by Max Barry

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Council of Judges

Bolded Offices have changed.

This is Secretary Jillian Holtzman sister to Maggie Grace; Mrs. Holtzman took over her sister’s position after she passed away from complications of a car accident. Secretary Holtzman is married to Dr Avery Holtzman a prominent doctor who runs a hospital in Huntzburg a suburb of Reveille City

This is Karen Orient she was raised by a her father who’s a Major in the marines and her mother both of who worked at the marine base on the tropical Mediterranean planet of Pamplona. Judge Orient was appointed as the appearance minister by Justice Rachel Pepper to help the populous improve their self-imagine and appearance. After cleaning house the council Judges dissolved the Sec of Tourism position and added those responsibilities onto the Appearance Minister.

This is Slowen Lo he replaces Judge Abigail Pibb as the Prime Minister he will now be the public face of the Council of Judges an additional duty for Minister Lo is that the Council wants more humanoid and non-humanoid species to voluntarily join the empire instead of him having to invade. Minister Lo is the second alien to be elected to the council of Judges after Judge #51

Justice Annabelle Hart at a private meeting with the Chief Justice at the Grand Massiv in downtown Reveille City with some of his other advisors discuss government, medical, & personal business. Dr. Annabelle Hart PhD is shown here in the Advanced Nuclear Medical Research Laboratory in the University of Reveille. After several years as Chief Medical Officer Dr. Hart is proposing a joint medical research lab with the nations top two universities to create new medical technologies to serve the country Dr. Hart along with Chief Diplomat Lawyer and Trade Minister Gretching are in Das Schmutzige Huhn to propose the joint lab proposition to the government and their top universities.

this was April Danni Parker serving in the Gig em Aggies Army after she recovered from an accident in her hometown. April had several reconstructive surgeries along with several months of psychological & physical therapy even though her family told explicitly that they didn't want it to happen. But the council went ahead with it anyways. After returning to a warm welcome by the council She went From April Danni Parker to Lexi Ann Reveille. But after her recovery Judge Reveille did a stint in the Army as a communications expert and served in two wars before returning to serve on the council as the Secretary of education. The council has been shown that Lexi is much more stern, resolute, and ruthless to perform her job better than ever before. With her recovery and new personality Judge Reveille received a new bigger office along with a completely renovated house in Judges Park.

After 24 years as Chief Intell Officer Asimo Kuratas has handed in his resignation today to the Council of Judges. Kuratas stated he misses teaching in the classroom and so with the Councils blessing Kuratas resigned and handed over his position to his daughter Sandi Kuratas who is well known to the council. She will carry on her fathers legacy as the first female SIO ever in Gig em Aggie History. And with a new SIO the first duty SIO Kuratas did was ask for a grant of $10 billion Reveille's to renovate the old Intelligence department building and bring it into the modern age. Kuratas will keep her fathers legacy alive but more importantly she will start working on building her legacy own in history. This is Sandi Kuratas after a major terror attack off world doctors saved her by implanting her brain into a new highly advanced robotic body.

Tiberius Kirk pictured here to the right.The position held by Jennifer Amber Clarke is being re organized to improve efficiency and organizational structure within the Council of Judges. In her place comes Tiberius Kirk who's job is just the same as Clark's but named differently.

This is Mandy Craft the Director of the Chief Justice. After several secret meetings and off record talks the council of Judges a new position has been created on the council. The Director of the Chief Justice will work in the office of the Chief Justice as another assistant alongside the intern of the Chief Justice. The honor of the first seat holder goes to Mandy Craft. Mandy previously worked as the director for Systems Analytics & Research in downtown Kyle. Mandy is in fact related to the Justice Rachel Pepper as Mandy is her niece. Mandy is also more associated with the younger generation of Gig em Aggies and this is why Mandy was appointed to help the Chief, and give a younger feel to the air. Mandy's position was not approved by the Chief Justice but it was approved by his wives Rachel and Rebecca who talked it over with their daughters and some other members of the council. This happened to give the Chief Justice more time to spend with his family as he was being overworked and never really had time at home.

