The Current Leadership of Holy Karenland
President:The President is the Leader of Holy Karenland. They are elected by the People in a General Election once every 5 years since December 1914. The Election functions on a Preferential Voting system, where each candidate is out on the ballot and voters rank them on a scale of 1 (they like them the most) to 6 (they like them the least). The President has the power to pass or veto laws submitted by the Denád. They can give people executive powers, put them into government positions, and make treaties with permission from the Denád. The President can call Denád meetings, can put the Denád on recess, must inform the Denád on the Situation of the Nation at least once a Season. And above all else, he has the obligation to enforce laws passed by congress. He can also force a law through, however only if it is generally agreed upon that the nation is in serious decline. The President can appoint National Judges to the Court of the Federation. They have the power to enforce martial law, and has the power to hire and fire people from the Darone. The President also has the power to call for the execution or deportation of people/person. Finally, the President has the power to put people into the Union Allowancer, and accept any proposals made by the Union Allowancer.
The Darone:
The Darone are a large group of advisors for the President. Usually these consist of the Elites of Karenthian society, however the President has the power to bring in or kick out anyone. They can suggest ideas to the president, who can propose these ideas to Congress to get them passed.
The Idome:
The Idome is a set of 7 State Governors who are elected by the people of their respective State. The Idome have the power to create laws, with approval from the President, so long as they don’t go against any Federal Laws, they have the power to call Idome meetings every once in a while, they have the power to give out awards of nobility, and they have the power to appoint State Judges to the Court of Union. They can also approve the Deportation or execution of People/persons. Finally, they can remove someone from the Union Allowancer with a 51% vote.
The Denád:
The Denád have many powers. The Denád is divided into 216 seats, with each member representing one electoral district, or roughly 100,000 people. The Denád, with a 51% majority, can declare war, can propose a bill, can grant the President permission to do things, and with a 2/3rds vote, can overturn a presidential veto. They can elect judges into the Court of Ministries. They also control the Garune.
The Garune:
The Garune are a National Bureau of Investigation. They oversee investigations into Federal Practices, keeping oversight to make sure they are not doing anything illegal or not going against the law. The Garune can sue the President, any member of the Denád, and any member of the Idome. The Garune also manage the Defesú. They also have the power to call for the impeachment of any government official at the Court of Union.
The Defesú:
The Defesú are a national bureau of investigations. They have many branches across the nation which launch investigations against citizens and prominent persons. They have the power to try anybody not working in Government in the Court of Ministries.
Court of the Federation:
The Court of the Federation deals with the people who the Court of Ministries and/or Court of Union can’t decide what to do with, due to the law being vague. They have the power to ask the Denád what a law really means and edit it accordingly. They also have the power to execute or deport anyone they find guilty of a crime. They are overseen by the Garune.
Court of Union:
Court of Union is responsible for the trial of any member of Government. They have the power to remove someone from a position of power after a popular vote, and they have the permission to launch a popular vote to remove a member of Government. They also have the power to pass cases up to the Court of the Federation or down to the Court of Ministries.
Court of Ministries:
The Court of Ministries is the National Court System, and manages all local law. They have the power to punish people in accordance to the law, and pass people up to the Court of Union if the law doesn’t explicitly state what to do.
The Union Allowancer:
The Union Allowancer is made up of the elites of Karenthian society. They are chosen based on their wealth and economic experience. The Union Allowancer has the power to decide what should be done with the National Reserve and propose their ideas to the President.
The Law:
The Law is controlled by the President, the Court of the Federation and the Denád. These all have influence over the law and can make amends after making proposals to each other.
The Constitution:
The Constitution is the set of fundamental laws on the Nation’s democracy. This is overseen by the President, and all amendments to the Constitution must first go through the Court of the Federation and the Denád before being actualised.