The Imperial Moabite Calendar
The Moabite Imperial Year begins on the first of October of each year in the Gregorian calendar, as it is the day on which His Majesty the late Emperor Mesha II announced the establishment of the "Kingdom of Moab", It consists of 12 months according to the following (the month and its equivalent in the Gregorian year) :-

Primis >>> March
Secundus >>> April
Tertia >>> May
Quartum >>> June
Quintus >>> July
Sextum >>> August
Septimum >>> September.
Each month consists of 6 weeks, each week consists of 5 days, except for the last week of each of the first five months, which consists of 6 days.
So, each month consists of 30 days, except for the first 5 months, which consist of 31 days.
The days of the week :
Methday (1st day)
Ethday (2nd day)
Propday (3rd day)
Beutday (4th day)
Pentday (5th day)
Meshaday ( 6th day, only at the last week of each of the first five months).
Hence, today (As the day of writing this "factbook" is Propday the 2nd of Dibon 51st MIY (Moabite Imperial Year), Corresponding to Tuesday, November 2nd, 2181 AD (Actual date 2021).
Weekend is one day and it is the last day of the week (Pentday).
"The Five Days of Mesha" In addition to official holidays (such as the New Year, the anniversary of the outbreak of the revolution, the anniversary of the accession of the current king to the throne ... etc.) are also a holiday.