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Mydic Empire

Mydic Empire


Motto: "Ενότητα, Ελευθερία, Αρετή"
(Enótita, Elefthería, Aretí)
Unity, Freedom, Virtue


Population: 287,500,000
-Density: 49.99/km2 (80.6/mi2)

Capital: Mydare, Mydia
Largest City: Xenia, Amazonia

Official Language: Mydic (For Government Use)

National Languages:
Ghedok (Albanian)
Golean (Byzantine Greek)
Ilosi (Ionic Group)
Mydic (Ancient Greek)
Parthenian (Modern Greek)
Tascan (Grico)

Demonym: Mydian

- Basileus: Leto IV Atronid
- Crown Prince: Alexandros Atronid
- Archon: Jaina Jessero
- Synedrio Speaker: Georgios Mastanakis

- Upper House: Symma
-Lower House: Nydria

Formation of the Stygian Empire: 693 BC
Formation of the Stygian Republic: 179 BC
Formation of the Mydean Kingdom: 744 AD
Formation of the Mydic Empire: 1832 AD

Land Area: 2,858,490 mile²
4,600,294 km²
Water Area: km²
Water %:

Highest Point: Mount Athos
Lowest Point: Barrigan's Trench

GDP (nominal): $16.1t
GDP (nominal) per capita: $56,000

Human Development Index (NS Version): 0.919

Currency: Valente

Time Zone: UTC -5

Drives on the: Right

Calling code: +3

Internet TLD: .myd

Mydic Empire

The Mydic Empire, commonly known as Mydia, is a Constitutional Federal Monarchy located in the northeastern region of South Arcadia, known as Arkadia within the Empire. It shares borders with the Thalassic Sea to the north, V20 to the south, the Federal Republic of Edenica to the west, and the Franconia Empire to the east. It also splits an archipelago at the mouth of the Thalassic with the Franconia Empire, Sartoria, and V13. The Empire encompasses a vast land area of 4,600,294 square kilometers and is home to an estimated population of 287,500,000. It is comprised of 14 states and one federal territory, which includes the capital city of Mydare.

The Mydic Empire is renowned for its technological advancements and has a strong legacy in the aerospace industry. It is a member of the Valentian Alliance, a supranational bloc of nations, to which it contributes substantial financial and material support. The rise of Pan-Valentianism, a belief in a more unified and federalized world for the betterment of humanity, has gained prominence within the Empire. The Empire places great emphasis on investing in the future, particularly in sectors like renewable energy and sustainable technologies. It has made significant investments in cutting-edge technologies such as self-driving vehicles, and high-speed rail, and has implemented a carbon-neutral government policy. These forward-thinking initiatives have shaped the public outlook and aspirations of the Empire over the past several decades.

The modern Mydic Empire is the culmination of a complex unification process, marked by the rise and fall of three previous empires in their quest to unite the diverse people under a single banner. The Empire stands as a testament to the perseverance and vision of its leaders and the shared aspirations of its citizens for a unified and prosperous future.


The word "Mydia" could be derived from the Stygic root "myd-", which holds deep associations with the concepts of "water" or "sea." In ancient Stygia, the term "mydía" (μυδία) specifically referred to "seashells" or "mussels," representing the abundant marine life found in the vast depths of the Stygian seas. These seashells were valued not only for their intrinsic beauty but also for their significance in religious and cultural rituals.

The term "Mydia" took on another layer of meaning when it was applied to the people inhabiting the region near modern-day Mydare in the Stygian era. These people, known as the Mydioi, were so named by the Stygians themselves in 611 BC. The designation stemmed from their close association with seashells and their coastal way of life. The Mydioi engaged in extensive trade, exchanging seashells, pearls, and other maritime resources with neighboring civilizations.

The Mydioi were renowned for their exquisite craftsmanship and architectural marvels, particularly their palaces adorned with magnificent sea-like motifs. These structures featured intricate carvings of seashells, waves, and marine creatures, reflecting the deep connection the Mydioi had with the Stygian waters.

