by Max Barry

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New advanced vessel

An ship design from a Mind computer

That is designed with an unprecedented level of automation, and, combined with its advanced tactical systems. The primary battle systems on board the
Ship includes regenerative shielding, ablative hull armor, phasers, and photon torpedoes.
The warp drive is capable of maintaining speeds exceeding warp 9.9.

Ablative armor is a type of protective hull armor used on starships, which possesses an
enhanced capability for rapidly dissipating the energy impacts from directed energy weapon fire.

By using advanced compartmentalization and automation systems, the ship is capable of multi-vector assault mode can split itself into three separate warp-capable vessels, becoming an entire squadron operating semi-independently and in concert.

Upon ordering multi-vector assault mode, the ship's computer begins a ten-second countdown, going to blue alert in preparation for the ship to separate. Separation was generally performed at sublight speeds, although it could be accomplished at warp as well. On the prototype, the bridge section detached, deploying two small warp nacelles; one on the dorsal side just behind the bridge, and the other in the same location on the ventral side of the saucer. The secondary hull split on the X-axis into two parts, each with two nacelles. Following the separation, the three separate sections could be piloted manually, or can be controlled by the ship's computer to perform pre-programmed attack patterns. After attack operations, the ship is capable of re-connecting itself automatically.

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