by Max Barry

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The Polish Nation of
Corrupt Dictatorship

Overview Factbook Dispatches Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards


History of Northern Polish

9878 BC: First signs of civilization on land in this area.
1675 BC: Start of Bronze Age. Towns built.
500 BC: Celtic invasion. 200 died during the vicious attacks.
78 BC: Fall to the Roman Empire.
56 AD: Northern Polish becomes an independent nation, called Północne Cesarstwo Polskie (Northern Polish Empire)
550 AD: The Polish wars. Southern Polish wins.
1089: Country finally recovers from the Polish wars after 500 years of poverty and beats them for the city of Torun.
1367: The last overseas territory falls to England. Renamed to Northern Polish.
1654: Beginning of the Russio-Polish wars. Russia defeated 13 years later.
1856: The British Empire takes control of the nation and Southern Polish. Years of slavery followed.
1939: Second World War. Nazi party invade Gdansk and Britain loses control.
1945: Following the collapse of Germany, it is returned to the British Empire.
1956: Freedom Day. After 6 months of war, Northern Polish once again gains independence.
1988: Terrotist attacks on a city hypermarket launches concern into the Conservative government.
2000: 2 hours after the millennium, a sudden raid on the small parliament causes a overthrow of the Conservative government by an extrimest organisation who found a lady called the 'Peoples Party'.
2008: After 8 years of communism and closure from the rest of the world, Northern Polish once again becomes a democracy and the Labour part take control.
2019: War begins with Latvia, with backup from new allies Southern Polish.
2021: The war finishes, with new thing much changed in each country.
2024: Northern Polidh joins the European Union in hope of being a better nation.
