Elections in Minas Tyrrith - Nov 2020
Elections to the Landsraad are held every few years (whenever the King or the Royal Steward prorogues them, or whenever it resolves to disband), who then elect from among themselves the Royal Steward, who is required to swear fealty to the King, who is, in turn, a vassal of the Monarchy of Caer Sidi.The Landsraad is composed of a lower house with 50 noblemen (or noblewomen), with 25 of them elected regionally (3-6 per region, each region numbering between 5-10% of the total population), whereas the other half are voted by party. There is no Upper House. The Royal Steward appoints a cabinet of 3-10 ministers, which requires a confidence vote in the Landsraad. A no-confidence vote means new elections.
Only Nobility may run for the Landsraad. All citizens aged 20 and above may vote.
The Royal Steward has called for new elections on 12.11.2020 (4th of Summer, 129th Cycle, 4th Era, according to the system implemented in Caer Sidi).
There are at the moment 3 parties in Minas Tyrrith:
* The Blue-White party, headed by Lady Fairine of Beoighealand;
* The Brown party, headed by Bishop Jurass St.-Patricean of Quillin Monastery;
* The Green party, headed by Count Olafur of Jordainia.
The first 2 parties are running in all 6 regions (the 5 hexes and the Capital). the Green party only put up regional candidates in the 2 southernmost ones.
11th of Summer Update:
A. Regional
Region 1: 5 reps
#BW: 2
#Gr: 3
Region 2: 4 reps
#Br: 3
#Gr: 1
Region 3: 4 reps
#Br: 2
#BW: 2
Region 4: 3 reps
#BW: 1
#Br: 2
Region 5: 3 reps
#Br: 2
#BW: 1
Capital: 6 reps
#Br: 1
#BW: 5
#Br: 10
#BW: 11
#Gr: 4
B. National:
#Br: 11
#BW: 9
#Gr: 5
Total Landsraad Lineup:
* Blue-White Party: 20 seats
* Brown Party: 21 seats
* Green Party: 9 seats
Updates go below this line:
Negotiations are taking place between the secretaries and clerks of the three party leaders in order to form a coalition, as none of the 3 parties holds the majority of the Landsraad.
The Brown party has formed a coalition with the Green party. Bishop Jurass St.-Patricean of Quillin Monastery has been sworn in by King Æthelrod as the new Steward of Minas Tyriith.