The Confederacy of Celtic Nations is a gargantuan, environmentally stunning nation, notable for its parental licensing program, keen interest in outer space, and stringent health and safety legislation. The compassionate, devout population of 16.552 billion Celts are highly moralistic and fiercely conservative, in the sense that they tend to believe most things should be outlawed. People who have good jobs and work quietly at them are lauded; others are viewed with suspicion.
The large government prioritizes Welfare, with Education, Social Policy, and Industry also on the agenda. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Cardiff. The average income tax rate is 47.1%.
The thriving Celtic economy, worth a remarkable 1,054 trillion pounds a year, is fairly diversified and led by the Uranium Mining industry, with significant contributions from Trout Farming, Tourism, and Woodchip Exports. Black market activity is extensive. State-owned companies are common. Average income is 63,678 pounds, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 4.1 times as much as the poorest.
People who tease dwarfs are being cut down to size, edgy teens know that illegal discos are where the cool cats hang, Leader is called 'Patches' at international summits, and videogames like 'Equalia: Knights of Self-Confidence' are proving inexplicably unpopular. Crime, especially youth-related, is relatively low, despite the fact that it is difficult to make it through a day without breaking one of the country's many laws. Celtic Nations's national animal is the wolf, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests.
Celtic Nations is ranked 107,215th in the world and 15th in Lennart for Highest Average Tax Rates, with 47.12 Effective Tax Rate.
National Happenings
Most Recent Government Activity:
- : Following new legislation in
Celtic Nations, videogames like 'Equalia: Knights of Self-Confidence' are proving inexplicably unpopular.
- : Following new legislation in
Celtic Nations, Leader is called 'Patches' at international summits.
- : Following new legislation in
Celtic Nations, edgy teens know that illegal discos are where the cool cats hang.
- : Following new legislation in
Celtic Nations, people who tease dwarfs are being cut down to size.
- : Following new legislation in
Celtic Nations, minorities play dumb to get more welfare payments.
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Celtic Nations was ranked in the Top 5% of the world for Largest Mining Sector.
- : Following new legislation in
Celtic Nations, careless Maxémon Trainers have been the cause of numerous search and rescue operations.
- : Following new legislation in
Celtic Nations, pollution is on the rise along with government approvals of fracking projects.
- : Following new legislation in
Celtic Nations, the government has ordered a moratorium on referenda.
- : Following new legislation in
Celtic Nations, the nation's police officers are famously miserable-looking.