Today in the Council chambers, the Council of Judges appointed #51 to the spot of CIS who oversees all intelligence operations across the Empire as well as training hand picked police and military personnel to become body guards for the Council of Judges and more importantly the Chief Justice. Chief #51 took over for Judge McAdam's and her daughter Camilla. #51 is the first non-humanoid in history to be elected to the Council of Judges.

This is Lt S Jiu-Tsu who after serving years in the Imperial Special Service in some of the worst area's of the Empire was selected by the council to take over Chairman Kathryn W Sauropo's seat. Chairman Jiu-Tsu falls under the leadership of Justice Rachel Pepper who heads the military side of the council.
This is Admiral Krennic he is from the tropical planet of Scarif upon graduating from Scarif Military Academy he entered into the Aggie Navy as an intelligence specialist he rose to prominence in the battle of Jedda when he helped the Aggie Navy Seal Team 6 kill Han Solo one of the terrorist leader & capture the 4 other living terrorist leaders Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Jane Erso, Chewbacca. Years after he attained the rank of Admiral and commanded the Scarif Sector of the Empire to great efficiency now with the retirement of Judge Chelsea Park, Chief Justice Pepper sent an invite to Admiral Krennic to become the new Secretary of the Navy. With his wife's blessing Admiral Krennic accepted the offer and was sworn in on the steps of the Capitol Building in front of his family and the other judges along with a big crowd of citizens.

This is Kacy Scarlett Johansson the newly appointed Chief of Immigration for Gig em Aggies. She takes over for Judge Kelly Walker after she retired from service and returned to her homeworld. Judge Johansson was born to a prominent family of royalty in one of Das Schmutzige Huhns off world colonies, with her past Judge Johansson fell in line ideologically with the Royals a sub group of judges within the Council of Judges. This Ladi Newport the new Secretary of State for Gig em Aggies. She will be the second in command for Chief Diplomat Amy Lawyer. In a rare move by the council after numerous meetings and discussions behind closed doors Ladi Newport is the first person born into a lower class family to hold a position on the council and in any government office since it is against law for any commoner especially the poor to hold any public office. Ladi was the daughter of a factory worker and a radio host mother. Ladi's mother won custody over her after her dad and mom divorced they moved to reveille city from Los Houston a small town in a predominantly Latin part of the country. Ladi and her mother become upper middle class when her mother married Sir Arthur Newport the owner of the Newport Islanders Football team.

This is Kelly Daft the 19 year old Multi-billionaire owner of the legendary Team Lotus.
Kelly Daft she was appointed as Personal Advisor of the Chief Justice which replaces the spot of Chief Intern with the retirement of Megal Steel. Kelly Daft is no stranger to the Chief or the media as she is the owner of Team Lotus. She is also the youngest multi-billionaire at age 19. Kelly Daft will still keep ownership of the team but she will leave the managerial duties of the team to her father. Kelly Daft will live with the Chief Justice until her house is finished. Some are not happy with the appointment of Kelly Daft but no one will challenge her position because of the retaliation that may be brought by the Chief Justice.

Chief of Security Gurney Halleck he is the new Chief of Security he Replaces Judge Callaghan after she stepped down for personal reasons. Halleck is the Legendary commander of the Fleet Special Operations Group Detachment V "Steel Dragons" who managed to fend off several thousand enemy troops from over running a crucial military base.

This is Emilia Lawyer the daughter of Chief Diplomat Amy Lawyer was sworn in today in the council chamber as the new Chief Diplomat after her mother stepped down. Emilia is 26 years old firmly placing her in the Young Judges. Emilia stated to RNNews " I hold the career of my mother in high respect but as the new Chief Diplomat I must forge my own career with the ways of diplomacy" Emilia has been a Reveille City Party worker for 6 years hashing out disputes with tribal natives and advanced settelers on Primus Majorus V which she stated that this was what lead to her appointment. Emilia Lawyer although being born from a different mother on a different planet she is in fact a long lost sister to Jennifer Amber Clarke.

