A new Chapter
We had to come from somewhere. We had to start from scratch. A new frontier, of a sort.My name here isn't too important. I am simply myself. I decided to create a new land for a people, those outcast and condemned by others. I wanted to keep a hands-off approach: step in where necessary, and allow the population to find their own solutions. Unfortunately, the population isn't terribly responsible. And neither am I, in all fairness.
We went through several thoughts on who we were and what we stood for. Eventually, we figured it out. We were Esurio, a nomadic people. We created Rostygold to barter with, the glittering red gold like the blood we shed, materialised into something solid. Our national animal would be the Barguest, headless, stalking entity of death. And we would Seek Into the Darkest Well, and find all our answers, even if it would destroy us.
As one, we will march into that Crimson Dawn, like a candle that will someday end.
Our Story starts today.