Office of Operations: Official Dispatch
The Operations Centre, currently headed by The Shadow Council of Chacapoya, is responsible for keeping Refugia safe from internal and external problems. They oversee the the region's response to the various menaces that may emerge throughout the year, whether that be annual site-wide events like N-Day and Z-Day or more direct threats. Given their limited but incredibly important focus, the Ops Councillor and any Wards they appoint are given the power to eject and ban nations when necessary, and to limit entry to the region in times of unease or when necessary.
The primary responsibility of the Operations Councillor is maintaining the safety of the region. Historically, Refugia has been a safe and drama-free region, something in which the entire council has had and continues to have a direct role. The Ops Councillor, however, holds a unique position within the council, the responsibility of identifying and removing threats. They are responsible for keeping watch over the RMB, ejecting and/or banning any nation that is actively harassing others, promoting hateful speech, or otherwise causing problems. Simultaneously, they are responsible for preventing hostile nations from infiltrating and harassing the region's discord server. To accomplish this, the office often keeps an eye on events going on in NationStates, whether that be the current dynamics of raiding or ongoing Antifa operations. It is unlikely that Refugia will be raided- we aren't a good target because of our active founder and neutral r/d status (maintaining friendships with both raider-aligned and defender-aligned regions). That being said, it's never impossible.
The Operations Councillor is further required to develop and maintain a list of sleeper nations within the region. Sleeper nations are defined as proxy nations maintaining a presence in Refugia for the sole purpose of accruing influence without participating in the community. Often, these are simply used to access our regional chat, which requires residency within the region. Unregistered sleepers are sleeper nations that have not reported their identity or reason for residence to the Operations Councillor, and are ejected from the region upon being discovered.
The Operations Councillor can also appoint (per RRS 7(d)(vi)) Wards, essentially deputized Member States, to assist them in their duties. Wards are given the ability to eject and ban nations as well, and answer to the Ops Councillor directly. This allows, potentially, round-the-clock coverage to ensure someone harassing others on the RMB is dealt with even if the Ops Councillor is asleep or not online. These Wards can also assist in scanning for unregistered sleepers and follow goings-on on the site that the Operations Councillor might not be aware of.
The Ops Councillor is also responsible for leading Refugia during sitewide events. There are two annual events on NationStates that allow nations to join alliances and participate in an ongoing game, and then there will usually be something produced last second for April Fool's Day that disappoints between 30% and 100% of players.