculture, architecture and infrastructure by surveillance with geodesy, geometry and geography (economy, trigonometry, cartography and topography as an analogue to astronomy, hydrography and oceanography) are chartered (registered and regulated by a professional authority with a federal charter). This is similar to the registration (designation and recognition by certification, qualification and quantification) of architects, chemists, teachers (educators and instructors), and builders (constructors). Analogous organisations regulates lawyers (barristers and solicitors with a LLB, which is a professional licentiate (a licentia docendi subsequent to being a candidate or candidatus) required for legal practice where higher applied degrees are for academic research in civil, juridicial or political jurisprudence that is analogous with the vocational, technical or clinical practice of medicine or surgery). The Judicial College is responsible for professional training (capacitation, qualification, formation, instruction and education) of the the judiciary (judges, magistrates and justices of the peace with the legal, criminal, penal and civil jurisdictions of the courts and the tribunals).

Although Nova-Lox is a federal state, the medical, engineering and legal professions are regulated at the national level instead of at the provincial level. This is because conditional norms for medicine, engineering, and law (as interprovincial commerce) are set by the federal ministries of health, education and justice (which, in part, comprise the Government responsible to Parliament). With their respective disciplines, physicians and engineers of various (sundry) specialities (e.g., surgeons, neurologists, ophthalmologists, obstetricians, gynaecologists and paediatricians, versus informatic, civil, mechanical, medical, material, and electrical engineers), join professional colleges, societies or associations. Professional dentists (licensed by the Dental Council, analogous to the Optical Council for optometrists and Pharmaceutical Council for pharmacists (druggists) who are not medics and are similar to hygienists and chemists, but different from physicists and scientists, which William Whewell named and who suggested the terms ion, anion, cation, anode, cathode, electrode, dielectric, electrolyte and electrolysis to Faraday) specialise in dentistry (a medical practice of diagnosis of maladies, and therapy for prosthetic and orthopaedic function, not aesthetic form) with orthodontia, oral and maxillofacial surgery (with odontology, pathology, epidemiology, anaesthesiology and radiology complementary), the endodontium and the periodontium. Pharmacy (pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics and pharmacognosy) are symbolised by the Cup of Hygieia, similar to the Baton of Asclepius (not to be confused with caduceus) for medicine. The Federal Academy is the national academy of the arts, the humanities, the sciences, engineering, and medicine. It is the organisational group of members or sub-academies (e.g., the Federal Academy of Biology, the Federal Academy of Chemistry, the Federal Academy of Engineering, the Federal Academy of Medicine, the Federal Academy of Physics, the Federal Academy of Arts and Letters, the Federal Academy of Architecture, etc.), each of which have federal charters in the Commonwealth.

The literal abbreviations of the titles of Senior and Junior are Sr and Jr, which are informal ordinal and generational suffixes used to indicate if the name of the parental progenitor (the elder father or mother, in French père and mère) is in common with the filial descendent (a naturally younger principal son or daughter, or fils or fille from the Latin filius, in filiation; cf. the Latin puer, the Sanskrit putra, the Persian پسر or pesar, the English "few", and an Hellenic cognate) in polite and courteous disambiguation. This is similar to the Arabic kabīr (كَبِير) and ṣaḡīr (صَغِير). The "grand" or "great" ascendant parental progenitors (fathers and mothers) relative to their postnatal (in contrast to prenatal or antenatal) descendants are distinguished as ayle, besayle, tresayle, quatrayle, quintrayle (from the diminutives aviolus, aviola of the Latin avus, avia for "patriarch, matriarch", and the Latin cardinal numbers for primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary and quinary ordinal position, via French) for five generations. This is similar to the superior and inferior natal order of the sequence in a generation indicated with the Sinitic 伯 (bai / bak / bag / beh / peh / pek) for primary, 仲 (zhong / dong / zung / chung / tiong) for secondary, 叔 (s(h)u(g) / sog / suk / si(o)k / chek) for tertiary and 季 (ji / gi / kui) for quaternary progeny. Whilst "boy" is used for intimacy across all ages, the term "orphan" is used to refer to a minor (junior and immature individual compared to a major, senior or mature adult) including a juvenile or puerile infant (inclusively, not exclusively, a "baby" or the diminutive of "babe" from "babble" similar to bébé bebé bebê bebo) that is "found" (abandoned, neglected, committed, alienated, ignored, injured, exhibited and exposed by parents in actuality or mortality and adopted ensuite to be "fostered" as an esposito, exposito with emphatic prominence on the antepenultimate syllable, by society or a social, tribal, familial, personal, general and special community). From the Latin natus meaning "born, natal, birth, bear, nascence, partus", the French and née (depending on masculine and feminine gender) are used in combination to indicate the natal or original (personal and family) name of an individual prior to a legal or conjugal name change and assumed pseudonym (e.g., as an identity and personality of anonymity, or hypocoristic intimacy, affinity and familiarity). This is similar to puisne for "subsequent", "puny", "junior", not "senior" and not "chief". In Novan common law, an individual person has the right to be called (clamour, claim, arrogate, adopt, change or assume) any name they choose or desire. A deed (legal instrument that is a document or certificate with a witness that attests to the act or fact as evidence of the action or event) for a change of name is obtained from a civil court and registered with Novan Registrar Office (civil registration of records as a registry or repository). Dissimilar to an imperial official register with customary (appropriate, adequate, respectable, acceptable, normal, traditional, conventional, memorial and modal) names (e.g., those of mythic heroes, mystic saints, historic ancients, and classic antiques that are regarded as correct and decorous to erudite academicians, burghers, aristocrats and bureaucrats of class, privilege, prejudice, gust, style, decor, value and honour perpetuated by the "flash", "shine", "blink", "glim" and "blitz" of virtual and popular publications of bon chic bon genre for public consumption with its images and forms of suspect, suspicious, dubious, ridiculous, notorious, controversial or sensational celebrity, spectacle and discipline) in society, names in Nova-Lox are not regulated in institutional and social conformity.

