by Max Barry

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The Amateur Card Farmer of
Democratic Socialists

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Alt Accounts and Puppet Nations

Puppet storages that I own and manage:
BTM Puppet Storage - 49
Nothing But Cookies - 19
BTM Stats Research Facility - 14

Alt accounts in other regions:
Kastopoli Salegliari - Roses Without Thorns
Hal Ghatisemagn - The North Pacific
Profitropolis - Trading Cards
Evil BTM - MJT

In total, I have 87

Complete list because I am mentally insane:

1. Hindikubalan
2. Kastopoli Salegliari
3. Hal Ghatisemagn
4. Profitropolis
5. Evil BTM
6. Serial-Designation-V
7. Creme Republique
8. Ruby Archipelago
9. Teknocratica
10. Ark Maleveshordia
11. Sylveon 700
12. Empardia
13. Ferrauthoria
14. Ravnopravnostia
15. Shikanoko
16. Umbreon 197
17. Alastor-
18. Dustraejan
19. Serial Designation J-
20. Kaunlaria
21. Ngamesitahg Lah
22. Irailgelas Ilopotsak
23. Hilagang Mindanao
24. Koronadal
25. Akapuria
26. Rampitevitch
27. Furstenstadt
28. Wirelandistan
29. Is Mudkip an Axolotl
30. Faillonvinijemopolania
31. Khuiten Tsolgazar
32. Number Signs And Punctuation Marks
33. Darthengrad
34. Latte Cookie-
35. Tiger Lily Cookie
36. Vampire Cookie
37. Pure Vanilla Cookie
38. White Lily Cookie-
39. Sea Fairy Cookie
40. Eclair Cookie
41. Frost Queen Cookie
42. Golden Cheese Kingdom
43. Black Pearl Cookie
44. Dark Cacao Cookie-
45. Caramel Arrow Cookie
46. Snow Sugar Cookie
47. Wildberry Cookie
48. Raspberry-Cookie
49. Hollyberry Cookie
50. Moonlight Cookie
51. Cotton Cookie
52. Werewolf Cookie
53. The Boulderrock Land
54. Walaganda
55. Kurapkut
56. Krimtograd
57. Depenvar
58. Magnuranti
59. Tranpublik
60. Kapalighir
61. Ayudulong
62. Antitaxia
63. Talinugrad
64. Subsidion
65. Batasund
66. Allusugium
67. Kabaytistan
68. Alisa-Mikhailovna Kujou
69. Furret 162
70. 011 Natrium
71. 019 Kalium
72. 026 Ferrum
73. 029 Cuprum
74. 047 Argentum
75. 050 Stannum
76. 051 Stibium
77. 074 Wolfram
78. 079 Aurum
79. 080 Hydrargyrum
80. 082 Plumbum
81. -Monika
82. Sayori-
83. Natsuki-
84. -Yuri
85. Serial Designation N-
86. Uzi Doorman-
87. -Maria Mikhailovna Kujou


I need professional help
