The Council and Rumors of Their Rise to Power
The Council, the utmost Citizens among Citizens, have many rumors swirling about their origin, and how they were able to come into such trust of our Glorious Leader, to lead the country themselves.I am here to put some of those rumors to rest.
Despite what you have heard, no, Council members are indeed human, and do not subsist off of human flesh. Instead, they subsist off of the environment, and the strength of our environment directly corresponds to their power. So please ignore anyone saying a Council member sucked the life from their friend; they are lying, and it was most likely a vampire or elf.
The Council possesses no magical powers of their own, but have been rumored to control a cadre of magicians who do their bidding.
This is patently absurd.
The Council merely spends vast amounts of Flits on mercenaries and secret police, to achieve the same effect, with much less effort.
And for anyone wondering as to why our currency, named for our national animal, has been replaced with said animal, the Council are just very enamored with the little beasts.
We apologize for any discomfort this may have caused, especially with the 1:1 exchange rate.
Farewell, and watch the windows,
A. F. Enrester, Acting Councilor of Communication and Public Relations.