Over time, the name "Mydia" came to encompass not only the geographical area but also the cultural and artistic traditions of its inhabitants. It evoked images of a coastal civilization deeply rooted in the maritime realm, harnessing the power and beauty of the Stygian seas.

The standard way to refer to a citizen of the Empire is as a "Mydian."


In the region known as Mydia in the modern era, the concept of prehistory encompasses the time before written records existed, when the land was inhabited by the early Elladic people. The Elladic Era in this region is a fascinating period of human history that provides insights into the early civilizations and cultures that laid the foundation for the later developments in what would eventually become Mydia.

During prehistory in Elladeia, the land was inhabited by various tribes and communities. These early Elladic people relied on hunting, gathering, and fishing for sustenance, gradually transitioning to a more settled way of life as they discovered the benefits of agriculture. They cultivated crops such as wheat, barley, and legumes, and domesticated animals, which allowed for more stable and sedentary settlements.

The prehistoric Elladic society was organized into small, self-sufficient communities, often centered around fortified hilltops known as acropoleis. These hilltop settlements served as both defensive structures and communal centers, where social and religious activities took place. Archaeological findings, such as pottery, tools, and burial sites, provide valuable insights into the daily life, craftsmanship, and spiritual beliefs of the Elladic people.
Over time, as trade and interactions with neighboring regions increased, the Elladic civilization experienced cultural exchanges, technological advancements, and the emergence of complex social structures. This laid the groundwork for the later developments of the Bronze Age and the rise of significant civilizations like the Lydians and Stygians in the broader Thalassic region.

Ancient and Classical Eras
In the annals of history, the Stygian Empire stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit and enduring legacy of a remarkable civilization. Rising to power in the year 693 BCE, the Stygian Empire emerged from humble origins to become a formidable force that left an indelible mark on the world.

The early years of the Stygian Empire were characterized by periods of internal strife and external conflicts. A series of ambitious rulers led campaigns of conquest, gradually expanding their territories through military might and strategic alliances. With each victory, the Stygians forged a path of dominion, extending their influence across vast regions, from mountainous realms to fertile valleys. Under the reign of Basileus Minos the Great, the Stygian Empire reached the pinnacle of its power and prosperity. Minos was a visionary leader, renowned for his strategic genius and statesmanship. He established a centralized administration, creating a system of provinces governed by appointed officials known as Epistates. This administrative structure facilitated efficient governance and fostered economic growth, leading to unparalleled stability and cultural flourishing.

The Stygian Empire became known for its advanced infrastructure, including well-maintained road networks, impressive aqueducts, and monumental architectural achievements. Magnificent cities, adorned with grand palaces, awe-inspiring temples, and bustling marketplaces, served as a testament to the empire's opulence and cultural sophistication. The arts and sciences flourished, with renowned philosophers, poets, and scholars gathering in Stygian academies to exchange ideas and advance knowledge.

However, as centuries passed, the imperial system faced challenges from within. In 172 BC, the Stygian Empire transitioned into a Republic known as the Stygian Republic. This transformation marked a turning point in the nation's history, as power shifted from an imperial autocracy to a more participatory and representative form of government. The Stygian Republic embraced the ideals of democracy, with elected representatives from various regions forming a Senate to govern the nation. To lead this new national system the Senate created the position of Archon, which to this day serves as the democratically elected Head of Government. Some of the city-states and small nations that were absorbed during the Empire's rise had practiced early forms of democracy and republicanism which helped the Elladic peoples lay claim to being the earliest democratic society on Vesta.

During the era of the Stygian Republic, the republic thrived on a foundation of shared governance, civic duty, and public debate. The Senate became the epicenter of political discourse, where senators advocated for the interests of their constituents and deliberated on matters of state. The republic fostered a spirit of egalitarianism, granting citizens the right to vote and participate in the decision-making process.

