by Max Barry

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Highest Crime Rates: 2,886thLargest Agricultural Sector: 3,724thMost Rebellious Youth: 4,547th
The Republic of
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Population681 million



The Republic of Farki is a huge, efficient nation, notable for its rum-swilling pirates, otherworldly petting zoo, and multi-spousal wedding ceremonies. The hard-nosed, democratic population of 681 million Farkians hold their civil and political rights very dear, although the wealthy and those in business tend to be viewed with suspicion.

The relatively small, liberal, outspoken government prioritizes Industry, although Administration, Education, and Healthcare are also considered important, while Spirituality and Law & Order receive no funds. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Albí. The average income tax rate is 12.9%, but much higher for the wealthy.

The frighteningly efficient Farkian economy, worth 77.9 trillion Francs a year, is fairly diversified and led by the Information Technology industry, with major contributions from Retail, Tourism, and Beef-Based Agriculture. Black market activity is notable. Average income is an impressive 114,322 Francs, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 2.3 times as much as the poorest.

The television adaptation of Jennifer Government is the most popular program in the nation, the nation's biggest export is stupidity, sofas are perpetually on sales that Must End Soon, and clergy who start talking about politics are forced to take a holy vow of silence. Crime, especially youth-related, is pervasive, probably because of the absence of a police force. Farki's national animal is the Falcon, which is also the nation's favorite main course.

Farki is ranked 280,475th in the world and 11th in Perdita for Nicest Citizens, with 3.13 average smiles per day.

Highest Crime Rates: 2,886thTop
Largest Agricultural Sector: 3,724thMost Rebellious Youth: 4,547thLeast Corrupt Governments: 6,042ndRudest Citizens: 6,310thHighest Disposable Incomes: 7,207thLargest Retail Industry: 9,957thMost World Assembly Endorsements: 11,535thLargest Publishing Industry: 13,311thTop
Most Secular: 19,136thHighest Food Quality: 21,482ndMost Beautiful Environments: 21,953rdMost Cultured: 22,813thMost Extensive Civil Rights: 24,454thMost Armed: 24,852ndMost Subsidized Industry: 27,137thSmartest Citizens: 27,279thMost Advanced Public Transport: 27,468thHighest Drug Use: 28,913thLargest Information Technology Sector: 29,842ndMost Inclusive: 31,056thMost Efficient Economies: 31,162ndLargest Trout Fishing Sector: 32,707thLargest Pizza Delivery Sector: 33,378thHighest Poor Incomes: 33,554thMost Politically Free: 34,220th
Most Armed: 1st in the regionHighest Crime Rates: 1st in the regionLargest Pizza Delivery Sector: 1st in the regionHighest Drug Use: 1st in the regionLeast Corrupt Governments: 1st in the regionLargest Agricultural Sector: 1st in the regionMost Politically Free: 1st in the regionMost Rebellious Youth: 1st in the regionLargest Black Market: 1st in the regionMost Extensive Civil Rights: 1st in the region

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:

  • : Following new legislation in Farki, clergy who start talking about politics are forced to take a holy vow of silence.
  • : Following new legislation in Farki, sofas are perpetually on sales that Must End Soon.
  • : Following new legislation in Farki, the nation's biggest export is stupidity.
  • : Following new legislation in Farki, the television adaptation of Jennifer Government is the most popular program in the nation.
  • : Following new legislation in Farki, from the highest mountain to the deepest cave - one can always count on finding a good cell signal in Farki.
  • : Following new legislation in Farki, travelers often bring empty plastic bottles on Air Farki flights to avoid the pay lavatories.
  • : Following new legislation in Farki, Farki's heavy congestion charges are the bane of motorists' lives.
  • : Farki was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Most Advanced Public Transport.
  • : Following new legislation in Farki, blackface performers claim they are being deliberately ironic.
  • : Following new legislation in Farki, soldiers find that home gadgets and power tools are more effective as improvised weapons than the guns they've been issued.


World Assembly

Endorsements Received: 3 » Kizab, Duncan Isles, and Alaniann.
