by Max Barry

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Least Corrupt Governments: 1,577thHighest Workforce Participation Rate: 1,799thBest Weather: 2,898th
The United Republics of
Left-wing Utopia
Equal Rights, Equal Justice, Equal Distribution
WAD-elect / Guardian
Civil Rights
Political Freedom

Overview Factbook Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards


Population17.513 billion

LeaderMeccai Vijaranam


The United Republics of Hirematia is a gargantuan, socially progressive nation, ruled by Meccai Vijaranam with a fair hand, and renowned for its national health service, free-roaming dinosaurs, and stringent health and safety legislation. The compassionate, democratic population of 17.513 billion Hirematiyaalaa are free to do what they want with their own bodies, and vote for whomever they like in elections; if they go into business, however, they are regulated to within an inch of their lives.

The enormous, socially-minded, outspoken government juggles the competing demands of Education, Healthcare, and Administration. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Rumekota. The average income tax rate is 91.8%, and even higher for the wealthy.

The frighteningly efficient Hirematiyaale economy, worth a remarkable 1,990 trillion rupiyas a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. The industrial sector, which is quite specialized, is led by the Tourism industry, with significant contributions from Information Technology and Book Publishing. Average income is an impressive 113,675 rupiyas, and distributed extremely evenly, with practically no difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

News headlines suggest that Meccai Vijaranam has a sideline in guinea pig pimping, "Meccai Vijaranam got your tongue?" has become a popular idiom, sleeping on the job is recommended, and the latest national park is visited by more sharks than people. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Hirematia's national animal is the elephant, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests.

Hirematia is ranked 226,895th in the world and 74th in The Social Liberal Union for Largest Cheese Export Sector, scoring 324.47 on the Mozzarella Productivity Index.

Least Corrupt Governments: 1,577thHighest Workforce Participation Rate: 1,799thBest Weather: 2,898thMost Extensive Public Healthcare: 3,229thTop
Largest Welfare Programs: 4,068thSafest: 4,370thMost Beautiful Environments: 4,434thMost World Assembly Endorsements: 5,267thNicest Citizens: 5,836thMost Compassionate Citizens: 5,951stLongest Average Lifespans: 5,973rdMost Cheerful Citizens: 6,003rdMost Eco-Friendly Governments: 6,097thMost Influential: 6,419thMost Advanced Public Transport: 6,852ndMost Popular Tourist Destinations: 7,025thMost Advanced Public Education: 7,508thHealthiest Citizens: 7,981stMost Developed: 8,335thHighest Average Tax Rates: 9,064thHighest Food Quality: 9,069thMost Inclusive: 9,519thMost Pacifist: 9,811thSmartest Citizens: 11,669thHighest Foreign Aid Spending: 12,720thHighest Economic Output: 14,347thMost Cultured: 16,012thHighest Poor Incomes: 16,810thLargest Governments: 17,065thTop
Lowest Crime Rates: 18,468thMost Income Equality: 20,100thMost Scientifically Advanced: 20,611thMost Secular: 20,768thLargest Populations: 23,580thMost Valuable International Artwork: 32,366th
Most World Assembly Endorsements: 8th in the regionLargest Populations: 11th in the regionHighest Workforce Participation Rate: 12th in the regionLeast Corrupt Governments: 12th in the regionBest Weather: 14th in the regionMost Extensive Public Healthcare: 15th in the region

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