The Stygian Hegemony's republican system endured for centuries, maintaining internal stability, fostering cultural growth, and expanding diplomatic relations with neighboring nations. However, the march of time brought its own challenges, and eventually, the Hegemony's influence began to wane, as external pressures and internal divisions eroded the republic's strength. The Republic would face increasingly difficult odds and with twin eruptions of major volcanos, a pestilence that lasted five years and defeats abroad, the Republic crumbled in an internal power struggle in 481 AD.

Middle Ages and Diadochi:
During the Middle Ages in the region that would later become the Mydic Empire, the aftermath of the collapse of the Stygian Republic in 744 AD led to a fragmented landscape characterized by numerous successor states. This era witnessed the rise and fall of several prominent realms, including the Mydean Kingdom, Kingdom of Laconia, Parthenopian Cities, and the powerful Amazonian Empire.

The Mydean Kingdom emerged as one of the early successor states to the Stygian Republic. With its capital situated in Mydea which later becomes Mydare, the kingdom encompassed a substantial portion of the former Stygian territories. The Mydeans, influenced by a blend of Stygian and regional traditions, developed a feudal system of governance while keeping with a form of republicanism married to a dynastic monarchy. They established a network of fortified cities and castles, fostering local economies and ensuring the security of their realm. The Mydean Kingdom thrived through trade and agriculture, with a focus on cultivating fertile lands and engaging in maritime commerce along the Thalassic.

To the east, the Kingdom of Laconia arose as a prominent power in the region. Drawing inspiration from the ancient Polemosian traditions, the Laconians adopted a militaristic society. Renowned for their disciplined and well-trained armies, they controlled a significant portion of the eastern territories. The Kingdom of Laconia implemented strict social hierarchies, emphasizing martial prowess and civic duty. They would go on to be the chief rivals to the Mydean Kingdom and the Amazonian Empire.

In the northwestern coastal regions, the Parthenopian Cities emerged as a confederation of urban centers, known for their artistic and intellectual achievements. The Parthenopians embraced a flourishing cultural scene, attracting scholars, philosophers, and artists from various parts of the Thalassic. They nurtured a spirit of intellectual curiosity and became centers of learning and innovation, contributing to advancements in various fields, including philosophy, literature, and architecture. Early on, the Parthenopian Cities would ally themselves to the Mydean Kingdom and the two would remain aligned throughout much of the remainder of Mydic history.

Among the successor states, the Amazonian Empire stood out as a powerful matriarchal society. Led by fierce warrior queens, the Amazons ruled over vast territories that had never truly been conquered by the Stygians but kept as a client state. Renowned for their equestrian skills and military prowess, they established a formidable presence in the region. The Amazonian Empire encompassed a diverse population, comprising both Amazons and other conquered peoples. The empire's strength lay not only in its military might but also in its well-structured administration and innovative agricultural practices.

Throughout the Middle Ages, the successor states to the Stygians engaged in both cooperation and conflict. They formed alliances, engaged in territorial disputes, and vied for dominance in the shifting political landscape. Trade networks, cultural exchanges, and occasional conflicts shaped the complex dynamics of this era.

Ultimately, the Middle Ages in the Elladic region were marked by a diverse tapestry of successor states, each with its own distinct cultural, political, and economic characteristics. These states played a vital role in shaping the trajectory of the region, setting the stage for the eventual emergence of the unified Mydic Empire.

During the Renaissance period, the post-Stygian nation of the Parthenopian Cities experienced a remarkable cultural and intellectual revival. Inspired by the rich legacy of the ancient Stygians, the Parthenopian Cities became renowned centers of learning, arts, and scientific exploration. Scholars and artists flocked to these cities, fostering a vibrant cultural exchange that revitalized the region.

Under the influence of the Renaissance movement, the Parthenopian Cities experienced a flourishing of literature, philosophy, and artistic endeavors. Scholars delved into the realms of humanism, questioning established beliefs and emphasizing the importance of human potential and individuality. Artists, inspired by classical aesthetics, produced breathtaking works that celebrated the beauty of the human form and depicted mythological and historical themes.

