by Max Barry

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Orzodox pastafarianism wrote:A very good question. Maybe I can give some insight to this issue.

2. As far as I know, only Liberal Christians/Muslims and Deists believe that going to Heaven is solely based off of good works. Conservative Christians/Muslims believe that you have to be part of their religion to go to Heaven. Thus, when Conservative Christians/Muslims are trying to convert people, I think that they usually are genuinely concerned for people's souls.

Orthodox Conservative Christians do not believe that you have to be part of their religion to go to Heaven. They believe one must have a relationship with the Creator God in the person of Christ Jesus. In fact, they refrain from pressing "religion" and advocate for a correct relationship. Muslims believe accepting the religion is mandatory for one to get to heaven/paradise.

Of course, in my experience there are two kinds of groups describing themselves as "Christian". There are the "Born Again" who use the Bible to present a reason to desire relationship with Christ and the "Born Against" who use the Bible to exclude others from Christ who do not accept their twisted form of religion. But the America media will focus on the extremists found in the "Born Against" camp to discredit all Christians. As evidence for this, I submit the excessive media coverage of groups like the Westboro Baptist Church as representing Conservative and/or Orthodox Christians.

Orzodox pastafarianism wrote:2a. I truly don't know how Christians/Muslims wrap their head around the evil commandments God gives in the Bible/Quran, as well as his restrictive Heaven policies. As soon as I learned that my family members believed that 5/7 of the current human population was Hell-bound, I immediately became a Deist.

In the NT of the Christian Bible, God, in the Person of Christ Jesus, gives only two commands to His followers: (paraphrased) [1] Love God first and foremost with all that you are and [2] Love everyone else like you love yourself.

I post this not to start an argument neither do I do it to push a form of religion; I say this only to demonstrate that it is never good to assume everyone under a label is homogenous in ideology within that label.