After reviewing the proposed 3015-3016 budget it's been noted that Trade Minister Gretching has had raises when performance levels dropped to all time low of 34% that is why Chief Justice D R Pepper had forcibly retired Gretching. In accordance to previous re-appointments the Chief renamed Gretchings old position and in her place the Chief Appointed Lady Little Boots as the first holder of the Chief Trading Officer title. Lady Little Boots is of royalty she is the princess of the Botot Cluster which was previously the planet of Bototo which is now a cluster of asteroids around a star 89.99 million light years away. CTO Boots is 26 putting her firmly in the Young Judges sub group. Along with her appointment she convinced the Chief Justice to bring her long time friend on to the council as well so the Chief appointed Heather Kitty who is the daughter of Jorge Kittyak Provincial Governor of Aswarm an Aggie colony as the Port Security Executive to oversee the entire safety and security of the nations ports which include Air, Sea, and Space ports. In the council sub culture Boots & Kitty decided not to join the Young Judges but set up a new sub group called the Royals and this has created some rifts between them and the Young Judges. This is CTO Little Boots examining a new trade monitoring system on the trading floors in the city of Kyle.

Today while on vacation in the city of Kyle under the reqeust of a couple of his daughters the Chief Justice appointed Lucy Romanov as the Director of Sports and Entertainment for the country. Her job is to operate and control all sporting events in the country. Also today Katy Stations was appointed as the secretary of public relations her main concern is with the sport industry because Director Romanov is her boss but Secretary Stations also works public relations for the military, government, and several celebrities and famous people. This is Director Lucy Romanov after some digging Director Romanov is one of several nieces of Chief Justice D.R Pepper that are in positions of power. This is Secretary Katy Stations she is the first woman and person of middle eastern and Indian decent to be appointed to a position on the council of judges.

Secretary Clara Rivers due to personal issues on her home planet has resigned her commission as the Chief Spy instructor for Gig em Aggies, after a lengthy tear-filled meeting with Chief Justice D. R Pepper and Justice Pepper behind closed doors she was granted the resignation and given a good farewell her last remarks to the council was " I am sorry I couldn't continue serving with the best group of people I've known in my life but as I move back home I will always hold onto each and every memory I had with yall forever" and with that Clara Rivers stepped out of the council Chambers and onto a transport back to her home planet. In her absence the Chief Justice appointed a new team of 4 people to alleviate the stresses of Clara's job those four people include Asimo Kuratas's brother Qrio Kuratas as Team Lead, Yber Sams Harrelson as the hat wearing psychologist, Amanda Aeon Wedish as the Master Spy, Arras Franco as the Master Computer Expert. Qrio Kuratas second from the right, Yber Sams Harrelson far right, Amanda Aeon Wedish second from the left, Arras Franco far left.

This is Lily "Mila" Ellison daughter of former Communications Secretary Natasha Ellison. Mila graduated from Univeristy of Reveille City at age 22 with a degree in Communication Engineering upon her mothers retirement she offered herself up for the job to the council and in a small contest she won and now is the new Communications Secretary. Her real first name is Lily but she's been called by her nickname of Mila her entire life.

To replace David S Scott the Council unanimously chose Frank A Vinci the CEO of World Banking Security Inc. in negotiations Vinci was able to convince the council to let him keep his position of CEO at WBS Inc. but on a part time basis. But that wasn't the end of the shake up in the Federal Reserve as the Reserve Chair Wendy Amber Scott found out about her husbands misdeeds and infidelity she came to the council for marriage counseling which led her to be granted a divorce from David Scott her husband of 3 years. Not to long after the divorce people began to see Fed Reserve Chair Wendy Amber and new Fed Police Chief Frank Vinci dating then 6 months after the whole "Scott Sex Scandal" Wendy Amber and Frank Vinci married on the beach in Villa Del Rise in a private ceremony w/the entire council in attendance. Fed Reserve Chair Wendy Amber Vinci helped move her new husband into her home where they immediately began renovations to get rid of anything to do with the Scott name.