Novans, however, are extremely curious and cognisant of the etymology and onomastic lexicology of names [3]. The celebration, dedication and commemoration of feast days in the annual and seasonal liturgy of Palmaism connects names to their natal anniversary (dies natalis) in the ecclesiastic calendar (memorial and temporal cycle) of martyrs, saints (abbreviated St, Ste, S., Sta., St., Ste.) and beloved persons (of corporate tribes). The changes of names are published in the Commonwealth Bulletin (an official public record, gazette or docket that is a publication for legal notices authorised and digested by the Novan government). It publishes notices of the assent of bills of Parliament as acts, the issue of writs of election for the Parliament, the mandate of authorities in appointment to public offices, the insolvency of corporations or persons, the decree of the President, and the conferment or concession of honours. Family names reflect the origin (ascendancy, lineage, ancestors, and progenitors) of the Atlantean people. Their names, through anthroponymy, reveal a syncretism of Romanic, Celtic, Germanic, and Semitic culture. Naming customs informed by Palmaism are examples. The Palmaist religious system of naming accommodates for varying lineal traditions and cultural influences. Toponymic names are permitted with the use of the genitive preposition "of/to (the)" (Italian: di, della, delle, del, dello, dell', dei, degli; Spanish: de, de la, de las, del, de los; Catalan: de, de la, de les, del, dels, de l'; Portuguese and Galician: de, da, das, do, dos; French: de, de la, du, des, de l') that is analogous to the Dutch van (de, der, den, tot), German von (der, dem, zu), Greek -ou/-(o)tis/-li(s)/-as, Finnish -nen, and Slavic z(e)/-(w/v)ski/-(c/z)ki/-(c/z)ka/-sk(y/a)/-(š/č)ki [4]. These are common in family names because of ancestral habitation, whilst seldom or rare in personal names. The matronymic and patronymic names are prefixed (e.g., "O'-/Mc-/Fitz-" from the Celtic Ó/Ua/Ní/Uí and Mac/Nic/Mhic, the Semitic Arabic ibn(at)/bin(t) and Hebraic–Aramaic ben/bar(-t)) or suffixed (e.g., "-s" in a possessive plural, the Germanic -son/-sen/-sohn/-zoon and -daughter/-dotter/-dóttir/-dochter, the Slavic -(y)(o/e)v(a)/-ow/-au, -c(z/h)(y/u)k/-enko/-in(a) and -owitz/-ovics/-(o/e)wicz/-(o/e)(v)ich/-(o/e)vna/-(o/e)(v)ić, the Romanian -escu/-ovici, the Greek -ides/-opoulos/-akis/-ion, the Turkish -oglu, the Persian -pur/-zad(eh)/-ian, the Berber O-, the Italian -i, the Basque -(r)ena, the Gothic Spanish -(e/a/o/i)z and the Galician–Portuguese -(e/a/i)s), all meaning descendant accordingly. Family names may also be formed with the conjunction "and" (Italian: e(d); Spanish: y/e; Catalan: i; Portuguese and Galician: e; French: et; German: und; Dutch: en). Italian family names exhibit regional characteristics with nominal suffixes: -iello, -u(s)/-(i)is/-as, -ato/-ate/-a(t)ti, -on/-in, -aro/-ero, -isi/-osso, -ago/-engo/-(en)ghi, -audi, -zzi, -anti/-ini, -otti/-utti, -asso/-asco, -ace and -aci/-ecci/-ucci.

