Minas Tyrrith
From "an unknown warren that drifted close" (a codephrase for a phantasy land depicted by J.R.R. Tolkien), the Royal Stewardship of Minas Tyrrith has been magically transferred to the lands of Caer Sidi shortly after its awakening from long, deep hybernation.It is populated by the Dunedain, who toil the land, work the gold and iron mines, travel around on foot or horseback and worship, among other higher and lesser deities, the Holy Unicorn.
It used to be ruled by the Royal Steward on behalf of King Æthelrod, until March 2022, when the King prorogued the Landsraad and seized control of the nation. It focuses on the metal industry. Its nobility pride themselves on their fine attire, acquired from other nations.
Elections to the Landsraad used to be held every few years (whenever the King or the Royal Steward prorogues them, or whenever it resolves to disband), who then elect from among themselves the Royal Steward, who is required to swear fealty to the King, who is, in turn, a vassal of the Monarchy of Caer Sidi.
On March 17, 2022, the King returned from exile, dismissed the Royal Steward, who was forced to retire to the Monastery of Quillin, and assumed control of the nation.
On June 16, 2023, the King has been diagnosed unfit to rule and been removed by the Grand Ecclesia to a remote monastery in the mountains. The Ecclesia, headed by Brother Cadphael, rules temporarily until elections are held.
Minas Tyrrith was ranked, as of November 2021, at Top 0.4% Most Primitive, among the 1000 most primitive nations in NationStates.