by Max Barry

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The Heliosystem

The Heliosystem

The Heliosystem is the solar system Strangereal and its moon are located in, for thousands of years now mankind has looked on towards the heavens from the planets face. Yet only recently have its inhabitants managed to leave behind its powerful gravitational pull to land on the surface of the moon.

The Sun

The sun is the center of the Heliosystem and the star that all of its planets orbit. It is a massive ball of fire millions of degrees hot, warming and lighting many of the planets in the Heliosystem



IX is the closest planet to the sun and circles around it in a mere 80 days, due to its proximity to the sun its surface is always scorched by its heat, its surface covered in vulcanos and lava and no life could possibly exist on it.



Caladan is the second closest planet to the sun and circles it in 150 days, a freezing cold rock planet with a toxic environment unsuitable for life of any kind.


Hydrea and its moon

Hydrea is the third planet from the sun and orbits it in 220 days, billions of years in the past Hydrea was as close to Strangereal as the moon is today, and as such for centuries scientists thought it to be a second Strangereal, protected from the sun by its clouds. But in recent years images by satellites and a rover landing by the IBSA confirmed that; despite its closer proximity to the sun and its abundance of water, no life is suitable on Hydrea. Its deep saline abyss oceans can sustain no life.
It has one moon, Tupile which despite its proximity to Hydrea is but an empty frozen wasteland of rock and ice.


Strangereal and the Moon

Strangereal is the fourth planet from the sun as well as the homeplanet of all known intelligent life in the Heliosystem, it has a plethora of climates and takes 365 days to orbit around the sun.
Its moon despite its proximity to Strangereal is a mix of ice and rock frozen in time and filled with the scars of a billion impacts.


Arrakis and Richesse

Arrakis is the fifth planet from the sun and the closest planet to Strangereal, it orbits the Sun in 430 days. Its surface is covered completely in sand with a total lack of water, due to its low atmosphere the days are scorching hot as the nights are freezing cold. Several years back an expedition by the IBSA to Arrakis confirmed the presence of life, massive sand worms stalk the dunes, how or why has not been discovered as the expedition members had to leave very quickly due to an error in one of the spacesuits, however more expeditions are planned for the future. It has one moon, Richesse, which is covered in ice according to satellite images and is slightly larger than Strangereals moon.


Joviana and its moons

Joviana is the sixth planet from the sun and the largest in the Heliosystem, however there are debates on whether or not to classify Joviana as a planet due to it being a gas giant instead of a solid planet. Joviana has four moons, Titania, Urupa, AO and Janimade. Interestingly enough Titania and Urupa are located on nearly the same distance from Joviana albeit on different levels, both orbiting at roughly the same speed, 180 days, with Joviana itself orbiting around the sun in over 13 years.
Janimade and AO are the two outer moons of Joviana, orbiting the giant in 340 and 310 days respectively.