Tribes historically were represented by a blazon, arm, escutcheon, shield or scutum. The tribal and social origin of the tradition was to identify the warriors of military and army in the field of battle. The heraldic design of the insignia (e.g., ensigns or badges of armour with a stemma or a mot(to)) eventually served in identification of commercial (corporations and organisations of burgher merchants for commerce), individual (hereditary for persons), familial (families of nobility), communal (civic political cities, municipalities, provinces, regions, realms and states), collegial (societies, enterprises, universities, schools and academies), and ecclesiastical (chief clerics). These symbolic and emblematic coat of arms frequently were armes parlantes ("speaking arms") or non verbis, sed rebus ("not by words, but by things"). This heraldry is regulated in court (symbolised by a staff, shaft, scape or cep(e), which is a cognate of scopa, escoba, escova, escombra for "broom, besom" and scanno, escano, escaño, escanho for "bank, bench") by heralds appointed to a council, administration, commission, institute, authority or office. (The Novan chief, appointed by the President not the Government or Parliament, is Justine Poy van de Kamp, whose name is from 培 or poi / boi / pui / bui / poe / boe / pue / bue for "cultivate" and 沛 or pai / pei for "abundant, exuberant, luxuriant, copious"). It is intimately related with the vexillology of banners, the genealogy of tribes, and the corporate emblems (marks as significant symbols) of industry. These signs are common to the civilisation (i.e., the communities, societies and properties) of humanity. For example, the Turkic tamga or tughra (calligraphic cyphers or monograms) are emblems similar to the Germanic "house marks" (glyphs or runes) and the Sinitic 家紋 (jia / g(i)a / k(i)a wen / ven / ben / vun / bun / mun / van). In identities, the names of (frequently Celtic, Gaelic, Brittonic and Norman) families have been transferred to personal names (which is a controversy of "blame" for purists). Identity of personal and tribal family, with their onomastic origins, are explored by an organic morphology and an analytic (not synthetic) genealogy.

The hierarchy of diplomatic protocol and the order of precedence is merely symbolic of ceremonial and sequential preeminence; it is neither legal nor official symbolic. Examples of post-nominal letters, letters placed after the name of a person to indicate that the individual holds a position, office, or honour, include the following. An individual may use several different sets of post-nominal letters. Honours are listed first in descending order of precedence; that is, national and federal honours (distinctions conferred by the Commonwealth) with university degrees in order of conferral and adhesion of learned (academic) or professional societies subsequent in an ascending order. The international Alex Prize does not confer post-nominal letters. This list names some cases that do:

  • ON – member of the Order of Nova; the highest order of merit in terms of honours, the national order (phalera) of Nova-Lox is a recognition (commendation, admiration and laudation) for extraordinary talent, meritorious service, or exceptional contribution to the Commonwealth and humanity in the notable (commendable, admirable and laudable) promotion of culture (arts and sciences), per nomination by the President that is accompanied with a eulogy and accolade of ordination, salutation and approbation; the unique-class (officer, which is to be consistent with egalitarian institutions of libertarian democracy) medal consists of an orange Linkoctagonal Linkstar (of the Novan federation of the Commonwealth) and a blue and white triple-strip(e) ring band [5]

  • MP – federal members of Parliament (for the House of Representatives only, whilst the title Senator is used like that for Councillors)

  • MLA – members of provincial Legislative Assemblies

  • CS – member of the President's Council of State

  • SC – members of the President's Senior Counsel

  • JP – Justices of the Peace

  • DPhil – Doctor of Philosophy (Doctor Philosophiae)

  • MD – Doctor of Medicine (Medicinae Doctor)

  • LLD – Doctor of Laws (Legum Doctor)

  • MSc – Master of Science (Magister Scientiae)

  • MA – Master of Arts (Magister Artium)

  • MPhil – Master of Philosophy (Magister Philosophiae)

  • LLM – Master of Laws (Legum Magister)

  • MBChB – Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Medicinae Baccalaureus et Chirurgiae Baccalaureus)

  • BDCh – Bachelor of Dental Surgery (Baccalaureus Dentalis Chirurgiae)

  • LLB – Bachelor of Laws (Legum Baccalaureus)

  • BSc – Bachelor of Science (Baccalaureus Scientiae)

  • BA – Bachelor of Arts (Baccalaureus Artium)

  • BPhil – Bachelor of Philosophy (Baccalaureus Philosophiae)

  • BLitt – Bachelor of Letters (Baccalaureus Litterarum)

[1] The term "actor" does not necessarily refer to an agent (compared to a patient) of an action with passion (an active motion with passive emotion of objective perception and subjective conception). It may refer to an artist, interpreter, hypocrite, comedian of comedy, or tragedian of tragedy.

