List of Wars
Allies are in red. Enemies in pink.War of the Razed Fields.
Allies: Illustratio and Daphomir vs. Enemies: Bigtopia
Reason for war: Bigtopian attempted nuking, missed and hit Illustratios agriculture districts.
Current Status: Allied victory, north Bigtopia annexed by Daphomir, south Bigtopia annexed by Illustratio
Trade War of Self Sufficiency
Allies: Illustratio vs. Blackacre
Both nations are isolating themselves from all world trade for one year to see who is more self-sufficient, and who is going to collapse. Winner gets to be announced as The Democratic Assembly's first successful Autarky.
Daphomir, Azurnailia, Perishna, and Illustratio bombard Blackacre.
Illustratio hijacks 3 nukes and are upgrading them to their standards.
The Northern War
Allies: Illustratio, Daphomir, and Etharlium vs. Enemies: Nationalist Chickens
Cause of war: Nationalist Chickens nuking of Illustratio's 10th largest city. 825,000 civilian casualties.
Result: Allied victory! Nationalist Chickens demilitarizes and is forced into disadvantageous treaty.