Former Chief Executive Riley Helios of the Citizens Research Institute stepped down in one of the councils annual meetings. In her place they put The Promethean as he is known who has had extensive history in cloning and genetics on his home world prior to this appointment. Chief Executive Prom will over see all the research that the institute and it's facilities all over the empire does.

This is Judge Lady Amelia she is the new head of the Nuclear Medicine Research Center she was recently appointed as the new Science Advisor for all of Gig em Aggies. She is also the first Nightwalker to be elected to the council she only accepted the position if she can do her work at night or in a lab in space away from sunlight and have a stand in for her at council meetings held during the day, to which the council had no problems with. She is not allergic to sun light she just prefers to work at night since her home world is in a tidal lock one side in light the other in dark. She was born in the dark but she is slowly building up to working in more daylight to make it easier for her staff and the council.

After the Death of Judge Wae in a weapons test off world the Council put Chief Armory Officer Darius Rogue in her place as the new Chief Weapons Officer for the entire military instead of just one branch. He retained Judge Diamond because as he puts it "she's good at her job why remove her"
This is Eve Diamond Chief Procurement officer of Gig em Aggies. Judge Diamond's job is to purchase all weapons and equipment from manufacturers and other nations while Judge Rogue's job is to transport test, and design weapons for the Galactic Empire.

This is Ebony Maw he is the replacement for Jessica Baron after she retired. The position was created after the Chief Justice merged the Secretary of War and Advisor General positions. Ebony Maw served as a Minister of the Arts on his home planet before joining the Council of Judges. The arts were rather about the regulation and control of magic and other magic like forces instead of paintings and sculptures. With his appointment as the Chief Conflict Officer the Council as well as the Chief Justice hopes he can bring even more order to the empire especially on the outer rim where local warlords still are the favor by a slim margin.This is Macy Hart she is the new Chief Recruiting Officer for the military. Judge Hart is the replacement for Kendal Über after Judge Über received a promotion by Chief Justice. Über's father is in fact the owner of Über Technologies a massive corporation which manufactures electronic components and systems and who's main customer is the military. This let Kendal Über get preferential treatment for the new position. Judge Hart became the new Chief Recruiting Officer which is a demotion after she did ----------REDACTED------------- to the Chief Justice as part of her punishment Judge Hart may not have any contact with her daughter's she had with the Chief Justice. Judge Hart now lives in Judge Über's old house, Judge Hart's twin sister Judge Annabelle Hart who is the CMO didn't like what her sister did and sided with the Chief Justice but she still loves her sister.

This is Fleet Secretary Leto Atreides after 10 years of service as the Area Commander of the Special Operations Group Detachment V "Steel Dragons". Atreides went from an Area Commander to the commander of all the Imperial fleets as the new Fleet Secretary. He now is the second in command of the Secretary of the Navy.
This Ashton Stanley during her years as a famous fashion model. Ashton Stanley was born in the country of Israel on a small significantly less advanced planet called Earth which is around 90,000,000-120,000,000 light years away. Not much is known about Ashton's life since planet Earths technology is considered to be the least advanced in the known universe. Ashton arrived here at Gig em Aggies when she disappeared from her Tel Aviv to LA plane with 450 people. She was the only one missing from the flight, no one reported any doors or hatches being opened mid flight and video cameras and flight attendant testimonies state Ashton did get on the plane and was served a snack mid flight. On Earth she was declared dead, after her arrival in Gig em Aggies she was frightened but then settled into her new life. After becoming a fashion model again here Ashton was given the position of Fleet Under Secretary who is the second in command of the Fleet Secretary. Some have questioned the Chiefs appointment of a foreigner with no military experience, but no one questioned him and just dealt with it. Soon after writing up her paper work detailing her life in Gig em Aggies and where she was born the council noticed Ashton's memory of her old life fading as she got more and more used to her new life and surroundings