Meanwhile, the Amazonian Empire faced a fierce rivalry with its chief competitors, the Kingdom of Atreus and the Laconian Kingdom. The Amazonians, renowned for their warrior traditions and matriarchal society, clashed with the Kingdom of Atreus over territorial disputes and control of strategic resources. These conflicts intensified during the Renaissance as the Amazonian Empire sought to expand its influence and secure its dominance.

At the same time, the Laconian Kingdom solidified its eastern dominance, leveraging its disciplined military forces and strategic alliances to assert its authority. The Laconians, drawing inspiration from the ancient Polemosian traditions, upheld a strict social order and placed great importance on military prowess. Their disciplined armies and efficient governance allowed them to expand their influence across the region, challenging both the Amazonians and the Mydean Kingdom.

As the Renaissance drew to a close, only the Laconians, Amazonians, and the Mydean Kingdom remained as independent powers vying for dominance in the Elladic Region. The three-way battle for unification intensified, marked by shifting alliances, territorial disputes, and political maneuverings. Each faction sought to consolidate power and forge a unified realm that would shape the future of the region. This was compounded by the religious wars that had spawned from the Great Schisms of the early 1000s AD, as the Laconians had embraced Apostolicism while the Mydeans and Amazonians had remained faithful to the Lateran Church.

The Renaissance period set the stage for a crucial turning point in the Elladic Region's history, where the forces of culture, intellectual exploration, and military prowess converged. The outcomes of this three-way struggle would determine the course of the region and pave the way for the eventual emergence of a dominant power in the Elladic lands.

Enlightenment in the Elladic Powers:
Within the context of the Mydic Empire's formation and the later Unification War, the Enlightenment had a profound impact, benefiting the Mydean Kingdom and the Amazonians while presenting challenges for Laconia and Atreus. Here's a closer look at how the Enlightenment influenced these regions:

Mydean Kingdom: The Mydean Kingdom embraced the principles of the Enlightenment, which emphasized reason, individual rights, and representative government. This intellectual movement fueled progressive thinking and political reforms within the Mydean society. The Mydeans championed the ideals of constitutionalism, advocating for a government structure that balanced power and protected individual liberties. The Enlightenment's emphasis on knowledge, education, and scientific progress further contributed to the Mydean Kingdom's industrialization and technological advancements, providing a foundation for economic growth and societal development.

Amazonian Empire: Although the Amazonian Empire had a different societal structure, with a matriarchal society and a focus on warrior traditions, the Enlightenment still had an influence. The principles of reason, equality, and individual rights resonated with certain segments of the Amazonian population. Enlightened ideas sparked intellectual debates and discussions among the Amazonians, challenging traditional norms and promoting social progress. While the Enlightenment might not have directly shaped the Amazonian Empire's governance structure, it fostered intellectual curiosity and contributed to the advancement of knowledge, arts, and sciences.

Laconia: Laconia, known for its strict social order and militaristic traditions, encountered greater challenges in embracing Enlightenment ideals. The emphasis on individual liberties, representative government, and intellectual inquiry contradicted the traditional Spartan values upheld in Laconian society. The rigid hierarchy and focus on military discipline in Laconia made it difficult for Enlightenment ideas to take root. Consequently, the Enlightenment's influence on Laconia was limited, and the region's development leaned more towards its military might and territorial expansion.

Atreus: Similarly, Atreus faced challenges in fully embracing Enlightenment ideals. The Kingdom's social structure and ruling class held significant power and were resistant to notions of greater equality and democratic governance. The Enlightenment's emphasis on individual rights and representative government clashed with the prevailing hierarchical system in Atreus. As a result, the spread of Enlightenment ideas faced significant opposition within Atreus, hindering its influence on the region.

