by Max Barry

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Hello and welcome to NationStates!

You've just joined the best nation simulation game around, where your wildest urges of running your own country can come true! You probably want to know how to find a good region for your nation, so it can grow, prosper, and seek greatness. If you're searching for such a region, I would recommend The NWU.
New World Union

The New World Union is a region that specialises in far-future role-play.

Why should you choose the NWU over the other regions that I'm sure have sent you telegrams?

We are have been around for a little while now. You will have plenty of opportunity and room to grow! In the government or role-play

If you have any questions, just ask! We have a number of experienced players who will be happy to help you.

We have a lively Discord for chats about role play or politics or just to be social.

We have a socially active regional message board to interact with other players.

We have an active role-play with a number of maps to use.

We have democratic elections every 3 months in which you can take part in.

It'd be a pleasure for all of us to have your country within our region, and you'll always be welcome at any time. Wherever you decide to settle, enjoy the game.

Your Friend,
Gooutofhere on behalf of the NWU.
New World Union

If you don't want to receive any more Recruitment telegrams, you can block them. just go to settings, telegram preferences, select block telegrams.

If you want to join, please press the grey box below

The Culture of Gooutofhere