[2] In Latin, a "master" corresponds to Domini (the genitive of dominus). In Greek, "master" is kyrie (a vocative form of κῡ́ριος or kū́rios, with the nominal cognate "Cyril" and wherefore "church" of a parish, a diocese or sacerdotal district of a cathedra), of which mercy, clemency, glory, piety, charity, security, salvation, redemption, liberation, curation, compassion, preservation, benevolence, grace, pardon and misericord are implored for well-being and justice in prudent reverence (supplication, sanctification and retribution). Compare it to a "servant" (a ministerial acolyte, or attendant assistant and adjutant) and a "serf" (δοῦλος or doûlos). The name of Germanic Franks who conquered Celtic Gaul signifies "free" as in "freeman", "not a serf" or "franklin". It is from franc, itself from franko for "spear, gar, gore, lance, javelin, projectile, rocket, ballistic missile" or Celtic "pike, matara". This is similar to "churl" or "carl" for "senior, proprietor, mature man, male human being" and the Persian farang or فرنگ for "Frank, European, stranger, of France", which results in the names "Charles, Carlo(s), Karl". Contrast the majesty (magisterial authority) of a magister and a magisterium to the ministry of a minister and a ministerium. A clerical priest is a "reverend" cleric and a parochial, episcopal, principal, judicial, official, legal and general vicar (i.e., a vicarious deputy, delegate, representative, substitute, subordinate or locum tenens) that is "vice" (adjunct) to the ecclesiastical administration of a bis(c)hop or biscof(f) (vescovo, (e)piscopo, (o)bispo, bisbe, evesque, epíscopo, évêque). A Palmaist monastery with the enclosure of a convent (cloister from Latin claustrum) is led (conducted and directed) by the governance of an abba (abbot or abbess, from abbas, itself from the ἀββᾶς or abbâs and Aramaic אַבָּא or ʾabbā of the Arameans, who adopted the alphabet from the Phoenicians) as a prior or prioress (a subordinate or inferior provost, prefect and president to a dominant or superior bishop of an ecclesiastic cathedral), an ascetic cenobite with a domestic mission and a monastic father or mother (a parental patriarch or matriarch to brothers and sisters, or the French fère and soeur, as sons and daughters). This religious order (discipline) is a collegiate, corporate, cooperative and collective "house". As a community, this congregation, construction, institution, organisation, corporation and association is a stratum of society as a company, college or family of common obedience and mutual obligation (solidarity, fraternity, sorority, paternity, maternity and responsibility). A canonic cleric regular, as an individual member of clergy who is regulated and allocated a prebend or stipend as a precarious (but not periculous) benefice of property by petition, supplication, invitation, solicitation and offer, is distinct from a secular (mundane, where the genial and familial become the general as the communal and social, i.e. not the special, civil, popular, vulgar or laic) priest of a diocese. An ecclesiastic cleric is related to a clerk or scribe (as in the literal and occupational family names of "S(c)hriver, Schriever, Schreiber, Schrijver, Le Clerc(q), De Clerck, De Kler(c)k, Clark(e), Sofer" from "scribe, shrive, write, grave"" and the Latin clericus, itself from the Greek κληρῐκός or klērikós, and κλῆρος or klêros for "lot"). The custodial tutor (cf. שַׁמָּשׁ or shamásh and גַּבַּאי or gabái for the guardian of the treasure of fiscal finance) of the Palmaist temple with its sacristia is a beadle or bedel. The name of this servant, attendant, assistant and functionary of a sacerdotal and synagogal minister of a presbyterium is not related to the canine bégueule (from badare or the onomatopoeic "gap(e)" and gula or the gurgling orifice of the bucca), which is distinct from the pastoral hound, the terrestrial hound, and the tame mans(uet)o / mastin of domestic costume.

[3] Examples of the etymology of (primary and secondary) personal names are compiled in a trivium of anthroponyms.

