by Max Barry

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Royal Choir of Minas Tyrrith

With the recent marriage of Lady Margollen Soprano to Sir Largemouth Bass, a Royal Choir had been established in Minas Tyrrith, as of January 21, 2021.

Lead Singers:

Choirmaster: Bishop Cornellius Sterling
Soprano: Lady Margolen Soprano
Tenor: Sir Pogros Tullman
Bass: Sir Largemouth Bass

Cistercian Chapel in Wintertown, Minas Tyrrith

Number of adult singers:
3 sopranos
5 alto singers
5 contraltos
2 countertenors
3 tenors
6 baritones
1 bass

In addition, there are 20 male children singers and 10 female ones.

The repertoire of the Choir includes traditional hymns and songs, such as "To the Unicorn in the Forest," "Long Live King Aethelrod," and "The Dunedain Riding-song."
