by Max Barry

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Model prime battle suit

The main purpose of this suit is to serve as an all-in-one tool set. The mostly-hexagonal scales that comprise the surface of the armor can be commanded to separate and reconfigure themselves into any form and color using nanotech principles of molecular recognition.This ability makes it possible for the limbs of the suit to take the form of different tools, and even allow the entire appearance of the armor to be modified, by changing the color and mass of the suit, in order to adapt to the task at hand, including stealth operations, heavy lifting, and orbital flight. After taking shape, the scales smooth themselves out along the body's contours to give a leaner feel to the armor. Some of the forms the Model-Prime Armor has taken are: a giant -like physique, stealth armor,a reinforced appearance inspired by samurai, and a kid-sized mode.

Unlike other armor that were connected to the wielder's biology, this one only requires a direct link to the user's brain synapses. When not in use, the Model-Prime Armor can be collapsed into a bracelet on the wrist of the user, which can be activated and forms around the user's entire body when called upon. When the user wants to show their face, the faceplate can split apart and retract inside of the helmet entirely. Recharging the armor from scratch takes at least three hours.

The Model-Prime Armor can reach the speed of sound right from lift-off, and additional thrusters can be formed from the suit's scales to reach higher speeds. Flight while in stealth mode appears to leave no energy trail, so it could be powered by other means.

The on-board A.I., which controls the suit's communication systems and scanners, among other tasks.The armor can also release miniature drones for environmental scanning. The suit's systems are so advanced they can cloak its energy signature and any frequency emanation.

The Model-Prime Armor features regular Unovian Armor weaponry, namely repulsors, a unibeam, and a micro-missile array. The repulsors have multi-vibrational capabilities.

Different types of weaponry can be created on the spot thanks to the armor's primary shape-shifting function. The scales on the surface of the suit can be commanded to shape themselves into blades, guns, cannons, etc.The armor can also create a "zero-point energy bubble" which drains an excessive amount of energy. This energy bubble can be used to attack enemies with a shockwave energy blast or as a force-field to contain them. In addition to the commonplace increase in strength, the armor's shape-shifting features can enhance its user's strength even further by increasing in mass, giving the suit a bulky appearance similar to a giant in Armor.

In addition to the extra-durable shell protecting its user, the Model-Prime Armor has shown to be completely immune to different types of powerful attacks, namely sonic attacks and EMPs, with such efficiency that its wearer might not even react to them. The suit can also resist powerful blasts of energy that can destroy entire buildings.

The division of the suit's surface into individual tiles allows for fast repairing of damaged areas, as the scales simply realign themselves. The extent of this ability allows the armor to rapidly rebuild itself even after being broken down in its entirety.

The suit also possesses a cloaking mode that renders it invisible while its user remains in sight, providing its wearer with all of its protection and a deceivingly-defenseless appearance. The suit's multi-functionality allows it to render its entire surface black for stealth missions.Additionally, magnetic force-fields can be used to attract objects at will.

The Culture of Gooutofhere
