by Max Barry

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The Hokkaido wolf

Alright, so, Hokkaido wolves are a kind of wolf that was found in Japan before going extinct in 1889 (A long time ago I know) but anything’s possible (as long as it’s legal and doesn’t go against the rules of NationStates) and unfortunately not a lot of people know about the Hokkaido wolf, which is a same considering in my opinion their beautiful. (Back to the in game universe)

The Hokkaido wolf is a protected species, hunting of it is illegal and is a crime. Hokkaido wolves are mostly found on Hokkaido island, of course, but can be found in a few other places, EX; the capital, and a few near by towns of the island. Hokkaido island is large, but not to large to have its own state government.

-Some random writer in the capital