In summary, the Enlightenment had a transformative impact on the Mydean Kingdom and the Amazonian Empire, fueling intellectual progress, political reforms, and economic development. However, the traditional structures and values of Laconia and Atreus posed challenges to the adoption of Enlightenment ideals. While the Enlightenment influenced different regions to varying degrees, its principles of reason, individual rights, and progress played a crucial role in shaping the Mydic Empire's foundation and the aspirations of those who sought unity, progress, and enlightened governance in the Elladic Region.

Unification War:
The Unification War that took place from 1826 to 1832 was a pivotal conflict in the Elladic region, marking the struggle for unity and the formation of the Mydic Empire. The war brought together powerful entities on opposing sides, with the Kingdom of Mydea, the Amazonian Empire, and Parthenopian Cities aligning against the Kingdom of Atreus and the Laconian Kingdom. Ultimately, the Mydeans emerged victorious, establishing the Mydic Empire on the principles they cherished dearly.

The Kingdom of Mydea, a progressive and industrialized state, led the charge for unification. Inspired by Enlightenment ideals and constitutionalism, the Mydeans advocated for a federal empire that respected regional diversity while promoting a unified framework for governance. Their commitment to reason, individual rights, and representative government fueled their determination to forge a united Elladic region. They counted among their allies abroad the Kingdom of Zollern which had itself has been unified centuries earlier with Mydean and Parthenopian help.

The Amazonian Empire, known for its fierce warrior traditions and matriarchal society, joined forces with the Mydeans. Although their societal structure differed, the Amazonians recognized the benefits of unity and shared common goals with the Mydeans. The Amazonians sought to protect their independence and expand their influence, and the establishment of a united empire offered a platform to preserve their unique culture while participating in a broader Elladic society.

The Parthenopian Cities, renowned for their cultural and intellectual achievements, also rallied behind the cause of unification. Their commitment to arts, literature, and progress aligned with the principles embraced by the Mydeans. The Parthenopian Cities saw the opportunity for their rich cultural heritage to flourish within a united empire, fostering a climate of intellectual exchange, artistic expression, and scientific advancements.

On the opposing side, the Kingdom of Atreus and the Laconian Kingdom resisted the forces of unification. Atreus, with its hierarchical social structure and ruling elite, sought to maintain its power and dominance over the interior region. The Laconian Kingdom, known for its militaristic traditions and rigid social order, favored a fragmented Elladic region that could be easily influenced and controlled. They viewed the Mydeans and their allies as threats to their established order as well as a threat to their Apostolic beliefs.

The Unification War was marked by fierce battles, political maneuvering, and ideological clashes. The military might, industrial prowess, and united front of the Mydean-led alliance gradually overcame the resistance of Atreus and Laconia. Their dedication to the principles of enlightenment, constitutionalism, and progressive governance resonated with the Elladic population, leading to popular support for the cause of unification and the outbreak of widespread rebellions within the Laconian Kingdom by the war's final years.

In the aftermath of the war, the Mydeans emerged as the dominant force and formed the Mydic Empire in 1832. The empire embodied the principles and values cherished by the victorious alliance—enlightenment, constitutionalism, and a federal structure that respected regional autonomy while promoting unity. The establishment of the Mydic Empire marked a historic moment in the Elladic region, uniting it for the first time in history and paving the way for a new era of progress, cultural exchange, and shared prosperity.

In a deliberate effort to avoid being seen as an oppressive victor, the newly formed Mydic Empire's Senate extended an invitation to the Zollian Royal House of Konstanz. Their goal was to establish a new Imperial Line by inviting a Prince from the Zollian dynasty to become the Empire's first Basileus. This decision aimed to symbolize impartiality, cooperation, and a commitment to shared governance, bridging the gap between factions involved in the Unification War and fostering a sense of legitimacy and continuity.

