by Max Barry

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The Galactic Empire of
Iron Fist Consumerists

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Higher Education

1.) Name: University of Reveille
Location: Reveille City
Colors: Pine Green & Grey
Mascot: Sauropods
Stadium: Reveille Field

2.) Name: Reveille City University
Location: Reveille City
Colors: Garnet Red & Pale Smoke
Mascot: Collies
Stadium: Garnet Park

3.) Name: University of Kyle
Location: Kyle
Colors: Sangria & Coal Black
Mascot: Crocodiles
Stadium: Kyle Field

4.) Name: Coastal State University
Location: Villa Del Rise
Colors: Sand, Sky Blue
Mascot: Leatherbacks
Stadium: CSU Stadium

5.) Name: Johannssonville State University
Location: Johannssonville
Colors: Blood Red & Black
Mascot: Widows
Stadium: Johannssonville Stadium

6.) Easterwood Central University
Location: Easterwood
Colors: Tan & Gold
Mascot: Eagles
Stadium: Eagle Field

7.) Name: Maroon Park State University
Location: Maroon Park
Colors: Maroon & White
Mascot: Marauders
Stadium: Council House Stadium

8.) Name: University of Morganville
Location: Morganville
Colors: Amber & Burgundy
Mascot: Rum Runners
Stadium: Captain Morgan Stadium

9.) Name: Olsen State University
Location: Olsen
Colors: White & Lagoon Green
Mascot: Owls
Stadium: Olsen Field

10.) Name: Rellis Southern University
Location: Rellis
Colors: Army Green & Khaki
Mascot: Rangers
Stadium: Camp Rellis Stadium

11.) Name: Natasha State University
Location: Natasha
Colors: Charcoal & Dark Red
Mascot: Red Guardians
Stadium: Red Room Field

12.) Name: Panem University
Location: Panem
Colors: Midnight Blue & Ice Blue
Mascot: Peacekeepers
Stadium: Peacekeeper Field

13.) Name: University of The Monuments
Location: Monument Park
Colors: Gray & Cream
Mascot: Masons
Stadium: Foundry Field

14.) Name: Caneck University
Location: Caneck
Colors: Slate & Celadon
Mascot: Cobras
Stadium: King Stadium

15: Name: Southern Reveille University
Location: Southern Reveille City
Colors: Yellow & Orange
Mascot: Suns
Stadium: Suns State Field
