by Max Barry

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Largest Trout Fishing Sector: 451stLongest Average Lifespans: 23,359thMost Politically Apathetic Citizens: 26,066th
The Empire of
Iron Fist Consumerists
The Legion is order
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Overview Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards

Crimson Legion7

Population2.052 billion

CapitalPotentia indissolubilis


The Empire of Crimson Legion7 is a massive, efficient nation, notable for its sprawling nuclear power plants, compulsory military service, and frequent executions. The hard-nosed, cynical population of 2.052 billion Crimson Legion7ians are kept under strict control by the oppressive government, which measures its success by the nation's GDP and refers to individual citizens as "human resources."

The large, corrupt, well-organized government juggles the competing demands of Defense, Healthcare, and Law & Order. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Potentia indissolubilis. The average income tax rate is 59.0%, and even higher for the wealthy.

The powerhouse Crimson Legion7ian economy, worth 165 trillion Crins a year, is quite specialized and dominated by the Trout Farming industry, with significant contributions from Tourism, Book Publishing, and Door-to-door Insurance Sales. State-owned companies are reasonably common. Average income is 80,673 Crins, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

Leader has just been declared ruler of Crimson Legion7 in an international press conference, the government has declined to declare any particular religion as its 'official' one, construction workers evacuate work sites after finding sharp rocks on the ground, and school children asked "what is two times two?" are likely to form a symposium to discuss how different answers make them feel. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Crimson Legion7's national animal is the Lion, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests.

Crimson Legion7 is ranked 74,651st in the world and 97th in Sophia for Highest Average Tax Rates, with 58.98 Effective Tax Rate.

Largest Trout Fishing Sector: 451stTop
Longest Average Lifespans: 23,359thMost Politically Apathetic Citizens: 26,066thMost Cheerful Citizens: 26,827thHealthiest Citizens: 27,028thMost Extensive Public Healthcare: 28,091stBest Weather: 32,398th
Largest Trout Fishing Sector: 2nd in the regionTop
Healthiest Citizens: 25th in the regionLongest Average Lifespans: 27th in the regionMost Extensive Public Healthcare: 27th in the regionMost Politically Apathetic Citizens: 27th in the regionTop
Most Corrupt Governments: 32nd in the regionMost Advanced Defense Forces: 35th in the regionBest Weather: 38th in the regionHighest Poor Incomes: 43rd in the regionMost Advanced Law Enforcement: 46th in the regionMost Cheerful Citizens: 47th in the regionLowest Crime Rates: 48th in the regionMost Popular Tourist Destinations: 50th in the regionMost Eco-Friendly Governments: 52nd in the regionMost Stationary: 54th in the regionMost Developed: 55th in the regionHighest Economic Output: 55th in the region

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:

  • : Crimson Legion7 was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Most Cheerful Citizens.
  • : Following new legislation in Crimson Legion7, school children asked "what is two times two?" are likely to form a symposium to discuss how different answers make them feel.
  • : Following new legislation in Crimson Legion7, construction workers evacuate work sites after finding sharp rocks on the ground.
  • : Crimson Legion7 was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Best Weather.
  • : Following new legislation in Crimson Legion7, the government has declined to declare any particular religion as its 'official' one.
  • : Following new legislation in Crimson Legion7, Leader has just been declared ruler of Crimson Legion7 in an international press conference.
  • : Crimson Legion7 was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Most Extensive Public Healthcare.
  • : Following new legislation in Crimson Legion7, the government snoops on private internet connections.
  • : Following new legislation in Crimson Legion7, coffee-addicted citizens look forward to baristas getting their name wrong at local coffee shops.
  • : Following new legislation in Crimson Legion7, history textbook pages are used as impromptu tissues by distraught students.