The Senate's invitation to the Zollian Royal House reflected their aspiration for a balanced and impartial leadership that incorporated external influence. By appointing a Prince with a reputation for fair governance and diplomatic acumen, the Mydic Empire sought to create a harmonious and inclusive ruling structure. The arrival of the Zollian Prince as the first Basileus would signal a new chapter in Elladic history, emphasizing collaboration, equality, and the establishment of a just rule, while ensuring a smooth transition and avoiding the perception of imposing a solely Mydean-centric authority. This prince would become Basileus Alexandros I, and he would form a cadet branch of the Konstanz Dynasty, adopting the Mydic name of his house as Atronid.

Early Modern Era:
The period from 1853 to 1936 witnessed a long and tumultuous struggle between the Mydic Empire and the Cambrian Empire, characterized by constant tensions, evolving alliances, technological advancements, and the looming threat of a global conflict.

At the heart of the struggle between the two empires were their competing interests, aspirations for regional dominance, and differing ideologies. The Mydic Empire, driven by its commitment to enlightenment principles and constitutionalism, sought to expand its influence and leverage its position as a major power in the Thalassic region. Meanwhile, the Cambrian Empire, with its imperialist ambitions and desire for territorial expansion, posed a direct challenge to Mydic ideology. The Mydic Empire and the Cambrian Empire engaged in a series of conflicts, both overt and covert, as they vied for supremacy. Their struggle manifested in proxy wars, diplomatic maneuverings, and intense rivalry across various spheres of influence. The balance of power between the two empires constantly shifted, as each sought to gain the upper hand through military advancements and strategic alliances.

Technological advancements played a pivotal role in shaping the dynamics of the struggle. Both empires rapidly modernized their armed forces, embracing new weapons, communication systems, and industrial capabilities. The development of naval fleets, air forces, and mechanized warfare introduced new dimensions to their conflicts, further escalating the stakes and the potential for large-scale hostilities. Amidst this struggle, the specter of a global war loomed on the horizon. The alliances and tensions between the Mydic Empire and the Cambrian Empire reverberated throughout the international community, causing anxiety and concern among other nations. The ever-present threat of a catastrophic conflict pushed both empires to seek strategic partnerships and alliances with other powers, aiming to secure their own interests and deter potential aggression.

Throughout this period, the struggle between the Mydic Empire and the Cambrian Empire witnessed ebbs and flows, with each empire experiencing victories, setbacks, and periods of relative stability. The evolving geopolitical landscape, changing alliances, and advancements in technology added layers of complexity to their rivalry, intensifying the challenges they faced and shaping the course of history in the Thalassic region. Ultimately, this struggle set the stage for the subsequent conflicts and events that would shape the trajectory of the Mydic Empire and the Cambrian Empire, leading to new alliances, rivalries, and geopolitical realignments in the years to come.

Peninsular War to the Great War:
The 1936-1937 Naftakis Incident marked a significant turning point in the relationship between Mydia and Cambria, as it sparked a serious arms race between the two powers. The incident heightened tensions, leading to a race to develop nuclear weapons technology. In 1947, Mydia achieved a milestone by successfully detonating the first nuclear weapon in a test, followed by Cambria's own nuclear test in 1949. This development intensified the already precarious balance of power between the two nations. The arms race and growing animosity between Mydia and Cambria set the stage for further conflicts, with the Sartorian Peninsula becoming a flashpoint. In 1950, Cambria's ally, Bercolle, invaded the neighboring nation of Tedimia, triggering the Peninsular War. Mydia, aligned with the Tedimians, backed also by the Sartorians in their resistance against Bercolle. This had been predated by Northern Bercolle and Tedimia attempting to exit the Bercollese sphere of influence. The war ultimately resulted in a Mydo-Sartorian victory, with Bercolle's influence on the decline.

