Military of Mysterio
Military Description of Mysterio SA80 Rifles
Berretta M9 Pistols
Benneli M4 Shotguns
Light Machine Guns
Berretta M9 Pistols
Benneli M4 Shotguns
Light Machine Guns
M198 Howitzer Cannon
81 mm Mortar
81 mm Mortar
Unguided Missiles
Personal Rockets
Rocket Launcher
Personal Rockets
Rocket Launcher
Challenger 2 Tank
Warrior Tank
Bulletproof Vests
Mordern Armor
Mordern Armor
Air RadarsMarine Radars
HMS AstuteTrident SubmarinesHMS Vanguard
Type-45 DestroyersType 23 FrigatesUSS port RoyalHMS ocean
Agusta Westland AW109Westland Puma
TornadoTyphoonDefenderAirbus A330 MRTT
Yersinia Pestis
Mustard Gas
Trident Missiles
B-61 Nuclear Bombs
WE.177 Nuclear Bomb
Nuclear Radar
Taranis Drones
Guns- 6 billion rupees
Artillery- 20 billion rupees
Rockets- 30 billion rupees
Armoured Vehicles- 25 billion rupees
Battle Protection- 10 billion rupees
Radars- 10 billion rupees
Submarines- 50 billion rupees
Ship- 80 billion rupees
Helicopters- 30 billion rupees
Aircraft- 100 billion rupees
Biological and Chemical Weapons- 10 billion rupees
Atomic Weapons- 100 billion rupees
Drones- 40 billion rupees
Foreign Investment- 86 billion rupees
Economy- 3.36 Trillion Rupees
Military Expenditure- 400 billion rupees