by Max Barry

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Most Primitive: 4,628thLargest Welfare Programs: 28,965th
The Seitokai of
Iron Fist Consumerists
Da... Danke. U-Um. Thanks!
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Overview Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards

Lurklife 6

Population9.101 billion

CapitalHekiyou Gakuen
LeaderLetr Liqui


The Seitokai of Lurklife 6 is a colossal, safe nation, ruled by Letr Liqui with an iron fist, and notable for its ban on automobiles, complete lack of prisons, and punitive income tax rates. The compassionate, cynical, devout population of 9.101 billion Lurklife 6ians are kept under strict control by the oppressive government, which measures its success by the nation's GDP and refers to individual citizens as "human resources."

The large, corrupt, well-organized government juggles the competing demands of Welfare, Administration, and Education. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Hekiyou Gakuen. The average income tax rate is 58.6%, and even higher for the wealthy.

The large but underdeveloped Lurklife 6ian economy, worth 324 trillion lire a year, is fairly diversified and led by the Furniture Restoration industry, with major contributions from Uranium Mining, Book Publishing, and Arms Manufacturing. Black market activity is frequent. State-owned companies are common. Average income is 35,640 lire, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 2.3 times as much as the poorest.

New arrivals are asked the location of the Minister of the Interior's birthmark, aeroplane cockpits no longer have altimeters or airspeed indicators, politicians have literally dirty hands from their extracurricular activities, and students learn how to disarm mines before understanding basic arithmetic. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Lurklife 6's national animal is the leopard and its national religion is Sashite.

Lurklife 6 is ranked 327,789th in the world and 7th in Nekos United for Largest Trout Fishing Sector, scoring -10.1 on the Nemo Depletion Efficiency Index.

Most Primitive: 4,628thTop
Largest Welfare Programs: 28,965th

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