Following the Peninsular War, Sartoria peacefully unified the Sartorian Peninsula in 1978 as the remaining nations gradually requested to join the newly unified state. Bercolle fell and was annexed, marking a significant shift in regional dynamics. The rivalries between Mydia, Sartoria, and Cambria persisted, leading to ongoing arms races and diplomatic maneuvering, particularly across the Arcadias and throughout the rest of Vesta. During the Space Race era, which saw intense competition between nations to achieve space exploration milestones, Mydia, Sartoria, and Cambria were no exception. All three nations embarked on missions to the Moon, with Cambria establishing a permanent base there in 1981. The conquest of space became another arena for their rivalry, symbolizing their technological and scientific prowess.

The Cold War period between Mydia/Sartoria and Cambria saw the alignment of the former against Cambria's imperialist ambitions. The two sides engaged in proxy conflicts and vied for influence across the world, employing diplomatic, economic, and covert means to gain an upper hand.

The tensions reached their peak during the Great War of 2017-2023. The conflict escalated when Cambria blockaded the Sartorian-held Soltane islands, aiming to prevent what they claimed were arms shipments. The war quickly spread, drawing in nations from all around the world. In a shocking turn of events, a palace coup in Cambria ousted Queen Dagmar and installed her brother as King Edward II. Realizing the gravity of the situation, King Edward II ordered the surrender of Cambria after Queen Dagmar's ill-advised tactical nuclear strikes against four invading allied forces within Cambria's home islands. In response, Sartoria demonstrated their determination by launching two tactical nuclear strikes of their own, underlining the seriousness of the conflict.

The Great War concluded with Mydia and Sartoria emerging as the victors, having successfully navigated a tumultuous period of global conflict. The palace coup against Queen Dagmar and the subsequent surrender reshaped the political landscape, creating opportunities for reconciliation and the establishment of a new order in the Elladic region and beyond.

The Interwar Period:
The interwar period between the Great War and the Egian War was a crucial time for the Mydic Empire as it sought to rebuild, modernize, and consolidate its power as one of the leading nations on Vesta. The aftermath of the Great War had left Mydia with significant challenges, but also opportunities for growth and development. The nation had been chosen as the host of the newly created World Society which the Empire set aside 12km2 of land in the Paxian Islands to house the organization's headquarters and other international bodies that would develop.

The Mydic Empire embarked on an ambitious program of reconstruction, focusing on rebuilding its infrastructure, cities, and industries that had been ravaged by the war. The government implemented economic reforms to stimulate growth and encourage investment, leading to a period of rapid industrialization. New factories were established, and technological advancements were embraced, driving innovation and increasing productivity across various sectors. With a strong emphasis on education and research, the Mydic Empire invested heavily in scientific and technological advancements. Universities and research institutions flourished, attracting brilliant minds from all corners of the empire. This led to breakthroughs in various fields, including engineering, medicine, and communications, bolstering the nation's capabilities and contributing to its modernization efforts.

Furthermore, the Mydic Empire continued to enhance its military capabilities during the interwar period. Recognizing the importance of a strong defense, significant investments were made in modernizing the armed forces, improving weaponry, and developing new military strategies. This bolstered Mydia's position as a formidable military power and served as a deterrent against potential aggression.

In addition to internal development, the Mydic Empire actively sought diplomatic alliances and economic partnerships with other nations. It engaged in trade agreements, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic negotiations to expand its influence and secure favorable relationships. These efforts aimed to strengthen its position on the global stage and fostered mutual cooperation and collaboration. Overall, the interwar period was a transformative era for the Mydic Empire. Through rebuilding, modernization, and strategic advancements, it solidified its position as the second most powerful nation on Vesta. The foundation laid during this time would prove instrumental in shaping its trajectory and setting the stage for the challenges and triumphs that lay ahead, including the subsequent Egian War.

Egian War and the New Cold War:
The Egian War of 2040-2043 was a significant conflict between the Union of Albany, led by Nationalist Party Prime Minister Reginald Blake, and the Mydic Empire. The Union of Albany, a parliamentary republic, launched an aggressive campaign, first targeting the Mydic-held Egian Archipelago in the far south Valentian Ocean. In 2041, they proceeded to invade the Mikti Islands located off the coast of mainland Mydia, and subsequently launched an invasion of the Mydic mainland at Iraklio.

