by Max Barry

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Most World Assembly Endorsements: 6,229thLeast Corrupt Governments: 6,669thSafest: 7,712th
The United States of
New York Times Democracy
The ultimate judges: Time and History.
Civil Rights
Very Good
Political Freedom

Overview Factbook Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards


Population1.218 billion

CapitalPink n White


The United States of KaizerFOUNDATION is a massive, genial nation, notable for its sprawling nuclear power plants, punitive income tax rates, and stringent health and safety legislation. The compassionate, democratic population of 1.218 billion Foundatians enjoy a sensible mix of personal and economic freedoms, while the political process is open and the people's right to vote held sacrosanct.

The medium-sized, outspoken government juggles the competing demands of Administration, Industry, and Education. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Pink n White. The average income tax rate is 63.0%, and even higher for the wealthy.

The frighteningly efficient Foundatian economy, worth 145 trillion Dollars a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Tourism industry, with major contributions from Information Technology, Beef-Based Agriculture, and Book Publishing. State-owned companies are common. Average income is an impressive 119,605 Dollars, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

Old dogs don't have to learn new tricks but they have to prove they haven't forgotten old ones, families make most of their annual income from government benefits, devotion to God is only skin-deep, and lobbyists are trying to convince government to recategorize most natural disasters as "non-critical naturogenic inconveniences". Crime is totally unknown, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. KaizerFOUNDATION's national animal is the Raccoon, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests.

KaizerFOUNDATION is ranked 66,377th in the world and 88th in Sophia for Highest Average Tax Rates, with 62.97 Effective Tax Rate.

Most World Assembly Endorsements: 6,229thLeast Corrupt Governments: 6,669thSafest: 7,712thMost Pacifist: 10,256thMost Cheerful Citizens: 14,150thNicest Citizens: 14,212thMost Valuable International Artwork: 14,337thMost Compassionate Citizens: 15,013thBest Weather: 16,763rdTop
Most Popular Tourist Destinations: 17,779thMost Inclusive: 18,104thMost Beautiful Environments: 18,383rdMost Eco-Friendly Governments: 20,459thMost Developed: 20,609thHighest Food Quality: 20,901stMost Rebellious Youth: 21,212thHighest Poor Incomes: 23,723rdLongest Average Lifespans: 24,416thSmartest Citizens: 27,736thLargest Information Technology Sector: 28,570thMost Subsidized Industry: 30,628thMost Efficient Economies: 30,821stMost Scientifically Advanced: 31,292nd
Least Corrupt Governments: 7th in the regionSafest: 11th in the regionMost World Assembly Endorsements: 12th in the regionMost Rebellious Youth: 19th in the regionMost Subsidized Industry: 20th in the regionHighest Poor Incomes: 20th in the regionMost Efficient Economies: 20th in the regionMost Developed: 20th in the regionRudest Citizens: 20th in the regionMost Pacifist: 21st in the regionMost Cheerful Citizens: 21st in the regionMost Inclusive: 22nd in the regionMost Valuable International Artwork: 22nd in the regionBest Weather: 22nd in the regionMost Beautiful Environments: 23rd in the regionNicest Citizens: 24th in the regionMost Eco-Friendly Governments: 25th in the regionLargest Information Technology Sector: 25th in the regionMost Compassionate Citizens: 26th in the regionMost Popular Tourist Destinations: 27th in the regionMost Scientifically Advanced: 27th in the regionTop
Lowest Crime Rates: 30th in the regionHighest Food Quality: 31st in the regionLongest Average Lifespans: 31st in the regionHighest Average Incomes: 32nd in the regionLargest Governments: 34th in the regionSmartest Citizens: 34th in the regionMost Extensive Public Healthcare: 35th in the regionLargest Agricultural Sector: 36th in the regionMost Politically Free: 41st in the regionMost Advanced Public Education: 45th in the regionLargest Welfare Programs: 47th in the regionHealthiest Citizens: 53rd in the region

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:

  • : Following new legislation in KaizerFOUNDATION, lobbyists are trying to convince government to recategorize most natural disasters as "non-critical naturogenic inconveniences".
  • : KaizerFOUNDATION voted against the World Assembly Resolution "Repeal "Reducing Light Pollution"".
  • : KaizerFOUNDATION was endorsed by The Sacred Technocracy of Lenon.
  • : Following new legislation in KaizerFOUNDATION, devotion to God is only skin-deep.
  • : KaizerFOUNDATION's influence in Sophia rose from "Shoeshiner" to "Page".
  • : KaizerFOUNDATION voted against the World Assembly Resolution "Repeal "Recognition of the General Assembly"".
  • : Following new legislation in KaizerFOUNDATION, families make most of their annual income from government benefits.
  • : Following new legislation in KaizerFOUNDATION, old dogs don't have to learn new tricks but they have to prove they haven't forgotten old ones.
  • : Following new legislation in KaizerFOUNDATION, every spring railroad foundations erode to reveal human remains.
  • : Following new legislation in KaizerFOUNDATION, passionate nomination battles are often as intense as general elections.