[4] Finnish is the Finnic language of the Finns of Finland or Suomi. It is a Nordic (Northern, however not of Germanic Scandinavia of mutually intelligible Swedish, Danish and Norse) land with the Sámi people named in the Baltic for "terrestrial solum, ground and earth of humanity, humility, humus" that is related as a cognate to the Slavic zemlja, Sanskrit ksham, Iranian زمی or zami, Persian زمین or zamin, and Hellenic χθών or khthṓn and χᾰμαί or khamaí.

[5] Compare this decoration to the Order of the Sun or Orden del Sol in Aleixandria. Its design is inspired by the ornament of rosettes, palmettes, and central, medial, oval, floral, circular, stellar and solar forms of (arabesque or moresque) art that is similar to a mandala. Historic manuscripts use sculptures, pictures, figures, architecture and miniature as portal of columns as symbolic and thematic allegory with colouration, pigmentation, illustration, illumination, geometry, symmetry and calligraphy. This frontispicium is positioned on the sinister verso opposite of the title as the dexter recto in folio pages. This mode was presented in the albums from Aria, an oasis city in Khorasan and Ariana (an Aryan and Iranian region governed by the Persians, Macedonians, Bactrians, Scythians, Parthians and Indians), which is related to the Sanskrit hari (epithet of Krishna, avatar of the divine deity Vishnu) for "gold". The court of a prince of the Tīmūrīyyūn (تیموریون) or Gūrkānīyyūn (گورکانیون) dynasty of Turkic Mongols (the origin of the Indian Moghuls from مغول‎ or moğul) influenced by the culture of Persia (Persis or Pars(a) in Asian Iran) promoted its artistic style in a renaissance. The supreme decoration in Roman antiquity was the gramineous (floral and cereal) crown, which is used in heraldry. Compare it to the civic, celestial, oriental, mural, naval, castrensial and obsidional versions.

A national or formal honour system is absent in Alpenburg in a tentative limit or restraint of mercenary military service by soldiers (compensated with a salary as a pension or payment) and in a republican aversion to the conferment of titles of nobility by the State. It is ordinary that citizens of city-states reject this and other similar orders in the spirit of civic (municipal or communal) autonomy of civil politics. Mercenaries were granted legal rights (privileges and immunities) from (civil, criminal and penal) responsibilities and obligations in unilateral contracts and commercial treaties where (con)federal unions that (con)federate as sovereign states cede, renounce and abandon jurisdiction (of courts, tribunals and national institutions of government and parliament) exercised and enforced over alien citizens in "capitulations" (from capitula for "chapters" as the plural form of capitulum, the diminutive of caput which is related to capitolo, cabi(l)do, capítol, capítulo, cabido, chapitre as the origin of capitello, cabdi(e)llo>caudillo, cabdell, caudhilo, ca(u)del, cabedelo, ca(p)det, c(h)apitel>cadeau, chapiteau from capitellum for "capital" as in a city, column or ego). This differs from the reciprocal relation of "most favoured nation", or a bilateral or multilateral negotiation that requires international (global) concession to counter and prohibit discernment (discrimination and distinction of exclusive speciality, not the equality and parity of inclusive generality) in the commerce of merchants.

The organ of the municipal corporations of cities granted residents, visitors, celebrities and dignitaries the ceremonial honour or favour of the "freedom of the city". These privileges of citizens originates with permitting the entry of the arms, soldiers and imperium of the military in its pomoerium (i.e., post the mural frontier, wall or door of the city of Rome) as a recognition of confidence by the local population. The triumph (march of victory) was an exception to this prohibition (restriction and limitation) of the Roman Republic. The authorities of mediaeval boroughs affirmed the personal class or status of a citizen (e.g., a burgess or burger as a serf freed and liberated of a feudal master) with the right to protection, election, vote, commerce and property. Their councils (assemblies of governance) formed as a social organisation of communal tribes (families with cultural and ritual structure) with a common nation, religion and obligation. Cooperative councils of tribal confederation for mutual interest in Atlantis made the pejorative, denigrative and offensive xenophobia, which is common to human history and narrations of migration, obsolete and antiquated. An example in Nova-Lox of the competitive past with the ethnonyms (demonyms in contrast to autonyms) of people is the Anishinaabe naming their rivals (and enemies)—the Haudenosaunee and other allied tribes of rivers, lakes, plains, camps, towns and villages—snakes (plural of nadowe(ssi), contrary to the honorific of avian corvids) with a strange and alien language (from the verbal natowessiw).