The war witnessed intense ground and air combat, both on the Mydic mainland and the islands, as well as fierce naval battles on the Valentian Ocean. The Mydic forces, defending their homeland and territories, engaged in determined resistance against the invading Union of Albany. The conflict saw strategic maneuvering, tactical battles, and high casualties on both sides. As the war progressed, Mydia managed to turn the tide in their favor. They successfully liberated their occupied mainland areas and the Mikti Islands, dealing significant blows to the Union of Albany forces. In a critical turning point, Mydia launched a counter-invasion of the Egian Archipelago in mid-2042, reclaiming control over the strategically important islands.

Amidst the military engagements, a coup took place in the Union of Albany in 2043, led by non-nationalist parties in Parliament and elements of the military. Prime Minister Reginald Blake and other senior figures involved in the war were arrested. The new government, under Prime Minister Sophia Burke, sought a ceasefire and engaged in negotiations with the assistance of the Sartorian Republic, a nation considered aligned with Mydia. The conflict ultimately culminated in the signing of the Treaty of Messelia in early 2044, brokered by the Sartorian Republic. The treaty established a ceasefire between the Union of Albany and Mydia, bringing an end to the Egian War. It marked a turning point toward diplomacy and the search for a peaceful resolution to the hostilities that had gripped the region.

The Empire Today:
In the year 2078, the Mydic Empire stands as a prominent and influential nation in the Thalassic region and beyond. The empire has experienced significant transformations and developments since the interwar period, playing a pivotal role in shaping the geopolitical landscape of Vesta. Following the Egian War in 2044, a new Cold War emerged between the Sartorian Republic and the Union of Albany, leading to a complex power struggle in the region. Mydia, together with Sartoria, Edenica, and Franconia, formed the Valentian Alliance, a supranational bloc aimed at fostering unity, cooperation, and regional stability. This alliance serves as a platform for economic integration, shared defense strategies, and cultural exchanges among its member nations.

Simultaneously, the Union of Albany established the Commonwealth of Nations, another influential supranational bloc that sought to consolidate its own power and promote its interests. The competition and tensions between the Valentian Alliance and the Commonwealth of Nations intensified the emerging Cold War dynamics in the region. Within the Mydic Empire itself, advancements in technology, science, and industry have propelled its economic growth and fostered a high standard of living for its citizens. The empire has embraced sustainable development practices, investing in renewable energy sources and implementing eco-friendly policies to mitigate the impact of climate change.

Culturally, the Mydic Empire celebrates its rich history and diverse heritage, with art, music, and literature flourishing in its vibrant cities. Education and research continue to be highly valued, fueling innovation and intellectual progress. The empire is known for its renowned universities and scientific institutions, attracting scholars and experts from around the world. As a leading member of the Valentian Alliance, the Mydic Empire plays an active role in regional affairs, advocating for peace, cooperation, and respect for international law. It engages in diplomatic negotiations, participates in multilateral forums, and fosters relationships with nations beyond the Thalassic region.

In summary, the Mydic Empire of 2078 stands as a thriving nation, deeply engaged in the evolving dynamics of the new Cold War between the Sartorian Republic and the Union of Albany. It continues to prioritize progress, innovation, and regional cooperation, shaping the future of Vesta alongside its allies in the Valentian Alliance.

Largest Cities



Metro area population





Principality of Amazonia




Kingdom of Laconia




Federal Capital District




Parthenopian Cities




Kingdom of Mydea

Economic Indicators

Rank: #3
Currency: Valente
Fiscal Year: 2070

GDP (nominal): V16.100.000.000
GDP (nominal) per capita: V56,000
Labor Force: 187.000.000
Unemployment: 5.9%


Work in progress. Sections are being updated in docs.
