by Max Barry

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"Marriage". What is it, anyway? A symbol of love, but to whom, really? The lovers or everyone else? Love does not need to be broadcast for one to be committed to another. A ring, a ceremony, who needs them really, when you love another? True expression of love needs neither. The only people that matter are you and they, be they singular or many. Too many people use the institution of marriage to try to dictate what love is and how it's expressed. To whom does it matter how you express your love with another sapient being, really? What business is it of anyone's to tell anyone how to love? I need no validation and neither should anyone, unless they themselves would wish it from others. Love does not need marriage. It needs no symbols but the ones you yourself give to your lover. True love transcends all. You need no one but yourself and those you surround yourself with. And is why I love love.

This has been a manifesto from a mad, raving hyper-romantic woman.

The Vivacious Beauty of Bralia
