The Empire of Grafzieg is a massive, safe nation, ruled by Heinrich I with an even hand, and remarkable for its keen interest in outer space, zero percent divorce rate, and avant-garde cinema. The compassionate population of 2.034 billion Grafziegians have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.
The large government juggles the competing demands of Education, Administration, and Defense. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Branderburg. The average income tax rate is 75.6%, and even higher for the wealthy.
The frighteningly efficient Grafziegian economy, worth 275 trillion Kreuzers a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. The industrial sector, which is broadly diversified, is led by the Information Technology industry, with major contributions from Arms Manufacturing, Book Publishing, and Basket Weaving. Average income is an impressive 135,521 Kreuzers, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 2.2 times as much as the poorest.
The government hopes that Federation janitors overhear all of the good gossip, Heinrich I's exquisite office door is replaced monthly due to angry petitioners, the children of Grafzieg are often remarked upon for their cheery attitude to extreme violence, and military advisors frequently remind San Vitenzan farmers that they have to pull the pin on a grenade before throwing it. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Grafzieg's national animal is the Eagle, which can occasionally be seen dodging aircraft in the nation's cities.
Grafzieg is ranked 26,990th in the world and 30th in the Outback for Highest Average Tax Rates, with 75.65 Effective Tax Rate.
National Happenings
Most Recent Government Activity:
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Grafzieg was ranked in the Top 5% of the world for Most Scientifically Advanced.
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Grafzieg, military advisors frequently remind San Vitenzan farmers that they have to pull the pin on a grenade before throwing it.
- : Following new legislation in
Grafzieg, the children of Grafzieg are often remarked upon for their cheery attitude to extreme violence.
- : Following new legislation in
Grafzieg, Heinrich I's exquisite office door is replaced monthly due to angry petitioners.
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Grafzieg's influence in The Outback rose from "Nipper" to "Minnow".
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Grafzieg, the government hopes that Federation janitors overhear all of the good gossip.
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Grafzieg, tourists ask to stay in the same pleasant accommodations where foreign prisoners are kept.
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Grafzieg, chain-gangs are often seen toting barges and lifting bales.
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Grafzieg was ranked in the Top 5% of the world for Highest Workforce Participation Rate.
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Grafzieg, sly spies try to rely on national allies so that they don't die.