by Max Barry

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I Do Declare

by Sedgistan
Thu, 08 Jul 2021

This post comes courtesy of Development Manager Sedgistan.

Following on from the introduction of Development Managers, we have our second* new feature - the Security Council has gained the ability to pass Declaration resolutions.

Declarations are an opportunity to express an opinion on international affairs and obligations. What does that actually do? Well the answer is "not much" in terms of in-game effects.

But nonetheless there is a lot that can be done with a Declaration; you should never underestimate the strongly-worded letter of protest. Topics covered could range from commentary on the political situation in The South Pacific to a set of standards on the conduct of ambassadors, congratulations to Turori for their recent triumph in the 88th Football World Cup, or a call for a ceasefire in the Second Insaani Civil War.

It's up to you: make your Declaration now in the Security Council.

*If you're wondering what the first was, the Boneyard now links to a nation's Trading Cards.