Government power is substantially delegated to local authorities.
State Press
Only state-controlled media is permitted.
Native Representation
Only native-born citizens may hold elected office.
Term Limits
Elected representatives must leave office after a legally mandated amount of time.
Permanent Marriage
Divorce is illegal.
Same-sex relationships are illegal.
No Abortion
Abortion is illegal.
AI Personhood
Artificial beings are legally recognized citizens.
Parental Licensing
Citizens must acquire a license in order to have children.
Body Integrity
Citizens may not pierce their bodies nor circumcize their children.
Strict modesty laws govern how citizens may dress.
Law & Order
Capital Punishment
Citizens may be executed for crimes.
Corporal Punishment
Criminals may be ordered to undergo physical punishment.
A period of military service is compulsory for all citizens.
No Judiciary
The nation has abolished the court system.
ID Chips
Citizens are administered an under-the-skin ID chip.
Private industry is permitted within a market-based economy.
Nuclear Power
The nation is nuclear powered.
Space Program
The nation runs a space program.
Weapons of Mass Destruction
The nation claims the legal right to use WMDs.
No Immigration
Foreigners cannot become residents.