Atkemrian-Exodian Alliance treaty
Atkemrian-Exodian alliance treaty
This treaty hereby unites the nations of Atkemri and The Democratic Exodian territories in a alliance under these terms
1.The nations of Exodia and Atkemri will have a non aggression pact.
2.Atkemri and Exodia will have a defensive pact and both will help each other countries defend themselves if attacked by a enemy whether externally or internally
3.There shall be free trade between Exodia and Atkemri.
4. A embassy shall be set up in both nations of the opposite nation.
5. There shall be a hotline between the leaders of Exodia and Atkemri in case any serious matters must be discussed immediately.
6. The terms of this treaty may be discussed at any time if one side requests it