New Ammon, Moaab's SAR, and it's main economic hub.
New Ammon, Moaab's Special Administrative Region, and it's main economic hub.It is a small island located in the gulf of Dibon, With over 5 million residents of various nationalities, in a 1,274-square-kilometre territory, New Ammon is one of the most densely populated places in the world.
The flag of New Ammon, wavy lines represent the waves of the Gulf of Dibon, the diamond represents the Island of New Ammon being very important to Moaab as it is like a precious gem, and the flag of Moaab in the upper corner confirms that it is a land belonging to the Empire of Moaab.
The Location of New Ammon Island circled in red.
Its national Motto : "We Shall Serve Moaab!"
Some Photos of different parts of New Ammon :
New Ammon, maintains separate governing and economic systems from that of mainland Moaab.
The city has judicial independence that follows its public law structure, and it also has an independent Basic Law, and Its constitution states that it will have a "degree of independence" in all aspects of the state, with the exception of international diplomatic relations and the military structure. The city has a flourishing pluralistic political system, however it still uses the Moabite Dinar as its currency.
As a special administration area, it enjoys independent trade laws.
As it is a free trade zone, the companies and investments established in it have special advantages, and benefits from the following :
1) 100% foreign ownership of the enterprise
2) 100% import and export tax exemptions (Imports and exports are exempt from tariffs, taxes, and duties).
3) 100% repatriation of capital and profits
4) Corporate tax exemptions for up to 50 years
5) Only 4% Flat personal income tax
6) Assistance with labor recruitment, and additional support services, such as sponsorship and housing.
7) Different activities are available to investors, including owning property. Bank accounts can be opened easily for them.
8) Employees of the company and other support staff, as well as the housing facilities, can get visas without any problems.